The Most Important Thing

Sindi meditating

Meditation has helped me feel better, create changes, have more confidence and be happier in my life.

There are many things that are important to me. Just as there have been many experiences that have played integral parts and turning points in my life. One was the discovery of meditation. Not just meditation, but a particular style of meditation that helps the soul – the spiritual being – work consciously with the physical body. I was blessed enough to learn this form of meditation when I was 18 years old. With that said, please know that it is never too late to learn to meditate! I believe we are presented with information when we need it and are ready for it.

At the time that I was introduced to this form of meditation, I was headed down a very dark road. I was drinking alcohol to the point of blacking out, I was often in a state of depression and although I had grand ambitions, I lacked self-esteem. I wanted to accomplish certain things in my life, but didn’t believe that I could. My fears, doubts and emotional pain formed a sad state of reality for me. I wondered if I would ever be happy.

There are many forms of meditation. Instead of staring at the light of a candle outside of  yourself, as I was taught as a child, the style of meditation I practice and teach uses techniques to help you get in touch with your light within.

When I began the Meditation I class at the CDM Spiritual Center, I really didn’t know what to expect. I had heard the term meditation, but my previous introduction, as a young child didn’t resonate with me. I was bored with the idea of staring at a candle and lost interest soon after trying to sit and focus. I didn’t “get it” at that point in my life. While I was drawn to spiritual practices including attending church from the time I was a young child, I didn’t find anything that “clicked” for me. I have always had a strong awareness of God and the spiritual realm. This helped me to know that there was more than what we physically could see. Unseen, spiritual presences have always been very real for me. They are real. We just don’t live in a world that usually validates them as such.

Everything is energy. You are energy. Your aura, the energy field around you is energy. Your body is energy. Everything is energy!

Although I didn’t have many expectations of what was then presented as an eight-week class, I was as curious as an apathetic teenager could be. Before talking with the meditation teacher and signing up for the class, I received an aura healing. This was an interesting experience. I learned that day that your aura is the energy field around you and that an aura healing is a non-touch healing. It was and is a cleansing of your aura, chakras and energy system. I watched the person giving the healing walk around me assisting me to move energy and let go of whatever energy I was ready to. I remember feeling some tingles, which was me experiencing energy being stimulated and moving.

The Meditation I class I took changed my life. I love sharing this information with others. Nothing is for everyone, but I can’t help but share with others what has helped me. Maybe this form of meditation will help you too!

The day of my first class arrived! I was in the class with another young woman, who was about six years older than me. We instantly liked each other and got along great! I thought the teacher was fun and validating too. I loved everything that I was learning. It was all so real to me! All of the techniques including grounding, centering, releasing and running energy made quite an impact on me. I began to feel better, lighter and brighter. My depression and apathy starting changing into enthusiasm and joy. I was becoming a happier person. The changes that were occurring within me were truly phenomenal and it started happening in a very short period of time! The changes I was making internally led to changes externally in my physical reality. As I mentioned, I started to feel better and became happier. I additionally quit drinking cold turkey. I changed how I spent my time and who I spent it with. I started becoming excited about life. Truly excited!

If I was to sum up what that meditation class gave me, it was hope. It showed me there was a different way to experience life. I now had tools to help me out of any situation. Techniques to support me throughout my life, whether dark or light, happy or sad or simply the day-to-day experiences that we all have.

I’ve spent this blog post sharing with you the important role that meditation has played in my life. The title of this blog post is, “The Most Important Thing.” You are probably thinking that the most important thing to me is meditation. While it is extremely important and an integral part of my life, if I am to choose the most important thing that I have ever learned, or in actuality, relearned, is that I am spirit. This concept was introduced to me at CDM Spiritual Center where I learned meditation. The idea that I am spirit was revisited, confirmed and experienced first-hand in every meditation class. Why is this the most important thing? Have you ever learned this? Do you understand what it means? It is such a unique concept in this world and it is so exciting! I am spirit. You are spirit. We are all spirit. Whether we are housed in human bodies, cat, dog, bird, rabbit, fish, lizard or giraffe bodies. We don’t have a spirit or soul. We ARE spirits. We ARE souls. There is a difference.

