
Sindi at the Blessing of the Animals at Old Town San Diego's Historical Park.

Animal Communicator Sindi Somers at the Blessing of the Animals at Old Town San Diego’s Historical Park. She offered animal communication readings at her booth to help raise money for the Chihuahua Rescue of San Diego. Yay for Chis!

Sindi Somers is a published writer, public speaker, animal communicator, energy healer and psychic reader for people and both wild and domesticated animals. She really is a creature reader, as she works with people and any type of animal – any creature. She enjoys working with humans of all ages, including babies! Sindi loves helping to bridge the communication gap between humans and all of their animal friends – dogs, cats, horses, birds, rabbits, lizards, fish, turtles, cows, chickens, goats, pigs and of course, lions, tigers and bears, oh my! Any animal, wild or tame!

I’m known for working with animals and humans, but perhaps you are more of a plant person. No problem! Plants are energy too! Which means that I can also do readings on your beloved plant babies! Auras are energy fields that are around living things. Just like people and animals, plants have auras, life experiences and energy to read. You can add your plant questions to any reading. Questions about your animal friends, your plant friends, and yourself. Those still physically present on earth, and those that have passed on. Whatever fits in the hour. It’s your time, and your personalized session to create however you wish!

Sindi is based in North America, but offers long distance sessions. So she is able to provide services remotely to anyone, anywhere in the world!

Sindi and dog and dog's mom in an animal communication session

Sindi getting some puppy love during an animal communication session at the Blessings of the Animals event in Old Town San Diego, California. Helping that year to raise money for the Tijuana River Valley Animal Rescue.

Sindi has a holistic approach to care for both animals and people. In addition to the non-touch healing and energy work, and soul to soul communication she engages in, she is a dog and cat nutrition consultant. Sindi is a firm believer in the benefits of education and force-free, positive reinforcement training techniques. If you or your favorite animal companion has an issue, Sindi can help! sindi@apetpsychic.com 

Sindi at Blessing of the Animals in Old Town San Diego Historical park in January of 2013. Here's a photo of Sindi doing a public demonstration of a reading and animal communication session during the event.

Sindi at the Blessing of the Animals event in Old Town San Diego Historical park in January of 2013. Here’s a photo of Sindi doing a public demonstration of a reading and animal communication session during the event. That cutie with her is Macaroni!



Positive reinforcement training rewards the desired behaviors so the animals begins to prefer implementing the desired behaviors themselves.

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