Pet Loss Support in Beaverton, Oregon

dog with chin on stuffed animalLoss, including in the form of death is, a part of life. It’s not a fun part of life. It is however, an opportunity for healing. The heavy emotions that accompany such loss can be overwhelming. Loss can be a painful experience. It can be shocking and difficult to move forward after experiencing loss.

The pet loss support groups I facilitate are a safe, supportive environment where participants can share as much or as little as they would like. It can be helpful and cathartic to talk about the feelings that coincide with loss. However, I understand that not everyone is comfortable verbalizing their feelings. While sharing is a part of our group, it is not mandatory to utter a single word. Participation is intended to be supportive and non-invasive to honor whatever people are going through at varying stages of their grieving processes. Some will want to talk and others will want to listen and quietly reflect.

Following the verbal sharing, I will lead a guided meditation to help release some of the pain energy and uncomfortable emotions. I will also share techniques to validate your ability to communicate with your animal friend that has passed on.

You are spirit. You have a body. Animals and humans are spirit in bodies. Different kinds of bodies, housing unique souls. Physical bodies are mortal. Spiritual beings are eternal. We can communicate with and otherwise sense the existence of souls after they have passed. My pet loss support groups with guided meditation and animal communication are opportunities to reflect and honor loved ones, while facilitating self-healing to assist in moving forward in the grieving and letting go process.


12555 – 1st St., Beaverton, Oregon  97005

The Sage Center of Wholeness and Health is where I will be hosting my next three Pet Loss Support Groups with Guided Meditation and Animal Communication. Below is the address, dates, times and other information. Please R.S.V.P. to secure your spot by calling 619-797-0705 or emailing

Sage Center of Wholeness and Health
12555 – 1st St., Beaverton, OR

Monday, October 26 at 7:00 PM

Monday, November 16 at 7:00 PM

Monday, December 14 at 7:00 PM

Open donation, so you can pay what you can.

R.S.V.P. to secure your spot by calling 619-797-0705.

I am so, so sorry for your loss. I hope to help you however I can.

Sage Center of Wholeness and Health

the filling station logo etcWow! My last blog post was in June! I can’t believe that it has been over three and a half months since I last shared with you. With my new life choice of working full time as a pet supply store manager in Tigard, Oregon, I have not had the same amount of time to write or offer my spiritual services.

I love helping people and their animal friends with nutrition, natural health remedies and positive reinforcement training at The Filling Station Pet Supplies store. I am grateful to have this opportunity in a public, retail setting. However, it is not what I see as the foundation of what I do.

We, animals and humans are spirit. We are souls; spiritual beings. We have bodies, which are our homes on earth. Our bodies are our vessels. Our temples in which to manifest through as spirit. During a session, my first step is seeing the truth. Looking at the energy of relationships and situations. The energy is the truth underneath the words, emotions, egos, facades and behavior. Following a session, I go in whatever direction is needed. Often a psychic reading and energy healing provide enough insight and information for clients to move forward. If additional support is needed, we may look more closely at diet, ways to reduce stress or give positive reinforcement training tips. I also offer meditation instruction, counseling and pet loss support with guided meditation and animal communication. Yes! You can more consciously communicate with your companion animals too!

SageCenterLogo1-e1432847940520Now that I have relocated to Oregon, I felt it was time to find a place to offer meditation classes, group guided meditations, animal communication presentations, pet loss support groups and one-on-one sessions. The place I found is the Sage Center for Wholeness and Health in lovely downtown, Beaverton, Oregon. There I will be able to offer readings, classes, presentations and support groups. I am going to plan an open house before the end of the year for people to visit and meet me. I will post specifics, including the date once it is chosen and secured.

zen garden with massage stones and waterlilyIn addition to my in person work, I will continue to offer my long distance services remotely. Animal communication sessions, energy healings, readings, nutrition consultations, positive reinforcement training, pet loss support and recorded, guided meditations through my Wild and Tame Meditation Club are all available for anyone and everyone anywhere throughout the year. While I am planning on eventually getting a 503 area code, Portland, Oregon phone number, I am going to still keep my San Diego, California number of 619-797-0705. You can also reach me via email at

If you would like more information or to receive my free email newsletter, I just need your name and email address. Thank you for reading! Have a Wild and Tame day!

