Other Classes and Events May be Listed on my Events Page!
In addition to the classes listed below and on my Events page, I offer specialized courses for Public Speakers, Performers and other Creatives, Entrepreneurs, Coaches, Counselors, Healers, and those involved with Animal Rescue. This is just a partial list. If you are in a field or group that is not listed, please reach out!
Email Me! Call or text me at 360-601-4358.
Up Next!
11:00am PST
Guided meditation, “Be in the Present Moment”
Fee Requested
Sign up now!
Discover easy ways to be more in the present moment anytime, anywhere. Why is this important? The more you are in the present moment, the more in charge of your life you will be. When in the present moment your body will be less afraid, less anxious, and more confident. You already have the power to focus in the present moment. Learn life changing techniques to assist you with that focus and empower yourself. Take charge of yourself, your body, your energy, your life.
Why wait? Meditate!
Following this class you will have the tools to continue with your meditation practice. As well as use whenever you want to be in the relax, be in the present moment, and enjoy your life more fully!
Call or text 360-601-4358 or EMAIL.
11:00am PST
Guided meditation, “Feel Better with Meditation “
Fee Requested
Sign up now!
We all have “good” days and “bad” days. Did you ever wish you could bring yourself out of a funk? Or perhaps lessen your anxiety, depression, sadness, or other discomforts? Discover empowering techniques to assist you to lighten your load, anytime, anywhere! We all face challenges. From small nuisances to overwhelming trauma. Learn how to take more charge of yourself, your energy, your body, and your life, regardless of the situation. Reduce your suffering and gain practical tools for your toolbox of life!
Why wait? Meditate!
Following this class you will have the tools to continue with your meditation practice. As well as use whenever you want to lighten things up, feel better and have more fun!
Call or text 360-601-4358 or EMAIL.
Guided meditation, “Have Fun with Meditation!”
Fee Requested
Sign up now!
You may not think of “fun” in association with the word meditation, but meditation is intended to lighten your load, lessen your seriousness, and help your life to be more enjoyable. Often we learn that only “serious” things are meaningful. Or associate being serious with intelligence. Perhaps when you were younger, you received invalidation or were told to settle down, be quiet, or quit being frivolous, when you expressed joy or enthusiasm. Do you associate being silly with being immature? Or perhaps laughter as only being appropriate when watching a comedian or funny movie? It’s okay to laugh out loud! It’s also okay to have fun and experience amusement more quietly and within yourself. Whether quiet, loud, or anything in between, allowing amusement can assist with your self-healing. Let go of others’ opinions, and get more in touch with YOUR way!
Discover blocks to experiencing your unique amusement, and give yourself permission to have more fun in your life. Being amused can lessen depression, anxiety, and other challenges.
Why wait? Meditate!
Following this class you will have the tools to continue with your meditation practice. As well as use whenever you want to lighten things up!
Call or text 360-601-4358 or EMAIL.
Meditation Workshop
There are all different forms of meditation. This workshop will introduce you to unique, ancient techniques, not found with other practices. They can not only help you reduce stress, and be more in the present moment, but also consciously change your life.
Healing Workshop
Validate yourself as the healer that you are! Experience your own unique healing energy, feel energy with your hands, and more!_______________________________________
To Help Establish a Meditation Practice
To Make the Changes You Want to Make
To Live a Happier, Less Stressful, More Fulfilling Life
I know eight weeks sounds like a long time, and perhaps difficult to fit into your already busy schedule. A lifetime without these techniques is even more challenging and stressful. I’ve done it both ways. Using these techniques has helped me to live a more content, fulfilling life, with less stress, and more confidence. They can help lessen anxiety, depression, and other discomforts. To use them, first you need to learn them. That’s where this 8-week meditation program comes in. An extended program providing abundant practice time to help create a solid foundation for meditation, and your life.
-Sindi Somers, Certified Meditation Teacher with the desire to help YOU!
L E A R N…
- From Me and Each Other
- More About Yourself & Your Body
- Effective Meditation Techniques to Help Create Change
- Empowering Concepts and Methods to Enhance Your Life
- To Lessen Your Fear, Anxiety, Depression and Sense of Overwhelm
One Hour Introduction to Meditation Class
Learn techniques to help you be more grounded, centered, and in the present moment. Discover unwanted energies and learn how to let them go to make more room for energy that you want in the present. Using these practical tools will help you to work more in harmony with your body, create changes that you want to make, and more consciously create your life. Sound exciting?! It is! I hope you can join me.
Fee requested.
Reduce Your Anxiety and Depression Workshop
Take charge of your life with meditation! In this two hour workshop, you will learn and practice empowering techniques to help you be more grounded, centered, and in the present moment. Begin to identify why you experience anxiety and depression, and what you can do to lessen these uncomfortable, and sometimes overwhelming experiences. I will share with you the tools that have helped me. Feel free to reach out with any questions. Thank you!
Fee requested.
TUESDAY, MAY 7 – 28, 6:30 – 9:00PM PST
Class size is limited. Fee requested.
