
The San Diego Humane Society on Gaines St. has Doggie Cafe events for leashed dogs and their people the last Friday of every month.

Sindi Somers from Wild and Tame Wellness and Communications has been a great addition to the San Diego Humane Society and SPCA Doggie Café programs!  She has volunteered her services to provide complimentary readings for the guests at occasional Doggie Café events.  This popular addition to our Cafes has added a fun, engaging component to the evening.  Thanks, Sindi!

Stacey Zeitlin
Director of Education and Community Programs
San Diego Humane Society and SPCA
5500 Gaines Street
San Diego, CA


Jessica and Harley!

Sindi Somers is awesome! I have used many of her services from pet sitting to animal communications. There are very few people I trust with my dogs, Sindi being the front runner. Sometimes I think my dogs like her more than me!! They are always ecstatic when she comes over, and I feel great knowing that they are happy and well cared for when I am away.

I have also used Sindi’s animal communication skills on a few occasions to help understand issues with my own dogs and also a foster dog. One of my favorite stories is about a 6 month old French Mastiff/pit bull mix that was pulled from the shelter by Pit Bull Rescue San Diego. I offered to foster him, and it turned out that he was deaf and also suffered from numerous issues both physically and mentally. Being a dog trainer I was able to take care of his training needs, but there was still something missing. He continued to display difficult behavior problems and I sought out help from Sindi to help understand his motives better. Not only was Sindi’s reading insightful and freakishly accurate, but it was almost as though this dog felt understood for the first time in his life. Within a few days of the reading his behavior problems dramatically decreased and he was adopted a few weeks later. Sindi’s reading helped save his life. I highly recommend Sindi and all of her services to anyone who needs help with their pet. She is wonderful.

Jessica Wheatcraft, Certified Dog Trainer (CDT), San Diego County, California



I just had to send a quick note to you about the reading…. I was dying when you told me about my brother being a prince and being waited on hand and foot. Not because I don’t believe but because it explains SOOOOOOOO much of his current life! OMG that was the most spot on past life reading ever. And I’ve had some past life regression therapy sessions. Even before the serious medical issues he has ALWAYS been telling the family what to do, and they are doing it wrong. From where to put the forks to how to install a toilet. he would always tell us how to do things around the home but never actually do any of it himself. Not that he was lazy he just liked telling people what to do. I will see him tonight and hopefully getting time to have him hear the reading.

Thank you again!

Janet from Phoenix, AZ


Thank you so much!! It’s amazing some of the things you mentioned, especially at the beginning about my room being my safe space, bc it’s so true. I feel like as soon as I come into my room I can finally breathe again. I also sent the reading to the woman who runs the shelter, and she confirmed a lot of things about mocha and Lulu and lily’s life before they came to her. Some things she hadn’t even told me, like about lily. How she was so skinny and not in great health when the woman got her and she was always so scared she would hurt her or was trying to be way too delicate with her. And with mocha and his trauma, she mentioned there had been kids in his previous house that are loud and also that would try to hold him, and we all know how that can go with kids. Lily also really does enjoy her own personal time and space and I always let her have that. Thank you again, I really appreciate your readings and am always in awe of how accurate they are.

Jess, Ferret Mom from Alabama


muleOver the past several years Sindi has done both in person and long distance readings and healings on myself, my family members and almost every single one of my pets. The insight that she has brought to issues surrounding our family has been invaluable. My husband and I now relate to each other better, and we both relate better to the four legged creatures in our life.

Sindi has done readings on our dogs which has helped us to understand their emotional, physical and nutritional needs much better and has deepened our relationships with each of them. I should probably mention that my husband was skeptical, to say the least, of allowing a psychic to “read” him. After the very first reading we received from Sindi he became a firm believer after she tuned in to things that were dead on and she would have had no way of knowing these things other than reading our energy.

Most recently, our relationship with one of our mules became strained and we were making plans to get rid of her when my husband (of all people!) suggested contacting Sindi. Sindi did a reading and a healing on our mule and with the information she gleaned we were able to gain a more complete understanding of her history and why she was doing some of the things she was doing. Since then, we have a new respect for that mule and our relationship with her is flourishing. I absolutely cannot say enough good things about Sindi and her talent as a psychic and an energy healer.

Kelly, Dana Point, California


Nutrititious food helps animals and humans alike! Me-ow!

Hello, I am writing to say what a wonderful experience I had using the services provided by Sindi Somers. I originally asked Sindi to assist in determining why my little girl cat was exhibiting some behavioral issues. My vet could only suggest medication as a cure and I was hoping to avoid that. Sindi, in one visit, not only helped us to understand the issues the girl was having but she recognized my cats were eating food which was detrimental to their health. Both of my cats had been suffering with gastro type issues and the vet had changed their diet several times but the issues persisted. My cats have been on the foods suggested by Sindi and they have not had one gastro issue since. They have gained weight, their coats look beautiful and they love their food.

One visit by Sindi changed the lives of my cats for the better and I could not be more thankful. Her “gift” and wealth of knowledge has indeed given our little family a great gift of good health and happy cats!

Donna, San Diego, California


Clover in front of her husbun, Furrgus.

Clover in front of her husbun, Furrgus.

On Sept 5, 2013 at 2am, my sweet bunny Clover passed away unexpectedly in my arms. I was devastated. She had not been ill. She was a bit off when I got home around 5pm….and by 2am she was gone.

SDHRS (San Diego House Rabbit Society) BunnyFest was Sept 22. When I arrived, the first booth I passed was Sindi’s. I was drawn to her immediately.

Beautiful Clover.

Beautiful Clover.

My reading was so perfect and allowed me to let go of guilt about her death. It gave me closure and let me know she felt loved and safe in the short time I had her. I could not have moved on without Sindi’s help.

I have attached photos. The one with 2 bunnies is Clover and her doting husbun, Furrgus.

– April, Carlsbad, California


Nearly two years after meeting you, your work continues to heal and inspire. My reading with you in January, 2015 was not only an accurate insight into the body, thoughts, and feelings of my cat, but contained valuable information for healing me as well. I have never forgotten your words, and continue to use them to this day. Hank and I are forever better for that one Saturday session.
Your recent article, entitled “The Most Important Ingredient In A Cat’s Diet,” has been similarly transformative in our lives. Hank’s fur was looking thin, sparse, and dry; but after implementing your suggestions, his coat began softening immediately. He’s urinating much more, and is happier overall. He looks absolutely beautiful.
I am so grateful for the work that you do, and the love you have for both animals and people. I am also grateful to call you my friend, and happy to recommend you to anyone wanting a better life for themselves and their beloved animal companions. Hank and I consider you part of our family!
? from us both in Sedona, Arizona.
Sindi never ceases to amaze me with her readings! She has helped me so much with my cat who was having a hard time when my other cat passed. Sindi has helped me with some family matters also. There were several things that I had not even mentioned to her that she commented on with such accuracy it was crazy! There were a few times my husband and I just looked at each other thinking ” how could she know that”. She is truly a kind person who I feel enjoys helping people!
Penny from San Diego

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