Felines First Rescue and Oregon Ferret Shelter

Felines First Rescue and the Oregon Ferret Shelter are two Oregon non-profit animal welfare organizations that are consistently helping animals in need. They will both be at The Filling Station Pet Supplies in Tigard, Oregon on Saturday, February 25 from 12:00 – 3:00 PM. Along with animals available for adoption, they will be available to answers questions and help educate about how to best care for your cat and ferret friends.

I will also be there offering mini-readings. I will be doing animal communication sessions and psychic readings with all proceeds going to Felines First Rescue and the Oregon Ferret Shelter. My one question readings are open donation, so you can give what you can! First come, first serve and your pets don’t have to be present to receive a reading. Just show up and let me do the rest! Readings are fun, informative and help to enhance the bond between you and your companion animals. I do readings for all animals, whether wild or tame, as well as people. In addition to those present in your life, I also communicate with souls that have passed on. Both animals and humans.

In addition to gaining insight into the behaviors and feelings of your pets, if you need a feline or ferret fix, or you are looking for a new friend to add to your life, consider visiting us on Saturday, February 25. Remember, there is no set amount for my readings. They are open donation with 100% of the proceeds benefiting these two awesome rescue groups.

If you have questions you can call The Filling Station Pet Supplies at 503-352-4269. Hope to see you on Saturday enjoying the felines, ferrets and fundraising to help those in need.

The Most Important Ingredient in a Cat’s Diet

Sindi visiting with the friendly residents at Friends of Cats shelter in El Cajon, CA.

Sindi visiting with the friendly residents at Friends of Cats shelter in El Cajon, CA.

The most important ingredient in your cat’s diet isn’t actually food. It’s love. Okay. While this actually is true, at least in my belief system, let me change my demeanor to one of a more serious nature and start again.

The most important ingredient in your cat’s diet isn’t actually food. It’s water. This actually is true and not true. Are you confused yet? Cats are 100% carnivores, which means that their digestive systems naturally process meat and only meat. So in reality, the most important ingredient in your cat’s diet is meat. However, the reason I filled in the blank with water is because our commercial pet food industry is producing dehydrating pellets by the tons and calling it food. Regardless of whether there is meat in the pellets or not, the fact that it is a dry food meant for cats is in and of itself potentially harmful. Why? Because, as I mentioned it is dehydrating. When a body, whether animal or human gets dehydrated it starts pulling water from wherever it can get it. Unfortunately, this means that moisture will start being depleted from the organs of that body. This, of course is detrimental. This survival technique of the body can lead to uncomfortable itchy, dry, flaky skin, as well as more serious conditions such as bladder and kidney issues.

water in glass splash

By getting to know your cat and his or her preferences, you can find ways to add additional hydration to their daily routine, including encouraging water consumption. Some cats will drink from a bowl, but you might also consider trying a glass or mug or turning on the bathroom faucet to see if they like the running water. The pet supply industry also makes water fountains and other devices that allow the water to be moving, which can motivate some cats to drink more frequently. I still recommend an all wet food diet, which would eliminate the need to drink as much, if any additional water at all.

Another survival response of the body is that it gets thirsty when it is dehydrated. This is so important because it will motivate the individual to drink liquid. This will hopefully replenish the loss of moisture in the body and if addressed soon enough will lessen the chances of permanent physical damage.

So, if you feed the dry pellets a.k.a. kibble to your cat it will hopefully drink from its water bowl to counteract the dehydration factor of the dry food. The reality though, is that if your cat is drinking from the water bowl, even if he or she is drinking a lot, most likely an adequate amount is not being drank. Why? Because cats instinctively get their water from their food. It is not a natural behavior to seek out water, even though they might at times do so. Both in a domesticated environment and in the wild. Obviously this is a problem when the majority of commercially manufactured pet food is in the form of dry, dehydrating, highly processed kibble.

Okay. Are you still with me? If it is not a natural instinct for them to drink water, how can they possibly get enough of that all important ingredient in their diet? By making sure there is plenty in their bowl. While clean, fresh water changed daily in their water bowl is essential, what I am talking about here is their food bowl!

cat drinking water from glass on kitchen counter

Nothing like a drink of water from their person’s glass to help a feline friend feel bonded! P.S. Kitchen counters are made for paws. Well in some households anyway.