This class is designed for beginning, as well as more practiced, but still open-minded, meditators. It is a unique style of meditation that you may not have heard of before.
The Foundation meditation class will provide you with everything you need to develop a regular meditation practice. The techniques can be used to relax your body, reduce stress, and consciously make desired changes. They have helped me to lessen anxiety, stress, depression, doubt, fear, and so much more! I have changed ingrained habits, increased my confidence and self-esteem and enjoy being happy most of the time. When my body is struggling or troubled, I used the techniques to change my mood, change my energy, lighten up and help my body to feel better. If you already have an established practice, and are familiar with any other style of meditation, you can add these techniques in. Think of them as more tools for your toolbox of life!
Designed for beginners, but all 18+ are welcome. Must have a working webcam. Because this is a live, interactive class, the camera needs to stay on throughout the class. This is a seated form of meditation, so please be prepared to sit in a straight back chair during the meditation and energy work. You will also need room to stand up and walk around during parts of the class. Doesn’t this sound fun! Please reach out with questions! 360-601-4358 or Email Sindi!
Single Sessions & Ongoing Personalized Meditation Coaching
One-on-one, couples and group meditation coaching is always available by appointment! Our Zoom session will include instruction, practice and gentle guidance to help you with whatever you need help with in the moment. Feel free to reach out with any questions. Choose a single session or a package at a reduced rate.
The type of meditation that I practice and teach uses simple, powerful techniques that have been on the planet for a very long time. They were taught in the ancient mystery schools in Egypt. Although many of the techniques can be used at any time with your eyes opened or closed, when actively meditating, they are used with an Egyptian posture. I am demonstrating the posture in the photo above, as I meditate, however this particular chair is slightly slanted. It is optimal to be seated in a straight backed chair for this form of meditation. Being seated in this position allows you to have an open system for your energy to flow freely. Sitting comfortably in a straight back chair, you will want your feet to be separated and flat on the floor, and your hands to be separated and resting in your lap.
Founded in the belief that you are spirit, manifesting through a body and also in agreement with physicists that everything is energy, this form of meditation changed my life for the better! It continues to help me everyday. These meditation techniques are tools to help us to be more grounded, centered and in the present moment. They can help us navigate through this world with more ease and confidence.
I learned these techniques at CDM Spiritual Center. Although based in Everett, Washington, they offer online classes, so no matter where you live, you can participate remotely!
- I recommend the meditation CD at this link. It is my favorite form of meditation and the most helpful and life-changing one that I have found. This recording contains easy to follow instruction and two helpful, guided meditations. It is also available as an audio download.
- If you would like to read more about meditation, including stories of others’ spiritual journey, check out this e-book “Meditation: Key to Spiritual Awakening” or the printed version.
If you have more questions, feel free to contact me.
Learn meditative visualization techniques to assist you to:
- Relax
- Rejuvenate
- Reduce Stress
- Improve Sleep
- Change Habits
- Achieve Goals
- Have More Fun
- Enhance Relationships
- Feel Better and Be Healthier
- Experience More Joy and Happiness
- Have A Greater Sense of Well-Being
- Create More of What You Want In Your Life
What I hear from many people in response to meditation is 1) “I can’t meditate” and 2) “I’m too busy to do it.”
My response to number one is… yes you can! Anyone and everyone can learn to meditate. The form of meditation that I practice and teach provides tools to help you to let go of distractions and focus in the present moment. I was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I am also a skilled multi-tasker. So… if I can settle my brain and body enough to sit still and focus, anyone can!
Like anything, it takes practice to build your meditation muscle and teach your body to accept you and the quiet time, but YOU can do it!
As far as number two, you are too busy to not do it! The busier you are, the more likely your life is out of balance and you are experiencing high levels of stress. Meditation can do a lot of things. This includes reducing stress, helping you get in touch with yourself and creating more balance in your life. The techniques that I share and practice can help you change habits, let go of the past and create what you want in your life.
What if I told you that taking the time to meditate can actually help you to seemingly add more time to your day? You can be more productive and focused, as well as get in touch with new ideas through meditation. If you are stuck in any way, meditation can help get you moving again!
I am sharing with you the techniques that have helped me. They have saved me really, in many ways. I continue to use this form of meditation because it works!
Got ??? Email me at sindi@apetpsychic.com or call or text me at 360-601-4358.
The calmer and happier you are, the calmer and happier your pet will be. When we change ourselves, it effects all around us. First and foremost, it effects us. Then all others that we relate to in our lives. Strangers too!
Meditation benefits you and all around you!
Get calm and get happy, learn to meditate!
Contact Sindi to find out about upcoming classes and guided, group meditations!
Email her at sindi@apetpsychic.com.
Meditation means different things to different people. The form of meditation I practice and teach focuses on visualization techniques. You sit in a chair with feet and hands separate, allowing you to have an open system so your energies flow smoothly. If your friends, family or co-workers want to learn life changing techniques, I can come to you! I also offer public group, guided meditations, as well as classes in Oregon and Washington. When I visit California and other states including, Arizona, I offer events there in person too!
Why wait? Change your life today.
Learn to meditate!