Animal Communication at San Diego Humane Society

Sindi and Ginger.

Sindi and Ginger communicating a la love.

On Thursday, September 18 from 6:30 – 8:00 PM, I will be doing an animal communication presentation and demonstration at the San Diego Humane Society located at 5500 Gaines St., San Diego in the Linda Vista area. Free parking is available in their lot and on the adjoining streets. If you use public transportation, it’s just a short walk from the Morena/Linda Vista trolley station.

You can RSVP for the event on the San Diego Humane Society’s website at the link below. Admission is a $12 donation to the SDHS which can be given the night of the event to support the organization’s mission to help animals in need.

meditation photoI will be sharing techniques that assist me and can assist you in all that you do, including communicating more clearly with your animal friends. Following my presentation and an interactive Q & A session, I will be doing a live demonstration. A few audience members will be invited to participate in an animal communication session and psychic reading. This class is for humans only and your companion animals do not have to be present to receive a reading.

Sindi and black cat at the San Diego Humane Society in their cat adoption gallery room.

I felt honored to spend time in the cat adoption gallery room at the San Diego Humane Society. And P.S. I LOVE black cats!!!

I believe that we are souls; spiritual beings. When the body dies, we, as spirit continue our journey. I offer energy healing, psychic reading and animal communication sessions for souls still physically present in bodies and those that have passed on.

If you have questions about my presentation or any of my services, feel free to call me at 619-797-0705 or email me at Hope to see you on Thursday at the San Diego Humane Society or another time soon!!!

Play Time

Sindi and a Blue and Gold Macaw parrot

I was told by her rescuers, that this parrot was flirting with me. I believed them until she bit me. Ouch! A love bite?

I haven’t always been formally referred to as an animal communicator or pet psychic. I have always had a deep affinity for and connection with animals, but I used to be more involved with the arts than animals.

For us pet parents, playtime usually means fun activities with our companion animals. For me it does, but it also represents something else in my life. At the liberal arts college that I graduated from, The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington, I studied film and video production and the art that came out of the Holocaust, but mostly I focused on Theatre.

I had done acting previously and did some in college. In addition to acting, I fell in love with playwrighting! I also found producing fulfilling and a good outlet for my acquired skill set.

WhileIMG_0103 I am not directly involved with the production of plays, I am active in the San Diego Theatre scene in another way. I am the Organizer of the San Diego Theatre and Performing Arts Meetup group and have been since 2012. I network with local theatres and get discount tickets for my group. I am privileged to get to see a lot of diverse performances in San Diego County.

Last night I saw “Kingdom City” at the La Jolla Playhouse. I really enjoyed it! It was engaging, interesting, well acted and funny! As an audience member I felt I was participating and brought into the show. What an awesome quality for a show to have! It just finished it’s preview week so you still have time to go see it!! Me and my group go to just about every show at the La Jolla Playhouse. Regardless of your genre preference, they are always well produced shows. A variety of genres and approaches with something for everyone ranging from family friendly presentations to thought provoking, envelope pushing creativity. Yes. Even in La Jolla things can get a bit edgy at times! Some favorites to mention include, “Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots”, “Blood and Gifts”, “The Second City” touring improv troupe, the uber talented improv troupe, “Kamchatka” and “The Car Plays” from their innovative “Without Walls” (WOW) festival. They also present their DNA Series, which helps new works in their development process. Next up with them is “The Hunchback of Notre Dame” in November and then “The Second City” funny people are coming back and we are going in December.

After last night’s performance, my group and I will next be going to “Kinky Boots” at Civic Theatre with Broadway San Diego. The music is by Cyndi Lauper, so you know it’s going to be a fun show! It won a Tony Award for Best Musical in 2013. We have seen other entertaining, well produced musicals with Broadway San Diego. They bring excellent touring productions to our area to make any musical fan happy!

We005-1 also often attend plays with the Cygnet Theatre Company. They perform in Old Town San Diego and present a variety of shows throughout the year. Extremely diverse shows with everything from light hearted musicals, like “Pageant” that we recently saw to edgy, brave pieces that may be more likely to feel at home in New York, LA or Seattle. I love that about them! One of my favorites was “The MotherF***er with the Hat.” I actually saw that one twice! Laugh out loud funny, raw and real with an authentic edge. Last year we went to their annual production of “The Christmas Carol” and I plan on bringing the group again this year. An awesome show!