Should you just dump water on their food? Well you can, but I have a better idea. Feed food that is already loaded with water, which would be referred to as wet food; fresh raw, frozen, thawed raw, cooked or canned. Cat food also comes in the form of dehydrated or freeze dried, which you need to add water to before serving. This is an alternative option for some cats. My cat, Misty is on a 100% wet food diet. But I still often add a little water to her food to add additional hydration. She also does drink from her water bowl on occasion, especially when the weather is warmer. Even though she is an indoor cat and our home stays nice and cool, the outside temperature seems to make a difference in whether or not she visits her water bowl.

Wondering how to help your cat or other pets have the highest quality of life possible? In addition to animal communication, energy healing and reading sessions, I offer personalized nutrition consultations for dogs and cats, as well as other animals. Just like with us humans, simply changing a diet can help lessen and heal a wide array of health conditions including, allergies, itchy skin, hot spots, hair loss, body sores, digestive upset, hairballs, watery eyes, arthritis, bladder infections, kidney issues, diabetes and even cancer.

Oh my gosh!!! Kittens!

Oh my gosh!!! Kittens!

If you have questions or could use some support with what you are dealing with, you can email me at sindi@apetpsychic.com or call or text me at 360-601-4358.

Thanks for reading! I look forward to helping you and your animal friends however I can. Have a wild and tame day! – Sindi

I Want to Marry YOU!

Nature is many people's church. I know I feel great joy when I am still amongst trees and other natural beauty.

Nature is many people’s church. I know I feel great joy when I am still, sitting or walking among trees and other natural beauty.

I have had a lot of jobs, worn many different hats and have worked in a variety of environments. Did you know that in addition to my love of animals and writing, I am a wedding officiant?

It’s true! I performed my first wedding in 1990 in Washington State. I am still able to legally marry people in Washington, California and most other states including Oregon, where I currently reside.

I believe there are many paths to God and honor all faiths. If you are agnostic or atheist, I also perform civil ceremonies and have done so many times. Personally, I do believe without a doubt that God exists. That is my personal belief. It may not match your beliefs or information, but God is a huge part of my life. This belief and my relationship with God helps me feel supported. It makes my life easier at times and definitely more fulfilling. But if that is not your feeling and it is other beliefs that feel right to you, then okay!

This is a challenging world. My spiritual beliefs help me tremendously in sad or tough times and help my life to be more joyous in happy times. They work for me. I want this for everyone. Fulfilling happiness in their and your lives. So if it is other beliefs that make sense to you and help you feel supported, then I support them! Different things work for different people.

Meditation has helped me and continues to help me in all aspects of my life.

I encourage you to find a style of meditation that works for you.

For example, there are many styles of meditation. The type of meditation that I was blessed enough to learn when I was 18 years old worked for me. It helped me to see that there was another way to live. I didn’t have to live in darkness. I didn’t have to be depressed or drink to feel better. These same techniques continue to work for me and are tools to help me in all aspects of my life.

Everything is energy. Physicists have proven this fact and I believe it too! The type of meditation that I practice and teach provides tools to consciously release unwanted energies. This includes pain, grief, guilt, fear, doubt and any other energy that may effect us in adverse ways.

While it has been in hiatus for a few months, I plan on reintroducing my Meditation Club down the road. If you are interested in being notified when that happens, let me know. As a member of my Meditation Club, you receive a recorded, guided meditation emailed to you. This allows you to listen and learn at the convenience of your schedule and in the comfort of your own home.

In addition to meditating and performing marriages, I provide premarital counseling. This includes sharing relaxing, meditation techniques so that the wedding day and planning processis less stressful and more enjoyable.

If you know someone in Oregon, Washington State or California wanting to get married, feel free to pass my name along. Below is what I have to say to engaged couples.

Create your day the way you want it!

I’ll make it legal.

503-741-1344 (calls only)

619-797-0705 (calls and texts)


Thanks for reading!

Pet Loss Support in Beaverton, Oregon

dog with chin on stuffed animalLoss, including in the form of death is, a part of life. It’s not a fun part of life. It is however, an opportunity for healing. The heavy emotions that accompany such loss can be overwhelming. Loss can be a painful experience. It can be shocking and difficult to move forward after experiencing loss.