I got the job!

I look forward to continuing my work with animals and their people in the beautiful Pacific Northwest.

I look forward to continuing my work with animals and their people in the beautiful Pacific Northwest.

Long story short… I got the job! Okay. So you may not have known that I was up for a specific job, but I was and I am over the top excited that I got it!

Now for the long story, for those that enjoy details and especially those that believe, like me that everything happens for a reason and other woo-woo perspectives. 😉 It also is a great example of being in the present moment and going with the flow. What helped me to do both of those things was using the simple, powerful meditative, visualization technique of grounding!

I visited the most beautiful rest area I have ever seen just north of Grants Pass, Oregon.

I visited the most beautiful rest area I have ever seen just north of Grants Pass, Oregon.

Monday, May 25 – I crossed the border from California into Oregon. As I enjoyed the lush green trees, I kept saying to myself, “I could live here!” My actual destination was Washington State, which I loved and still love. Washington is where I lived the majority of my life. However, when I arrived at my friend’s house in Beaverton, Oregon, where I was planning to stay for just a couple of days, I decided that I should look into the possibility of living in the area, instead of continuing on to Washington. That night I looked on craigslist for job possibilities. I saw a number of jobs that I felt I might be qualified for. However, it was one job in particular that got my attention! I was very excited and felt motivated to move forward with applying.

Another beautiful site at the rest area just north of Grants Pass, Oregon.

Another beautiful sight at the well kept rest area just north of Grants Pass, Oregon.

Tuesday, May 26 – I wrote a personalized cover letter, specifically for that one position. I attached my resume and applied for that one job and only that one job. The job that I felt was made for me and perhaps was the reason I had ended up in Beaverton, Oregon.

Wednesday, May 27 – I received a phone call from the owner of the store, wanting to schedule an interview with me. Of course I said yes! It was scheduled for the following Monday.

Me and my loyal companion, Rock taking in the sights in Oregon.

Me and my loyal companion, Rock taking in the sights in Oregon.

Monday, June 1 – What a great way to start a new month, with an interview for a job I could not believe was available in the area where I was staying and the week that I had arrived! I interviewed with three animal loving people and felt that all went well, though it can be hard to tell with interviews. I decided to remain optimistic.

Tuesday, June 2 – I was called for a second interview, which was scheduled for Thursday.

Thursday, June 4 – I felt that the second interview went great. The four of us seemed like a great match! But you never know for sure and interviews can always bring up insecurities and doubt. I did my best to stay in the present moment, have faith and allow whatever was meant to be and was most beneficial to just happen. I emailed my references, as requested and then sent a thank you card to the store owner.

So excited that we will be carrying Answers Raw Goat's Milk for cats and dogs!

We will be carrying Answers Raw Goat’s Milk for cats & dogs at our store in Tigard, OR! Yay!

Tuesday, June 9 – I received a call offering me the job! The owner went over the details and I again, of course, said YES!!! I am going to be the store manager for a brand new pet supply store opening in July. It is located in Tigard, Oregon, which is less than ten minutes from where I am currently staying in Beaverton!! Coincidence? No such thing!! Did I mention that I am over the top excited?!

Wednesday, June 10 – I started my role, by helping with the interviewing process to select our retail staff. We will be doing more of that next week. Woo hoo!

So in case you were wondering, I definitely will be staying in Oregon. I will still be teaching continuing education classes in Centralia, WA in July and August at Centralia College. The commute isn’t too far. I’m sure I’ll be making other visits to Washington too, so I hope to see some of you reading this later this year!! Yay! P.S. My classes are on page five of the course catalog that can be found on this link.

