


If you aren’t on my email newsletter mailing list, consider joining it and staying in touch that way. All I need is your name and email address. Hope to hear from you! Please feel free to reach out at any time for the most current, and up to date information. 360-601-4358 or Email me!

2024 EVENTS!



11:00am PST

Guided meditation, “Be in the Present Moment”

Fee Requested

Sign up now!

Discover easy ways to be more in the present moment anytime, anywhere. Why is this important? The more you are in the present moment, the more in charge of your life you will be. When in the present moment your body will be less afraid, less anxious, and more confident. You already have the power to focus in the present moment. Learn life changing techniques to assist you with that focus and empower yourself. Take charge of yourself, your body, your energy, your life.

Why wait? Meditate!

Following this class you will have the tools to continue with your meditation practice. As well as use whenever you want to lighten things up!

Call or text 360-601-4358 or EMAIL.




11:00am PST

Guided meditation, “Feel Better with Meditation “

Fee Requested

Sign up now!

We all have “good” days and “bad” days. Did you ever wish you could bring yourself out of a funk? Or perhaps lessen your anxiety, depression, sadness, or other discomforts? Discover empowering techniques to assist you to lighten your load, anytime, anywhere! We all face challenges. From small nuisances to overwhelming trauma. Learn how to take more charge of yourself, your energy, your body, and your life, regardless of the situation. Reduce your suffering and gain practical tools for your toolbox of life!

Why wait? Meditate!

Following this class you will have the tools to continue with your meditation practice. As well as use whenever you want to lighten things up, feel better and have more fun!

Call or text 360-601-4358 or EMAIL.



Join my newsletter to be sent updates!



11:00 AM PST


To help balance giving and receiving, I am asking that everyone contribute something. But it can be any dollar amount, so please “pay what you can!”

Sign up now!

Please email, call, or text 360-601-4358 no later than 5:30pm PST, Friday, September 6th, if you would like to attend. After your contribution is received, which confirms you will be attending, I will email you the Zoom link.

If you haven’t been to one of these events before, my goal is to create a safe, comfortable space for all.

  • Verbal sharing by anyone who would like to share. This is not mandatory, and completely voluntary.
  • Discover your ability to communicate with your animal friends.
  • Meditation to help further with your healing process.
  • Experience techniques to help you have clearer communication, and be more grounded, centered, and in the present moment.
  • Learn tools to help lessen overwhelming emotions, and other discomforts.

*This is a seated form of meditation. Please be prepared to sit in a straight back chair where your feet can comfortably rest flat on the floor during the session.

*This style of meditation is based on two premises.

1) That everything is energy, as physicists have proven.

2) Both animals and humans are souls, spirits with bodies.

To help balance giving and receiving, I am asking that everyone contribute something. But it can be any dollar amount, so please “pay what you can!”

Sign up now!

Please email, call, or text 360-601-4358 no later than 5:30pm PST, Friday, September 6th, if you would like to attend. After your contribution is received, which confirms you will be attending, I will email you the Zoom link.

If you haven’t been to one of these events before, my goal is to create a safe, comfortable space for all. It is intended to assist you with your self-healing process.

Call or text 360-601-4358 or EMAIL.


In Person Events in Seattle, Washington, and surrounding areas.

The Seattle Barkery

As of this writing, 15 minute spots are still available for August 24th, beginning at 2:00pm. They are available by appointment only, and must be scheduled in advance through The Barkery by emailing Animals do not need to be present to receive a reading.

This year I have been doing fundraising* events with The Seattle Barkery in Shoreline, WA, and previously, their South Lake Union location in Seattle. Generally held one or two Saturdays per month, I offer 15 minute psychic readings, and animal communications sessions. They are available by appointment, and scheduled in advance through The Barkery by emailing If the date you are interested in is full, you can get on their waiting list for a future event. Upcoming dates are June 1st (SOLD OUT), July 20th (SOLD OUT), and August 24th.

* I also enjoy donating gift certificates for readings to help raise funds for non-profit organizations that I support, including San Diego Humane Society, and Old Dog Haven.





Guided meditation, “Have Fun with Meditation!”

Fee Requested

Sign up now!

