I have been home in bed the last couple of days, recovering from what I could call illness, but instead will call what it is… my body wanting me to slow down! When I am ill I take extra time for myself. I rest in bed, sleep and sleep and sleep. It also gives me extra time to meditate, as well as cuddle with my favorite dog companion, Rock. All in all, my life calms down and is quiet when I am ill.
We live in such a busy world and technologically advanced, fast moving society. I enjoy regular meditation times and quiet moments of reflection and self healing. But I admittedly often push myself to do more than my body wants me to. I have slowed down in recent years following the deaths of my Grandma and my dog, Ginger. From them I took the lesson of taking time to smell the roses and cherish moments with the special someones in your life. It is also of the utmost importance to take sufficient time for your body and yourself, as spirit.
Even with the lessons I have learned, I sometimes fall back into old patterns. If I am an irresponsible parent and not attentive to my body’s needs, it rebels! It knows I will rest, nurture it and focus more on it when it doesn’t feel well. My body and I have had this pattern for years. I have gotten much better at taking care of it, so it doesn’t have to get my attention in this way as often. But here we are once again. So obviously, I am still working on changing this habit of mine.
I feel much better today, which is why I am writing this blog post. I feel more energetic tonight after sleeping all day yesterday and then resting today. I spent time meditating and healing myself, which of course helped me to further relax and let go of energies not in harmony with me. The physical rest and spiritual energy work helped my body feel better.
The meditation techniques that I practice and share with others have been on the planet for a very long time. They were taught in the Ancient Mystery Schools in Egypt, where it is said that Jesus spent time and was an initiate. I, however, learned these techniques here in the United States in classes at a teaching center in Everett, Washington, just north of Seattle. If you are not able to visit their Washington State location, they offer books, CDs and downloadable information to assist in your meditations and healing journey.
I would not be where I am today without the use of these life changing techniques. Here is a link to the CDM Spiritual Teaching Center and also to CDM Publications where you can find their books, CDs and downloadable audio recordings.
Click to visit the CDM website.
Click to visit CDM Publications and learn more about their books, CDs and more.
I teach the techniques I practice and enjoy sharing these life changing tools with others. While a lot of my focus is assisting people with their companion animals, I offer one on one and group sessions for people with and without pets. In addition to long distance sessions, I offer in person office visits at my pet friendly Mission Valley office in San Diego, as well as home visits in the southern California area. I will be returning to the Phoenix area later this year and Yuma, Arizona in January. If you are interested in having me do a presentation or class in your area in or outside of San Diego, contact me via email at sindi@apetpsychic.com or call me at 619-797-0705.