Nor do we become spirit when when our body dies. We already are and always will be, spirit. We are NOT our bodies. Our bodies are our vessels to manifest through as spirit, spiritual beings, the souls that we are. It is through meditation that I came to fully understand what it means to be spirit. I continue to strengthen my relationship with myself, as spirit, and my physical body, through meditation. As I get to know myself and my uniqueness through meditation, I am also able to use the meditative, visualization techniques to let go of that which I no longer want. This process makes more room for what I do want in the present. Physicists have proven that everything is energy. When we let go of energy we don’t want, we make more room for energy we do want. Whether I want to let go of pain, fear, doubt, energy from the past or uncomfortable emotions or change habits, patterns, beliefs or simply enjoy life more fully, these easy-to-use, powerful meditation techniques can help. Out with the old, in with the new!

I wanted to write this blog post because I love sharing with others what has helped me. Meditation and the awareness that comes with it has helped me and continues to help me every day. Many of you have heard me say this and I may have even recommended that you consider adding meditation to your life. But, as I mentioned above, if I were to choose one thing above all else as the most important thing that I have learned in this lifetime and that I want to share with others, it is that I am spirit. You are spirit. We are all spirit. Again, you are not your body. Your physical body is your vessel, your vehicle, your temple, the home for you, the spirit. The spirit that is you. The spiritual being that is you. The soul that is you. YOU are spirit!


You’ve heard about meditation. Maybe you’ve even tried it. Perhaps you found a practice that resonates with you. If you are still searching for a form of meditation that gives you the tools to help you change your life, consider The Meditation Club. If you already have a practice, it is an opportunity to learn additional techniques to add to your meditation tool box!
Sindi meditating

Meditation has helps me to feel better, create change and be more present and content in my life.

Beginning March 2019
Receive a new, recorded, guided meditation
delivered to your email in-box once a month.
$10 per month
$50 for six months
(one month free)
To be a part of The Meditation Club,
email, call or text Sindi at 360-601-4358.

Aura Readings

Update on Services
Are you on my email mailing list? If you are, you previously learned that I am no longer doing solely animal communication and pet psychic readings. In that same newsletter I also mentioned that if I do offer them again, it will be in a different way. After several months of meditation and contemplation, I will be refocusing and working in areas where I have the most experience.
I started my energy work, healing and reading with people many years ago. It was later that I formally included animals in my practice. I have been working with animals since 2007. This year, I will be going back to my roots! In my service to people, I will help animals because the happier the person, the happier their animal friends will be. By you getting more in touch with yourself you can be more present in your life, including with your pets. Instead of just answering questions, a session with me will start with an aura reading. Your aura is the energy field around you and your body.
During an aura reading, I look at the seven main layers of your aura. Following an aura reading you can ask questions about yourself and and your life, which can include your animal friends.
Below is a drawing I made to accompany an aura reading I received a couple of weeks ago. Yes, I get them too! I received my reading at CDM Spiritual Center in Everett, Washington. It was amazing and so helpful. It reminded me how beneficial receiving this information can be. We are often so close to situations in our lives, especially things we are emotional about. It can be helpful to have a neutral, outside observer to provide insight. Plus, aura readings are really fun! I do rose/spiritual awareness and past life readings also.

An aura reading is a personalized, non-judgmental overview of what is going on with you and your life situations. This includes how you relate to the physical and survival issues, your emotions, communication, clairvoyance and more!

My intent from the beginning of when I started offering readings was to help people to get more in touch with themselves and their own information. My goal was to help humans to validate, accept and use their own abilities to communicate with animals. I believe that returning to working more predominantly with people will allow me to do what I originally intended to do. Your animal friends will still be involved! In fact, they can get aura readings too! All living things have auras!