You may not think of “fun” in association with the word meditation, but meditation is intended to lighten your load, lessen your seriousness, and help your life to be more enjoyable. Often we learn that only “serious” things are meaningful. Or associate being serious with intelligence. Perhaps when you were younger, you received invalidation or were told to settle down, be quiet, or quit being frivolous, when you expressed joy or enthusiasm. Do you associate being silly with being immature? Or perhaps laughter as only being appropriate when watching a comedian or funny movie? It’s okay to laugh out loud! It’s also okay to have fun and experience amusement more quietly and within yourself. Whether quiet, loud, or anything in between, allowing amusement can assist with your self-healing. Let go of others’ opinions, and get more in touch with YOUR way!

Discover blocks to experiencing your unique amusement, and give yourself permission to have more fun in your life. Being amused can lessen depression, anxiety, and other challenges.

Why wait? Meditate!

Following this class you will have the tools to continue with your meditation practice. As well as use whenever you want to lighten things up!

Call or text 360-601-4358 or EMAIL.



6:30pm PST



IN PERSON AT – Washington Athletic Club (WAC) in Seattle

Are you a member of the Washington Athletic Club? On Thursday, June 13th at 6:00pm, I will be teaching a one hour meditation workshop for WAC members 18 and older. During this members only event, I will share techniques to help reduce stress and be more grounded, centered, and in the present moment. Discover unwanted energies and learn how to let them go to make more room for energy that you want in the present. Using these practical tools will help you to work more in harmony with your body, create changes that you want to make, and more consciously create your life. If you are a member of WAC, you can email to register.



If an event is in person, that will be included in the description.


I teach a different type of meditation. It includes techniques and concepts you may not have discovered yet. They have helped me so much in my life, that it is important to me to share them with you. Are you ready to learn them?! I offer single, one hour and two-hour classes and workshops, as well as multiple week programs. This includes my eight week class that beginning September 2024. Your non-refundable deposit will secure your spot in this year’s class. I’d love to have you there, and hope to hear from you!


Want to learn more?! Add more tools to your toolbox of life!

N E W ! !


Fee requested.

To Help Establish a Meditation Practice

To Make the Changes You Want to Make

To Live a Happier, Less Stressful, More Fulfilling Life

I know eight weeks sounds like a long time, and perhaps difficult to fit into your already busy schedule. A lifetime without these techniques is even more challenging and stressful. I’ve done it both ways. Using these techniques has helped me to live a more content, fulfilling life, with less stress, and more confidence. They can help lessen anxiety, depression, and other discomforts. To use them, first you need to learn them. That’s where this 8-week meditation program comes in. My meditation journey began with a life-changing 8-week class, so I wanted to share this gift. I hope you join me for this extended program, providing abundant practice time to help create a solid foundation for meditation, and your life.

-Sindi Somers, Certified Meditation Teacher with the desire to help YOU!

L E A R N…

  • From Me and Each Other
  • More About Yourself & Your Body
  • Effective Meditation Techniques to Help Create Change
  • Empowering Concepts and Methods to Enhance Your Life
  • To Lessen Your Fear, Anxiety, Depression and Sense of Overwhelm

Saturday, September 21 – November 9th, 11:00am – 1:30pm PST


One Hour Introduction to Meditation Class

Learn techniques to help you be more grounded, centered, and in the present moment. Discover unwanted energies and learn how to let them go to make more room for energy that you want in the present. Using these practical tools will help you to work more in harmony with your body, create changes that you want to make, and more consciously create your life. Sound exciting?! It is! I hope you can join me.

Fee requested.



Reduce Your Anxiety and Depression Workshop

Take charge of your life with meditation! In this two hour workshop, you will learn and practice empowering techniques to help you be more grounded, centered, and in the present moment. Begin to identify why you experience anxiety and depression, and what you can do to lessen these uncomfortable, and sometimes overwhelming experiences. I will share with you the tools that have helped me. Feel free to reach out with any questions. Thank you!

Fee requested.



Another Option!

If you would like me to do a presentation or readings at a public event in your town, let me know! We can work together to make it happen. Whether it’s a presentation on animal communication, psychic readings for you and your friends, a meditation class, a public speaking engagement for your work or social group, or some other fun personalized event, maybe 2024 is the year to make it happen!

Email or call or text 360-601-4358.




TUESDAY, MAY 7 –  28 – 6:30 – 9:00 PM PST

A Series of Four Classes that can Change Your Life

Class size is limited. Fee requested.




I hope you can join me! Open to all 18+ with a working webcam.