Please Note: I will still be offering private, long distance animal communication sessions and readings and nutrition consultations and holistic pet care sessions. I will be doing in person appointments in Beaverton, Tigard, Gresham, Aloha, Lake Oswego, Newberg, Hillsboro, Salem and Portland, Oregon and surrounding areas, including Camas, Salmon Creek, Minnehaha and Vancouver, Washington. Remember I’ll be traveling to Centralia, WA once a week starting on July 25th too! I will also be visiting Chehalis, Olympia, Federal Way, Tacoma, Everett and Seattle, Washington and adjacent cities soon.

P.S. If you or someone you know happens to be in the Tigard/Beaverton/Portland area, I hope to see you/them at the store in July or after! I’ll keep you posted, as things unfold. Thank you for reading the long version of my story!

P.P.S. If you want to learn to meditate and experience the sometimes hard to believe results of using life changing meditation techniques like grounding, contact me! You may want to consider joining my Wild and Tame Meditation Club. More information can be found here on my website on the Meditation menu tab at this link. Join The Club! 😉

P.P.P.S. If you want to get started meditating now, visit for meditation instruction on their website. They also have books and CDs available for purchase that can be shipped to you or downloaded. Enjoy the perks of a grounded life!

Birth and Death

waves at sunset

Life is full of change, similar to the changes that occur each time a new set of waves flow on and off the sandy shore.

Today my friend’s father died at 5:45 AM. Today also happens to be my birthday. This is the day I was born, oh so many years ago. My friend and I will always remember the date, February 26, but for different reasons.

Birth and death are both transitional experiences. With birth, the soul transitions into the body and the earth plane. In death, the soul permanently leaves its particular body and transitions back into the spiritual realm.

dog with chin on stuffed animal

While we can look at physical, scientific and medical reasons why a body lives or dies, it is actually the soul that determines this difference. It is the soul and its energetic presence that gives the body life. It is the departure of this same being that creates the experience of death.

Adjusting to a new life, whether our own or an addition to our own, as with the birth of a child, takes time. Processing the occurance of death also takes time. It is important to allow our body the time to process, reflect and grieve. There are a number of emotions one might experience related to a death; grief, sadness, depression, anger, guilt.

Bodies feel. They experience pain, sadness, grief, as well as lighter emotions, such as joy.

Bodies feel. They experience pain, sadness, grief, as well as lighter emotions, such as joy.

Our reaction to each death experience may have similarities, but also differences. Depending on our relationship with the soul that has passed, the intensity of our emotional response may differ. If you are a close relative, friend or caregiver, for example. These particular roles may evoke different feelings than those of a casual acquaintance, Facebook friend or stranger. If you are both a family member and the caregiver, there will be a unique intensity all its own.

Caring for a loved one at the end of their life can be emotional, exhausting and overwhelming. Watching someone die or approach death can be stressful and painful, especially if suffering is involved. Because of these intense feelings their may be a sense of relief after they pass. This may be followed by guilt, due to judgment.

If we can allow our body its complete range of emotions without judgment, we can more easily move through the grieving process. Or any experience, for that matter. When we judge, fight, resist or deny our emotions, we can get stuck. This can interfere with us reaching a place of acceptance. It can take us longer to reach a place of peace with a death.

Saying goodbye to Ginger was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. Dealing with death can be a challenge for those left living.

Saying goodbye to beautiful, loving Ginger was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. Dealing with death can be a challenge for those left living. But we can do it! Allow the time and space for your healing. Be gentle and kind to yourself.

Because of my personal experiences with death and the benefit others can be to us during a time of loss, I offer help in this area. I work with both animals and people providing one on one and group grief counseling, energy healing, psychic reading and telepathic communication with the soul that has passed. Individual and group pet loss support and assistance with end of life decisions may also include guided meditation and other services.

If you or someone you know are struggling with loss, grief, pain, depression, stress, fear or anxiety related to death or any aspect of life’s many experiences, I can help! Through energy healing, psychic reading, talking and meditating, you can regain a more neutral, non-judgmental perspective of yourself, your emotions and others.

I can be reached at 619-797-0905. Peace.