MyFB_IMG_1409285243299 latest theatrical obsession, which I have nicknamed my newest “hobby” is the “I can’t believe I just went to their first show last month” Diversionary Theatre in North Park. I have been over the top impressed by them and floored by both shows I have seen there; “bare: a pop opera” and “Regrets Only”, which was one of the funniest plays I have ever seen. If it is still running when you read this, go see it! Please!!! Some of my favorite lines ever are in that play. It is smart and fun with great acting and stellar comic timing by the cast. I hope to go to as many of their shows as I can! Starting with their upcoming free performance, ” Stop Kiss.”

We have also attended shows at The Old Globe Theater in Balboa Park, the San Diego Symphony and others, including stand up comedy shows and community theatre. It is free to join my group and you can find us at

IMG_20140904_173813169I do get extra excited when a play includes an animal character, whether played by a human such as in last year’s, “Waiting” which brought me to tears and was part of “The Car Plays” at La Jolla Playhouse or a real animal actor, such as the beautiful Golden Retriever, Parker (Parker Pup on Facebook).

Tonight though, it will just be me and my dog, Rock playing ourselves on our evening walk. 😉



Indoor Activities for Dogs When It’s Too Hot, Too Cold or Just for Fun


The all mighty Kong!!! It comes in different sizes to suit all ages and sizes of canine companions. 🙂

When it’s too hot to spend time outside, I find the dogs at my house nap a lot. If you want to break it up with some fun activities, here are some ideas. Please note: Cats and other companion animals like training games, treats and playtime too!

1) Fill a KONG toy with wet food or stuff with meat or favorite treats. Serve, as is or if using wet food, you can freeze it if you want it to take longer to eat all the food.
2) I believe that training should be fun! It also can provide beneficial mental stimulation. Teach a new trick, such as “High-5”, “Shake” or “Speak.” You can work on skills like, “Sit”, “Stay”, “Come” or “Loose Leash Walking” inside too. Google “Positive Reinforcement Training” for humane training techniques. Never use training approaches or techniques that you feel uncomfortable with or that are emotionally, mentally or physically harmful to your companion animals.

Positive reinforcement training rewards the desired behaviors, which helps the animal to prefer implementing that behavior themselves. This is a great way to increase the bond with your animal friends. Cats and other animals respond to these humane training techniques too. For when it's hot out, cold out, or any time at all!

Positive reinforcement training rewards the desired behaviors, which helps the animal to prefer implementing that behavior themselves.
This is a great way to increase the bond with your animal friends. Cats and other animals respond to these humane training techniques too. For when it’s hot out, cold out, or any time at all!

3) Get creative! Think of fun game variations that will be engaging to your animal friends. “Hide and Seek” can be taught. I have played it with both cats and dogs. You can start with saying, “Peek a Boo” around a corner. Then when you go back into hiding, wait for them to find you. You can repeat several times, if they don’t investigate right away.
4) Have them wait in the other room while you go hide treats in various places. This can be a great opportunity to help teach “Stay” and “Come” also. After all is hidden, have them “Go Find It!” When teaching new games or training of any kind, you want to set your pets up for success. So start with an easy spot that they can see and say, or as I like to do, enthusiastically encourage, them to “Go Find It!” You can do this as many times as needed, until it seems they have the hang of it. Then make it a little harder and increase the difficulty if you want, so that it continues to be interesting and fun. Of course, for many, any involvement of treats is interesting AND fun!!!
5) Have a conversation with your animal friends. Even if you don’t believe they understand you, you will notice that they enjoy the attention, validation and recognition. And even if you feel like you are making it up or “just pretending,” allow yourself to receive messages and know what they are communicating to you.

Enjoy your special times with your animal friends and stay cool all! I am posting this in the heat of summer, but you may want to try these activities when it’s too cold to go outside or just for the fun of it to enhance your relationship with your animal friends.