TUESDAY, APRIL 9, 5:30 – 6:30 PM PST

Learn and practice simple, powerful meditation techniques to help you be more grounded, centered, and in the present moment. Designed for beginning meditators, but all 18+ are welcome. Must have a working webcam that remains on through the entire meditation. This is a seated form of meditation, so a straight back chair is needed.




I hope you can join me! Al 18+ with a working webcam are invited.

1:00 – 3:30PM PST

Class size is limited. Fee requested.

I work with animals AND people! In this photo I am giving a non-touch energy healing, which is a cleansing of your aura, chakras, and energy system.

One of history’s most prominent physicists, Albert Einstein, believed, and proved that everything is energy. Learn more about what that means in this fun, interactive class! I am a certified meditation and energy healing teacher, and I will share effective self-healing, meditation techniques to help you to consciously experience energy, as well as release and change energies that you no longer want. This will make more room in your life for the energy that you do want. Out with the old, in with the new! You can do it!

Practice being more grounded, centered, and aware of the present moment. Discover different types of energies including your own unique healing energy, and how to feel energy with your hands. Validate yourself as the healer that you already are!
The first hour will be an introduction to energy meditation. Then we will take a break. The remainder of the class will be all about energy and energy healing. Sound fun?
I can’t wait to share this beneficial information with you! I hope you can join me! Please register as early as you can, as space is limited.
Designed for beginners, but all 18+ are welcome. Must have a working webcam. Because this is a live, interactive class, the camera needs to stay on throughout the class. This is a seated form of meditation, so please be prepared to sit in a straight back chair during the meditation and energy work. You will also need room to stand up and walk around during parts of the class. Doesn’t this sound fun! Please reach out with questions! 360-601-4358 or Email Sindi!



How to Be in the Present Moment

I hope you can join me! All 18+ with a working webcam are invited.

THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 7:00 – 8:00PM PST

Class size is limited. Fee requested.

Learn and practice simple, powerful meditation techniques to help you be more grounded, centered, and in the present moment. Discover simple ways you can be more present to live a less stressful, more fulfilling life. The techniques I share have helped me lessen my stress, anxiety, and depression. They help me to be more fully present. I am a happier, more fulfilled person because I use these techniques. I would love to share them with you! Designed for beginning meditators, but all 18+ are welcome. Must have a working webcam that remains on through the entire meditation. This is a seated form of meditation, so a straight back chair is needed.




Are you Grounded?

I hope you can join me! All 18+ with a working webcam are invited.

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 6:30 – 7:30PM PST

Class size is limited. Fee requested.

Learn and practice simple, powerful meditation techniques to help you be more grounded, centered, and in the present moment. Do you experience anxiety? Depression? Feelings of being scattered? Does your fear stop you from doing things you actually want to do? The techniques I share have helped me to be less scattered and more grounded and centered. They help me lessen my body’s anxiety, depression and fear. I am a happier, calmer person because I use these techniques. I would love to share them with you! Designed for beginning meditators, but all 18+ are welcome. Must have a working webcam that remains on through the entire meditation. This is a seated form of meditation, so a straight back chair is needed.




S O L D    O U T !    All spots have been booked for this event.

By appointment only at The Seattle Barkery’s South Lake Union location.

Are you and/or your animal loving friends in the Seattle area? Hope to see you/them!

Email to schedule a reading during this FUNdraising event benefiting the NW Parkinson’s Foundation. Animals don’t have to be present with you.


I have one more meditation class for 2023. It will be via Zoom on Wednesday, December 6th at 6:30pm. It’s a one hour class. It is for those 18+ with a working webcam that needs to stay on for the entire class.


I apologize for being behind on listing events sometimes. If you aren’t on my email newsletter mailing list, consider joining it and staying in touch that way. All I need is your name and email address. Hope to hear from you! Please feel free to reach out at any time for the most current, and up to date information. 360-601-4358 or Email me!


There are no meditation classes scheduled for August. Enjoy your summer!

I will be resuming Wednesday night meditations beginning September 13th. Feel free to contact me with questions and to pre-register, for September 13, 20, and 27. Thank you!


JULY 2023 WEDNESDAYS at 6:00pm PST

Each Wednesday in July I am offering one hour group meditation classes via Zoom. My classes are designed for beginning meditators, but all interested that are 18+ are welcome to attend. This is a seated form of meditation, so sitting in a straight back chair, or similar seating is necessary. You must also have an internet connection, and working webcam that needs to remain on throughout the duration of the class. Got questions? Please ask!