The pet loss support groups I facilitate are a safe, supportive environment where participants can share as much or as little as they would like. It can be helpful and cathartic to talk about the feelings that coincide with loss. However, I understand that not everyone is comfortable verbalizing their feelings. While sharing is a part of our group, it is not mandatory to utter a single word. Participation is intended to be supportive and non-invasive to honor whatever people are going through at varying stages of their grieving processes. Some will want to talk and others will want to listen and quietly reflect.

Following the verbal sharing, I will lead a guided meditation to help release some of the pain energy and uncomfortable emotions. I will also share techniques to validate your ability to communicate with your animal friend that has passed on.

You are spirit. You have a body. Animals and humans are spirit in bodies. Different kinds of bodies, housing unique souls. Physical bodies are mortal. Spiritual beings are eternal. We can communicate with and otherwise sense the existence of souls after they have passed. My pet loss support groups with guided meditation and animal communication are opportunities to reflect and honor loved ones, while facilitating self-healing to assist in moving forward in the grieving and letting go process.


12555 – 1st St., Beaverton, Oregon  97005

The Sage Center of Wholeness and Health is where I will be hosting my next three Pet Loss Support Groups with Guided Meditation and Animal Communication. Below is the address, dates, times and other information. Please R.S.V.P. to secure your spot by calling 619-797-0705 or emailing sindi@apetpsychic.com.

Sage Center of Wholeness and Health
12555 – 1st St., Beaverton, OR

Monday, October 26 at 7:00 PM

Monday, November 16 at 7:00 PM

Monday, December 14 at 7:00 PM

Open donation, so you can pay what you can.

R.S.V.P. to secure your spot by calling 619-797-0705.

I am so, so sorry for your loss. I hope to help you however I can.

Sage Center of Wholeness and Health

the filling station logo etcWow! My last blog post was in June! I can’t believe that it has been over three and a half months since I last shared with you. With my new life choice of working full time as a pet supply store manager in Tigard, Oregon, I have not had the same amount of time to write or offer my spiritual services.

I love helping people and their animal friends with nutrition, natural health remedies and positive reinforcement training at The Filling Station Pet Supplies store. I am grateful to have this opportunity in a public, retail setting. However, it is not what I see as the foundation of what I do.

We, animals and humans are spirit. We are souls; spiritual beings. We have bodies, which are our homes on earth. Our bodies are our vessels. Our temples in which to manifest through as spirit. During a session, my first step is seeing the truth. Looking at the energy of relationships and situations. The energy is the truth underneath the words, emotions, egos, facades and behavior. Following a session, I go in whatever direction is needed. Often a psychic reading and energy healing provide enough insight and information for clients to move forward. If additional support is needed, we may look more closely at diet, ways to reduce stress or give positive reinforcement training tips. I also offer meditation instruction, counseling and pet loss support with guided meditation and animal communication. Yes! You can more consciously communicate with your companion animals too!

SageCenterLogo1-e1432847940520Now that I have relocated to Oregon, I felt it was time to find a place to offer meditation classes, group guided meditations, animal communication presentations, pet loss support groups and one-on-one sessions. The place I found is the Sage Center for Wholeness and Health in lovely downtown, Beaverton, Oregon. There I will be able to offer readings, classes, presentations and support groups. I am going to plan an open house before the end of the year for people to visit and meet me. I will post specifics, including the date once it is chosen and secured.

zen garden with massage stones and waterlilyIn addition to my in person work, I will continue to offer my long distance services remotely. Animal communication sessions, energy healings, readings, nutrition consultations, positive reinforcement training, pet loss support and recorded, guided meditations through my Wild and Tame Meditation Club are all available for anyone and everyone anywhere throughout the year. While I am planning on eventually getting a 503 area code, Portland, Oregon phone number, I am going to still keep my San Diego, California number of 619-797-0705. You can also reach me via email at sindi@apetpsychic.com.

If you would like more information or to receive my free email newsletter, I just need your name and email address. Thank you for reading! Have a Wild and Tame day!

Basics of Animal Communication

Animal communication can be defined as animals communicating with animals and people communicating with animals.

Animal communication can be defined as animals communicating with animals and people communicating with animals.