I also still offer nutrition consulting for dogs and cats and teach meditation techniques to humans. Speaking of which, I will be starting the Meditation Club again very soon!
Thank you all for your support over the years. I hope you choose to continue to play with me, as we enjoy our mutual sharing, learning and changing. – Sindi

Animal Communication & Meditation

I have an email newsletter. If you are interested in receiving future issues in your in-box, send me your first and last name and email address and I will add you to my mailing list. In addition to helpful information for you and your animal friends, I include upcoming events I am participating in. Below is a link to my latest email newsletter.

Click this link to view my last email newsletter!

One event I am excited to share with you is my presentation at the Museum of Man in Balboa Park in San Diego, California. It will be in the afternoon (Time TBA) on Saturday, July 8, 2017. I was asked to do a talk on communicating with animals to accompany the museums, “Living with Animals” exhibit. That is all the information I have right now, but as the date gets nearer I will keep you posted. Below is a link to the exhibit page.

San Diego Museum of Man’s Living with Animals Exhibit

Sindi and Rock in Sedona near where the retreat will take place. Beautiful red rocks!

I am excited to announce another exciting event! I will be facilitating a meditation retreat in Sedona, Arizona the weekend of July 21 – 23. I am still securing all of the details, but it will include meditation instruction, guided meditations and time spent together exploring Sedona’s famous vortexes. I can’t wait! Space will be limited due to the room size, so if you are interested contact me to RSVP. Registration is open now!

619-797-0705 – call or text

It seems like a lot has already happened this year. But even so, can you believe that we are already in March? As we venture into the third month of 2017 I hope your new year is off to a great start!

Pet Loss Support

Saying goodbye to a loved one, animal or human can be challenging, regardless of the situation. It can be a healing process that is ridden with shock and often overwhelming emotions. It can seem difficult to function during these times. It is important to remember that grieving is a process. Some days and moments are more excruciating than others.

To support you during your time of grief I offer animal communication sessions and psychic readings that give insight into what is going on with your departed friend. I also offer recorded, personalized guided meditations that incorporate animal communication. The meditation techniques that I share can help to release pain and uncomfortable emotions. Meditation and psychic readings can help validate that your companion still exists, as spirit. These sessions can also help remind you that you can communicate with the soul after it passes on, leaving behind the body that served as its vessel while on earth.

You are spirit. I am spirit. All humans and animals are spirit. Spirits in bodies. When the body dies the spirit continues. Spirit, soul, spiritual being are all words that mean the same thing. The important piece to acknowledge is that we are spirit. We are not our bodes. When living on earth, we have bodies. But again, we are not our bodies.

At the time of death, the soul leaves the physical plane and enters the spiritual realm. Depending on their journey, they may reincarnate into another body to continue their focused learning on earth. They also may take a break from life on earth and spend time in the non-physical spiritual plane.

I offer in-person pet loss support groups in the Oregon and Washington state areas, as well as other parts of the country that I travel to during the year. My remote, long distance services are available to anyone, anywhere. Whether you are seeking communication through a psychic reading or could benefit from meditation or energy healing, I am here to help you. Psychic means spirit, or of the soul. My psychic readings are soul to soul communication sessions. If you are interested in receiving a reading, healing, animal communication session or guided meditation, I am available. If you would like to be notified about my upcoming pet loss support groups let me know. I can be reached by phone and email.

619-797-0705 calls and texts

503-741-1344 calls only

Thank you for reading my blog post. I hope to hear from you soon. I look forward to helping however I can. In addition to my focus on pet loss support, I help those that have had to say goodbye to people they care about. I also use my abilities to help enhance communication between souls still here on earth. Behavior issues, life and environment changes, including bring a new pet or child into the home or starting a new relationship of any kind are just some of the topics I can help with. Ask me anything! I’m here to help.

– Sindi Somers, Animal Communicator, People and Animal Psychic Reader and Healer

Pet Loss Support in Beaverton, Oregon

dog with chin on stuffed animalLoss, including in the form of death is, a part of life. It’s not a fun part of life. It is however, an opportunity for healing. The heavy emotions that accompany such loss can be overwhelming. Loss can be a painful experience. It can be shocking and difficult to move forward after experiencing loss.

