When I was a frustrated, depressed and very angry teenager, it was meditation that saved me. At the ripe old age of 18 years old, it was meditation that helped me to move from a place of apathy, fatigue and depression to an energetic space of optimism and enthusiasm. I began to experience life differently. I was an extremely shy, fearful child, which led to continued shyness and fear, as an insecure teen.
When I enrolled in an eight week beginning meditation class, I was nonchalant about my decision. I had absolutely no idea that that class would change my life forever. In retrospect, it was that Meditation I class that gave me hope. It got me back in touch with myself as spirit. I actually saw myself, as spirit consciously for the first time that I could remember. I had an awareness of myself and other spirits when I was a child. Although I was still aware there was something more than what I physically saw, it was difficult to access under a heavy cloak of misery.
As a spiritual being with a physical body here on Earth, I had collected pain, doubt, shame and feelings of worthlessness. So that moment in my Meditation I class is a memory that changed me and my life forever. There were only two of us students that were in the class. If you put on events or teach classes, remember that no matter how few or how many attend, you can make a difference!
I am forever grateful to all of my many teachers at the CDM Spiritual Center in Everett, Washington that I had over the years that followed that initial class. The simple, powerful, meditative, visualization techniques that they teach, and I now share too, are the foundation of all that I do. They are tools that can help you to change your mood, increase your vitality and self esteem and improve your overall well being. You CAN change your life with meditation! I did and continue to heal and grow with the help of these techniques.
People often ask what type of meditation I practice. They want a name. One of my students deemed it Sindi Meditation. Haha! While it isn’t Sindi Meditation and may not have a formal name, I have given it different labels at times. Energy Meditation, Psychic Meditation, Self Healing Meditation, Spirit Body Meditation, Body Soul Meditation, CDM Meditation and I just thought of this one: Ancient Mystery School Meditation!
Why that name? These easy to use, powerful, life changing meditation techniques are ancient! Often information categorized within the group of metaphysical teachings are labeled New Age. The techniques that I share and practice are not New Age because they are not new! They have been on the planet for a very long time, including the ancient mystery schools where Jesus studied. Yes… that Jesus!
Speaking of Jesus the Christ, if you want clearer communication with him, as well as yourself, God and other spiritual teachers, including Buddha, meditation is the way! The form of meditation that I teach and practice helps spirit and body to work more in harmony. You can more consciously create your life and manifest yourself and your unique energy using this style of meditation. For me, meditation is not about escaping or not feeling. It is about more consciously experiencing and creating your life. Whether you consider yourself spiritual and not religious, or a Christian, Buddhist, Christian Scientist, Catholic, Mormon, Hindu, Muslim,Taoist or have chosen another spiritual focus, or none at all, you can benefit from meditation. Regardless of our beliefs, we are all spirit in physical bodies. We can learn how to reduce stress, improve sleep, change habits and have more fun, by taking time for ourselves. If you do not believe in God and the spiritual realm, are Agnostic or Atheist, you don’t have to miss out!! Even physicists agree that everything is energy! If you prefer a scientific, instead of a spiritual focus, simply validate your great ability to acknowledge, release and change your energy! Everyone can do this. So why not…. go forth and meditate!