On the Road Again!

Rock's first golf cart ride!

Rock’s first golf cart ride! Neither one of us actually drove. Just posing! We were grateful passengers.

The first weekend of May, I was invited to stay at the Barbara Worth Resort and Country Club to participate in an event with the Humane Society of Imperial County. The resort is in Holtville, CA, near El Centro. I offered one on one animal communication readings to guests.

Since it was a pet-friendly venue, I was able to take Rock with me. It was a pre-trip trip! I say that because last Thursday, May 21st, we left on another leg of our journey. We traveled up through California and then into Oregon.
My intention was to continue on to Washington State because I loved it so much when I lived there previously. However, the theme of 2015 for me has been to be in the present moment and go with the flow. This approach has served me well, so I am planning on continuing to do this. Forever! In keeping with that, just like the abundant trees, I have decided to plant my roots in Oregon!
Trees, trees, glorious trees! Just one of the many reasons I love the Pacific Northwest. Love the green of Oregon and Washington!

Trees, trees, glorious trees! Just one of the many reasons I love the Pacific Northwest. Love the green of Oregon and Washington!

It is not only beautiful here, but the people are friendly and it just feels right! With the exception of wanting to move to the beautiful Oregon Coast, I have never seriously considered moving to Oregon because I loved Washington state and its beauty when I lived there. The memory of my love of Washington has stayed with me for years!

So here I sit in beautiful, green and very different from what I have become used to, Oregon. I’m in the lovely Beaverton area, near Portland and Tigard. I love the name Tigard. It reminds me of my tigers, which I love! I am looking for a job here. I will continue to offer my services on the side. As always, I provide long distance services for anyone anywhere. Including my brand new change your life and feel better service… my Wild and Tame Meditation Club!!
To help our busy world to relax and take time for themselves, I have found a way to teach meditation without requiring a certain time commitment. In fact, you don’t even have to leave your own home! It’s like having a teacher at your beckon call without giving up an ounce of privacy!
Beginning on June 2nd, I will be sending out weekly recordings. One emailed, audio will be instructional, focusing on one specific meditation technique. The second will be a guided meditation incorporating that week’s technique, as well as many others. Take the stress out of meditating! Do it on your time schedule, at your place and pace. I hope you decide to Join The Club!
Contact Sindi at 619-797-0705 or sindi@apetpsychic.com for more information about the Wild and Tame Meditation Club or any other services she offers. Follow your passion. Just say no to limits and have a Wild and Tame Day!


Psychic Readings


During a reading there is always physical space between us. This also assists with the energetic space.

During a psychic reading there is always physical space between us. This also assists with the energetic or spiritual space, which allows for clearer communication.

While, like with any word, you may find multiple definitions, psychic means, “of the soul” or “spirit.” This is the definition that best describes my relationship to the word and what I do. A psychic reading by me is a reading of the soul. It is a reading by me, as spirit. Me, the spiritual being.

Another way to describe what I do is in terms of energy. Even physicists agree that everything is energy. Our emotions, opinions, likes, dislikes, experiences and memories are all stored within us, as energy. Although our thoughts are also energy, I don’t claim to read minds. Instead, I read energy. So although I can tune into your thoughts, it is from a spiritual, instead of an intellectual perspective.

I don’t “figure out” what you are thinking, feeling or going through. I use my spiritual ability of clairvoyance to “see” what is going on. Clairvoyance is “clear seeing” or the ability to see clearly. It is our spiritual ability of seeing or “reading” energy. Clairvoyance is an ability that we all have an use, whether we acknowledge it as such or not. Other spiritual abilities that I have developed and use include my ability to communicate telepathically and feel energy with my hands. These are characteristics that we all have also. We don’t live in a world that, as a whole, validates or encourages these abilities. Because of this, we tend to explain these experiences as other things, such as coincidence, our imagination or they are simply left as unexplained weirdness or phenomena. They can also lead to fear for our bodies because spiritual or psychic experiences can be difficult to intellectually comprehend. Though our body and capable brains may try! Hollywood cinema has done a good job of attaching fear to spiritual abilities and psychic happenings through its presentation in scary movies. Writers, such as, Stephen King, have contributed here also.

While clairvoyance is seeing energy, telepathic communication is “hearing” energy. It is non-verbal, non-physically audible communication. While I “hear” words, I actually am “hearing” energy that I interpret into words. I speak English, so I interpret energy into English so that it makes sense to my body and I can then share the information with you. However, energy can be interpreted into any language.

 Here I am giving Wyn a non-touch aura healing. It is an energy cleansing. It helps to cleanse your energy channels and chakras, which does impact the body and how it feels. I like to think of it, as a spiritual massage!