The pet loss support groups I facilitate are a safe, supportive environment where participants can share as much or as little as they would like. It can be helpful and cathartic to talk about the feelings that coincide with loss. However, I understand that not everyone is comfortable verbalizing their feelings. While sharing is a part of our group, it is not mandatory to utter a single word. Participation is intended to be supportive and non-invasive to honor whatever people are going through at varying stages of their grieving processes. Some will want to talk and others will want to listen and quietly reflect.

Following the verbal sharing, I will lead a guided meditation to help release some of the pain energy and uncomfortable emotions. I will also share techniques to validate your ability to communicate with your animal friend that has passed on.

You are spirit. You have a body. Animals and humans are spirit in bodies. Different kinds of bodies, housing unique souls. Physical bodies are mortal. Spiritual beings are eternal. We can communicate with and otherwise sense the existence of souls after they have passed. My pet loss support groups with guided meditation and animal communication are opportunities to reflect and honor loved ones, while facilitating self-healing to assist in moving forward in the grieving and letting go process.


12555 – 1st St., Beaverton, Oregon  97005

The Sage Center of Wholeness and Health is where I will be hosting my next three Pet Loss Support Groups with Guided Meditation and Animal Communication. Below is the address, dates, times and other information. Please R.S.V.P. to secure your spot by calling 619-797-0705 or emailing

Sage Center of Wholeness and Health
12555 – 1st St., Beaverton, OR

Monday, October 26 at 7:00 PM

Monday, November 16 at 7:00 PM

Monday, December 14 at 7:00 PM

Open donation, so you can pay what you can.

R.S.V.P. to secure your spot by calling 619-797-0705.

I am so, so sorry for your loss. I hope to help you however I can.

Sage Center of Wholeness and Health

the filling station logo etcWow! My last blog post was in June! I can’t believe that it has been over three and a half months since I last shared with you. With my new life choice of working full time as a pet supply store manager in Tigard, Oregon, I have not had the same amount of time to write or offer my spiritual services.

I love helping people and their animal friends with nutrition, natural health remedies and positive reinforcement training at The Filling Station Pet Supplies store. I am grateful to have this opportunity in a public, retail setting. However, it is not what I see as the foundation of what I do.

We, animals and humans are spirit. We are souls; spiritual beings. We have bodies, which are our homes on earth. Our bodies are our vessels. Our temples in which to manifest through as spirit. During a session, my first step is seeing the truth. Looking at the energy of relationships and situations. The energy is the truth underneath the words, emotions, egos, facades and behavior. Following a session, I go in whatever direction is needed. Often a psychic reading and energy healing provide enough insight and information for clients to move forward. If additional support is needed, we may look more closely at diet, ways to reduce stress or give positive reinforcement training tips. I also offer meditation instruction, counseling and pet loss support with guided meditation and animal communication. Yes! You can more consciously communicate with your companion animals too!

SageCenterLogo1-e1432847940520Now that I have relocated to Oregon, I felt it was time to find a place to offer meditation classes, group guided meditations, animal communication presentations, pet loss support groups and one-on-one sessions. The place I found is the Sage Center for Wholeness and Health in lovely downtown, Beaverton, Oregon. There I will be able to offer readings, classes, presentations and support groups. I am going to plan an open house before the end of the year for people to visit and meet me. I will post specifics, including the date once it is chosen and secured.

zen garden with massage stones and waterlilyIn addition to my in person work, I will continue to offer my long distance services remotely. Animal communication sessions, energy healings, readings, nutrition consultations, positive reinforcement training, pet loss support and recorded, guided meditations through my Wild and Tame Meditation Club are all available for anyone and everyone anywhere throughout the year. While I am planning on eventually getting a 503 area code, Portland, Oregon phone number, I am going to still keep my San Diego, California number of 619-797-0705. You can also reach me via email at

If you would like more information or to receive my free email newsletter, I just need your name and email address. Thank you for reading! Have a Wild and Tame day!