Whether you are consciously aware of it or not, you are already communicating with the animals in your life. Communication is happening on many levels with all other beings, all the time. The important skill to increase is conscious awareness of our communication.

Like most of us humans, you are probably most consciously aware of audible, verbal communication. We learn from a young age that sounds, especially words, have meaning and great power. Over time we learn what sounds, words and vocal inflections will get us what we want. We learn to believe words, even when they are lies.

Sindi doing a psychic reading and animal communication session at a public event at the Friends of Cats sanctuary and rescue.

Sindi doing a psychic reading and animal communication session at a public event at the Friends of Cats sanctuary and rescue in El Cajon, CA.

Learning to believe lies teaches us to not trust ourselves, our intuition, our information and our ability to read, and otherwise sense energy. Even physicists, scientists agree that everything is energy, including words. Words that mask the truth are a different energy than the actual truth. Have you ever experienced an interaction with someone and you just knew they weren’t telling you a lie, and it turned out that you were right?! In that instance, you were reading energy. You were using your clairvoyance, your spiritual sight. You were seeing the truth underneath the untrue words. Did you find that you doubted yourself and what you saw? Did you second guess your awareness, and talk yourself out of it? I’ve done that before! Not everyone wants you to see the truth, and most people have things that they want to hide, or deny. Whether it is something they are ashamed of, or they want control or to manipulate a situation, or for some other reason.

Animals are reading our energy all the time. It is confusing to them when we verbalize one thing and non-verbally communicate another. If we let them, animals can help keep us honest! One example is recently I gave a reading to someone that was worried about the health status of their cat. They had a lot of their attention focused on a future veterinarian appointment, and it was causing them a lot of stress, and their body was afraid. Meanwhile, they wanted to lessen their cat’s stress and communicated that everything was okay and they didn’t have anything to be worried about. The fear and nervous energy the person was communicating underneath their words was received by the cat, along with the energy of the communicated facade that everything was, and would be okay. Receiving both conflicting communications, was giving mixed, unclear messages. It was confusing to the cat, and stimulating fear in their body. The cat’s human realized what they were doing, and made a commitment to be more authentic with their feline friend. I love their relationship and the loyalty and devotion they have with each other.

My Wild and Tame Meditation Club teaches techniques to help you to be more aware of energy. These tools will help you to change your energy, if needed to keep your words honest! Or at least be more aware, and increase the conscious control you have of your choices. The meditative, visualization techniques that I practice and teach can help you to have clearer communication with yourself and your companion animals. They will actually help you to have clearer communication with any animal or person.


Ginger was one of the great loves of my life. She taught me and continues to teach me so much.

Ginger was one of the great loves of my life. She taught me and continues to teach me so much. She has played a huge part in the direction of my life and the involvement of animals in my work. Thank you, Ginger! You are an amazing, beautiful and loving being. I miss you being physically here with me. I am so glad that we can still communicate, as spirit and look forward to the time when we meet again here on Earth. I love you!

Sometimes when we are close to an animal or person it is harder to trust ourselves and be as clear. For those moments, I am here for you! I offer long distance animal communication sessions and psychic readings, as well as in person appointments. Right now, I am offering in person psychic readings, energy healings, and animal communication sessions for people in Seattle and other parts of Washington. Mainly for fundraisers, and other public events, but I do have some availability for one-on-one sessions also. Throughout the year I offer long distance sessions for anyone, anywhere, via Zoom, as well as an audio only option, if preferred.

Interested in finding out more? Call or text me at  or 360-601-4358 or email me at sindi@apetpsychic.com.

I got the job!

I look forward to continuing my work with animals and their people in the beautiful Pacific Northwest.

I look forward to continuing my work with animals and their people in the beautiful Pacific Northwest.

Long story short… I got the job! Okay. So you may not have known that I was up for a specific job, but I was and I am over the top excited that I got it!

Now for the long story, for those that enjoy details and especially those that believe, like me that everything happens for a reason and other woo-woo perspectives. 😉 It also is a great example of being in the present moment and going with the flow. What helped me to do both of those things was using the simple, powerful meditative, visualization technique of grounding!

I visited the most beautiful rest area I have ever seen just north of Grants Pass, Oregon.