Here I am giving Wyn a non-touch aura healing. It is an energy cleansing. It helps to cleanse your energy channels and chakras, which does impact the body and how it feels. I like to think of it, as a spiritual massage!

In addition to seeing and hearing energy, I “feel” energy. I feel energy with my hands while I am giving someone an aura healing, female healing or head channel cleansing. I feel energy when I am doing any type of healing with my hands. Clairsentience is the ability to feel or sense others’ emotions or feelings. While I have this ability, clearer communication and interpretation occurs when I use my clairvoyance to determine what another is feeling. It allows for each to have their own space vs. merging, which can lead to overwhelm, confusion, irritation and fatigue.

Now days, I am most known for my work with animals. However, I started my reading, healing and communication work with people. It was my love of animals that motivated me to make them a formal part of my practice. I now work not only with pets, but also farm animals and wild animals in and out of captivity. I also read people with and without animals in their life. Although I don’t generally use the term, “medium” to describe myself, I do read the energy of and telepathically communicate with souls that have passed on. Yes. I see dead people.

If you are interested in my services, either in person or long distance, I can be reached by calling 619-797-0705 or by email at sindi@petpsychic.com. I also practice and teach meditation. If you are interested in learning easy to use (anyone can meditate!) visualization techniques to help you relax, rejuvenate, improve your sleep, reduce stress and consciously change your life, I can help!  Ask me about my Meditation Club, which provides instruction and support, as you journey through life. Enjoy!

I Love Seattle!

Anyone that knows me knows how much I love Seattle! Not just Seattle, but Western Washington in general. Although an abundant list of important learning and lessons have come my way while living in San Diego, I often missed certain things about Washington. Number one being the lush greenery a.k.a. TREES!

washington with river and falls

The beauty of Washington State includes, lush green trees and water galore!

In addition to the green beauty, there are rivers, waterfalls, creeks, snow capped mountains, the blue waters of Puget Sound, wildlife and just all around loveliness!

I have had the joyous privilege of seeing some of the most beautiful landscapes the earth has to offer. Many in person. Others in photographs and videos. However, I definitely haven’t seen them all! There are so many breathtaking sights in nature and there is nothing like taking them in up close and personal.

I love Mother Earth! The form of meditation that I practice and teach helps me and others to be more in touch with the Earth. This includes the easy to use, but powerful, meditative visualization technique of grounding.

Snow capped mountains add to the beautiful green scenery.

Snowy mountains add to the beautiful green scenery.

Grounding is the foundation of all that I do. Similar to how roots are the foundation of trees. Roots ground the tree, giving it stability and strength. It is the roots that allow trees to live. Roots provide trees with the capacity to absorb water through their entire growing body. Roots help trees and other plants to flourish. Grounding can help you and your body in the same way!

When in doubt, literally and figuratively, I ground! The other day, I was having a tough time. I was upset and having a hard time talking myself out of it. Ever have one of those moments?! 😉 Anyway, I sat down to meditate. I grounded and then began to use additional techniques including, centering, releasing energy, running energy and more! I felt a little better, but still was feeling overwhelmed and extremely emotional. It wasn’t until I slowed down enough to just focus on my grounding that I began to feel better. In fact, I felt instantly better with this sole focus.

Mount Ranier is a beautiful sight indeed!

Mount Ranier is a beautiful sight indeed!

We have such a busy world and have become so used to doing more, more and then still more! Our plates are beyond full and our capacity for multitasking is truly amazing. We are capable of doing so much that it is easy to get swept up in the complexity of doing. As I sat there meditating and adding technique upon technique upon technique, I was trying to do more to solve my problems. As our society gains technological advancements, the concept that more is better seems confirmed. So instead of taking the time to gently and calmly experience each individual, beneficial technique I hurriedly tried to feel better by making my simple meditation complex. I wanted to get out of where I was and tried digging myself out by piling more on!

One of the most beautiful skylines in the world. In my opinion. ;-)

One of the most beautiful skylines in the world, in my opinion. 😉

Slowing down to ground and focus exclusively on my grounding was the secret. How often are we trying to be more productive, successful and achieve more? By doing and doing and doing, we certainly can accomplish. However, when we take the time to slow down instead of using our time to speed up and spread ourselves out into multiple places, we actually can complete more. We can do so with less stress and frantic feelings and more peace and a sense of fulfillment. And even joy! We can have fun while we do! Doing can be fun and I have found that doing less often is more effective and doing “nothing” is sometimes essential.

If you would like to learn more about grounding and how it can assist you and your body, call me at 619-797-0705 or email me at sindi@apetpsychic.com. Enjoy!