SUNDAYS at 1:00 PM

All classes are remote via Zoom. Please contact me to be a part of the fun!

Open to participants 18+. Must have a working webcam that stays on throughout the class.

January 8 – Welcome 2023! Learn meditation techniques to help you release past time energy to make more room for what you want to create in the present.

February 12 – Love Everyday! Discover visualization techniques to assist you to let go of interference to allowing more love in your life. Including love for yourself!

March 12 – Create Luck! You create your own reality. Learn easy to use meditation techniques to help release blocks to create more of what you want in your life.





Sunday, August 21

1:00 – 3:30pm

An informative, life changing 2 hours, with a half hour break in between.

Register at this link. Click “Purchase” under the “Details” section on the class page.

Open to all 18+ with a working webcam. Because this is a live, interactive class, the camera needs to stay on throughout the class. This is a seated form of meditation, so please be prepared to sit in a straight back chair during the mediation and energy work.

One of the most well-known physicists, Albert Einstein.

Albert Einstein, and other physicists have proven that everything is energy. Learn more about what that means in this fun, interactive class! I am a certified meditation and energy healing teacher, and I will share effective self-healing, meditation techniques to help you to consciously experience energy, as well as release and change energies that you no longer want. This will make more room in your life for the energy that you do want. Out with the old, in with the new! You can do it!

Practice being more grounded, centered, and aware of the present moment. Discover different types of energies including your own unique healing energy, and how to feel energy with your hands. Validate yourself as the healer that you already are!
The first hour will be an introduction to energy meditation. After a half hour break, the second hour of class time will be all about energy healing.
I can’t wait to share this beneficial information with you! I hope you can join me! Please register early if you can. So, just in case you have issues I will have time to help you, so you can make it into the class “room” on Facebook.


Email me to receive a promo code, and get a FREE pass for this class!

Meditate Yourself into the Present Moment

Sunday, July 10th at 11:00am PST

I will be teaching classes every Sunday through July. Stay tuned for more updates! July 17th at 5:00pm you will learn how to meditate out of depression. On July 24th at 5:00pm you will learn how to reduce your stress with meditation. For you animal lovers, on July 31st at 5:00pm you can experience an Animal Communication Meditation class!



Introduction to Meditation

Power Hour

Choose one or both dates for more practice!

This Sunday, June 19, 2:00pm PST

Jump start your meditation practice! Gain everything you need for effective meditations and an easier life in this 1 hour class.

Don’t worry, be present.

Contact Sindi with questions. 360-601-4358

Register online at this Facebook class link for Sunday, June 19th.

* Discount if paid by June 18th. *


Sunday, June 26, 1:00pm PST

Jump start your meditation practice! Gain everything you need for effective meditations and an easier life in this 1 hour class.

Don’t worry, be present.

Contact Sindi with questions. 360-601-4358 call/text

Register online at this Facebook class link for Sunday, June 26th.

* Discount if paid by June 23rd. *


I will also be teaching classes in July.

Contact me for more information.



Meditation 101 – 5 week class*

Fall 2021

Learn over 14 techniques and gain valuable information to help you in meditation and your everyday life. Practice in a safe, supportive, group setting. Each class is 2 1/2 hours and includes a half hour break. Reduce stress, learn to let go, be more in the present moment and create more of what you want.

Why wait? Meditate!

Contact Sindi to be notified once the dates are set.

*Meditation 101 will be a required prerequisite for certain, future guided meditations

and other advanced classes and events.



Friday, April 22, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Join me this Friday, April 22nd for a free, public event via Facebook. This virtual, guided meditation is designed for beginning meditators, so invite anyone that might be interested in learning to meditate and helping the planet. Learn beneficial, visualization techniques to help you be in the present moment with your body, and the planet. This is a seated meditation, so please be aware of that as you plan. Sitting in a straight back chair, with your feet flat on the floor, and hands separated in your lap, is how to practice this form of relaxing, self-healing meditation. Heal yourself and heal the earth at the same time! Let me know if you have any questions and I hope to see you meditating this Friday, on Earth Day!

Let’s honor and celebrate our beautiful Mother Earth!

Click this link to visit the Facebook event page and RSVP.


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