I visited the most beautiful rest area I have ever seen just north of Grants Pass, Oregon.

Monday, May 25 – I crossed the border from California into Oregon. As I enjoyed the lush green trees, I kept saying to myself, “I could live here!” My actual destination was Washington State, which I loved and still love. Washington is where I lived the majority of my life. However, when I arrived at my friend’s house in Beaverton, Oregon, where I was planning to stay for just a couple of days, I decided that I should look into the possibility of living in the area, instead of continuing on to Washington. That night I looked on craigslist for job possibilities. I saw a number of jobs that I felt I might be qualified for. However, it was one job in particular that got my attention! I was very excited and felt motivated to move forward with applying.

Another beautiful site at the rest area just north of Grants Pass, Oregon.

Another beautiful sight at the well kept rest area just north of Grants Pass, Oregon.

Tuesday, May 26 – I wrote a personalized cover letter, specifically for that one position. I attached my resume and applied for that one job and only that one job. The job that I felt was made for me and perhaps was the reason I had ended up in Beaverton, Oregon.

Wednesday, May 27 – I received a phone call from the owner of the store, wanting to schedule an interview with me. Of course I said yes! It was scheduled for the following Monday.

Me and my loyal companion, Rock taking in the sights in Oregon.

Me and my loyal companion, Rock taking in the sights in Oregon.

Monday, June 1 – What a great way to start a new month, with an interview for a job I could not believe was available in the area where I was staying and the week that I had arrived! I interviewed with three animal loving people and felt that all went well, though it can be hard to tell with interviews. I decided to remain optimistic.

Tuesday, June 2 – I was called for a second interview, which was scheduled for Thursday.

Thursday, June 4 – I felt that the second interview went great. The four of us seemed like a great match! But you never know for sure and interviews can always bring up insecurities and doubt. I did my best to stay in the present moment, have faith and allow whatever was meant to be and was most beneficial to just happen. I emailed my references, as requested and then sent a thank you card to the store owner.

So excited that we will be carrying Answers Raw Goat's Milk for cats and dogs!

We will be carrying Answers Raw Goat’s Milk for cats & dogs at our store in Tigard, OR! Yay!

Tuesday, June 9 – I received a call offering me the job! The owner went over the details and I again, of course, said YES!!! I am going to be the store manager for a brand new pet supply store opening in July. It is located in Tigard, Oregon, which is less than ten minutes from where I am currently staying in Beaverton!! Coincidence? No such thing!! Did I mention that I am over the top excited?!

Wednesday, June 10 – I started my role, by helping with the interviewing process to select our retail staff. We will be doing more of that next week. Woo hoo!

So in case you were wondering, I definitely will be staying in Oregon. I will still be teaching continuing education classes in Centralia, WA in July and August at Centralia College. The commute isn’t too far. I’m sure I’ll be making other visits to Washington too, so I hope to see some of you reading this later this year!! Yay! P.S. My classes are on page five of the course catalog that can be found on this link.

Please Note: I will still be offering private, long distance animal communication sessions and readings and nutrition consultations and holistic pet care sessions. I will be doing in person appointments in Beaverton, Tigard, Gresham, Aloha, Lake Oswego, Newberg, Hillsboro, Salem and Portland, Oregon and surrounding areas, including Camas, Salmon Creek, Minnehaha and Vancouver, Washington. Remember I’ll be traveling to Centralia, WA once a week starting on July 25th too! I will also be visiting Chehalis, Olympia, Federal Way, Tacoma, Everett and Seattle, Washington and adjacent cities soon.

P.S. If you or someone you know happens to be in the Tigard/Beaverton/Portland area, I hope to see you/them at the store in July or after! I’ll keep you posted, as things unfold. Thank you for reading the long version of my story!

P.P.S. If you want to learn to meditate and experience the sometimes hard to believe results of using life changing meditation techniques like grounding, contact me! You may want to consider joining my Wild and Tame Meditation Club. More information can be found here on my website on the Meditation menu tab at this link. Join The Club! 😉

P.P.P.S. If you want to get started meditating now, visit ESpirit.info for meditation instruction on their website. They also have books and CDs available for purchase that can be shipped to you or downloaded. Enjoy the perks of a grounded life!