What is an Aura and More Interesting Answers

You may be familiar with the term, aura. You may even understand the word and what it is. I would like to share my perspective of the almighty aura!

An aura, in the way I am referring to it, is an energy field. All things have auras. An aura is the energy field around “a thing,” whether a person, animal, tree, house, car or any living thing or inanimate object.

Everything is energy. You, me, the ground you walk on, the air you breathe, the food you eat, your emotions, words, thoughts and absolutely everything is a form of energy. Physicists have scientifically proven this.

Just as everything else is energy, so is an aura, which emanates from the object it  surrounds. Auras that surround the bodies and energy systems of animals and humans contain a great deal of energy and information. There are seven main layers of an aura that I focus on during an aura reading with a human or animal. There are also seven main chakras, or energy information centers that are a part of an individual’s energy system. The layers of the aura relate to the chakras. Each chakra contains specific information and has a unique purpose. For more information on the chakra system I suggest the book, “Chakras: Key to Spiritual Opening”, by Mary Ellen Flora. However, before delving into that masterpiece of a book, I recommend reading Flora’s first book or ebook, “Meditation: Key to Spiritual Awakening.” After reading her meditation book, you may find it beneficial to practice the techniques in that book, as well as on the accompanying “Meditation: Key to Spiritual Awakening” CD or audio download before moving further through her series.

Click to watch a YouTube video about auras!

Do you want to learn more about your aura? You may enjoy receiving an aura reading, which provides information about what is going on in a variety of aspects of your life; how you are relating to the physical reality, your emotions, communication, clairvoyance and more insights. I offer long distance sessions for anybody, anywhere, as well as in-person sessions throughout Washington state and Oregon, as well as the different states I travel to.

I will be in San Diego, California very soon. I am pre-booking in-person sessions for the first week of March, 2019. Contact me by email, text or phone at 360-601-4358 with questions and to schedule your aura reading and Q & A with me. Thank you!


You’ve heard about meditation. Maybe you’ve even tried it. Perhaps you found a practice that resonates with you. If you are still searching for a form of meditation that gives you the tools to help you change your life, consider The Meditation Club. If you already have a practice, it is an opportunity to learn additional techniques to add to your meditation tool box!
Sindi meditating

Meditation has helps me to feel better, create change and be more present and content in my life.

Beginning March 2019
Receive a new, recorded, guided meditation
delivered to your email in-box once a month.
$10 per month
$50 for six months
(one month free)
To be a part of The Meditation Club,
email, call or text Sindi at 360-601-4358.

San Diego Here I Come… Again!

San Diego, here I come… again and soon!!!


 I will be in San Diego County the beginning of March. I will be offering in-person sessions and home visits while I am there. Yes! It’s true!! Read more by clicking HERE to learn about my updated services. Some information is in the previous blog post about Aura Readings also. Looking forward to some funshine and I hope to see YOU while I’m in town. I can’t wait!!! 🙂
Call, text or email me to schedule an appointment for an aura reading, healing and question session for you and your animal friends.
Available session dates are below.
Saturday, March 2
Sunday, March 3
Monday, March 4
Tuesday, March 5
Wednesday, March 6
I am pre-booking sessions now. 

Aura Readings

Update on Services
Are you on my email mailing list? If you are, you previously learned that I am no longer doing solely animal communication and pet psychic readings. In that same newsletter I also mentioned that if I do offer them again, it will be in a different way. After several months of meditation and contemplation, I will be refocusing and working in areas where I have the most experience.
I started my energy work, healing and reading with people many years ago. It was later that I formally included animals in my practice. I have been working with animals since 2007. This year, I will be going back to my roots! In my service to people, I will help animals because the happier the person, the happier their animal friends will be. By you getting more in touch with yourself you can be more present in your life, including with your pets. Instead of just answering questions, a session with me will start with an aura reading. Your aura is the energy field around you and your body.
During an aura reading, I look at the seven main layers of your aura. Following an aura reading you can ask questions about yourself and and your life, which can include your animal friends.
Below is a drawing I made to accompany an aura reading I received a couple of weeks ago. Yes, I get them too! I received my reading at CDM Spiritual Center in Everett, Washington. It was amazing and so helpful. It reminded me how beneficial receiving this information can be. We are often so close to situations in our lives, especially things we are emotional about. It can be helpful to have a neutral, outside observer to provide insight. Plus, aura readings are really fun! I do rose/spiritual awareness and past life readings also.

An aura reading is a personalized, non-judgmental overview of what is going on with you and your life situations. This includes how you relate to the physical and survival issues, your emotions, communication, clairvoyance and more!

My intent from the beginning of when I started offering readings was to help people to get more in touch with themselves and their own information. My goal was to help humans to validate, accept and use their own abilities to communicate with animals. I believe that returning to working more predominantly with people will allow me to do what I originally intended to do. Your animal friends will still be involved! In fact, they can get aura readings too! All living things have auras!

I also still offer nutrition consulting for dogs and cats and teach meditation techniques to humans. Speaking of which, I will be starting the Meditation Club again very soon!
Thank you all for your support over the years. I hope you choose to continue to play with me, as we enjoy our mutual sharing, learning and changing. – Sindi