Happy New Year!

Well, here we are again, fellow humans! The beginning of a new year. A fresh start, and an opportunity to reflect and let go of the past, making room for the present, and the year ahead. 2025 is also the Year of the Snake, in the Chinese Zodiac and lunar calendar. It will bring an end to 2024’s Year of the Dragon on January 28th.

The Year of the Snake will begin January 29th and continue through February 16th, 2026. While there are many fans of reptiles, including snakes, for some they evoke fear, dislike, and other less than pleasant responses. The Chinese Zodiac philosophy provides a more neutral, desirable perspective, including a representation of transformation, renewal, and spiritual growth. Just as snakes shed their skin to allow for new growth. Shedding the old that they are ready to let go of, which may also have parasites attached. Making room for the new, fresh, healthy, clean skin. Out with the old, in with the new.

The Year of the Snake has the same references attached, so consider that as we enter into 2025. A year of letting go, cleansing, healing, allowing space for an emergence of fresh perspectives, more self-expression, sharing, and shining of the real YOU. In reality, I have just described what each year, as well as every single day, can be. But this is a fun way to be reminded and encouraged to identify what is non-beneficial in our lives. Validating this can empower us to make a choice to keep and remain as we are, or remove and replace, or take steps to do so.

We are in charge, and the creators of our own realities, our own lives. We have the power to give ourselves permission to let go, move on, and change or enhance the direction we are going at any time. The ending of one calendar year, and the beginning of the next, always draws attention to the concept of “out with the old, in with the new.” While there may have been a time and place for old concepts and beliefs, and some may still, and perhaps always be, pertinent to you, you may find some to be outdated. When you let go of thoughts, ideas, and behaviors that you no longer need or want, you create the space for new concepts and beliefs that benefit you in the present.

Letting go of some things may seem easier than others. There may be non-beneficial patterns that have become ingrained habits. You may experience emotions in your body that make it feel safer and more comfortable to hang on, and frightening or even terrifying to change or let go. Using the meditation techniques that I practice and teach can help your body feel less afraid and more confident to move forward. They can create a stable foundation of safety, as well as provide techniques to consciously create change. You can let go of fear, anxiety, and other discomforts from your body using these tools.

Physicists have proven that everything is energy. Emotions, thoughts, stress, everything! The meditation techniques I’m sharing about can help you let go of unwanted, non-beneficial energies so you have more room for energy that benefits you in the present. The style of grounding that I practice helps the body feel safer and less afraid. It also acts as a tool to release unwanted energy. Learn more about grounding, including how to practice it, at my other blog post, “Have You Heard About Grounding?” at this link.

If you have questions about grounding, meditation, and changing unwanted thoughts, patterns and habits, feel free to reach out. Happy New Year and the best to you and your animal friends in 2025!

Email sindi@apetpsychic.com or call or text 360-601-4358. Thanks for reading!

What does this mean? Being spirit.

YOU are spirit. If you have a leaning towards spiritual exploration, and/or have settled onto your spiritual path, you may have your own personal concepts of the meaning of “spirit.”

I often hear people say, “my spirit.” Which, to me, indicates they believe that they are their physical body, and have a spirit vs. being a spirit, and having a body. I believe that we ARE all spirits, and we have bodies. We are spirits manifesting in physical bodies. Whether human, dog, cat, horse, bird, fish, or bear, we are all spirits, with bodies.

There has been much discussion, debate, and studies conducted to prove that animals experience emotion. All bodies have and experience emotions. Emotions are of the body. So, yes. Animals definitely experience, and have a wide range of, emotions. Just like people do. But animals are more than just their bodies, just like people are. We are again, all spirit with bodies. It is because we have bodies that we can experience emotions, and other aspects of the physical realm.

Without the use of a body a spirit can not experience the physical world, including emotions. Whether animal or human. Without the ability to manifest through a body, we, as spirit, are in, and can only experience the spiritual realm. Emotions, the intellect, and other experiences, such as pain are only part of the physical experience. To experience them we need a body. And for a body to experience life, to be alive, it needs a spirit, a spiritual being to manifest its energy through it. We need each other, spirit, and body, to experience the physical world.

Obviously, we know the scientific meaning of life, and the aspects of the body that need to be healthy for the body to be alive. But it is the spirit, the soul, the spiritual being and whether its energy is energizing the body that determines whether it is alive or not, and the state of vitality of the body.

As spirit we have the ability to move our energy in and out of our body. The body is always in the present moment. As spirit, we can be in the present, the past, or the future. We can use our bodies to help us at spirit to manifest more consciously into the present. Focusing on our body’s rhythms and experiences can automatically help draw our attention as spirit more into the present. Some meditation practices encourage focusing on breathing, which is a fabulous start! When one focuses their attention on their breath flowing in and out of their lungs it brings their awareness more to their body, and thus more to the present moment. Remember, your body is always in the present. As I mentioned, you as spirit, can be anywhere, at will. The present, the past, the future. Even another city, state, or country. Wherever your attention is, that’s where you are as spirit.

It can be fun to just notice. Allow yourself to be aware. Check in when you think of it. Where is your attention? Is it on the task or activity you are currently doing? It might be! Are you thinking about other things on your “to do” list? Perhaps you’re enjoying thoughts of an upcoming event that you’re looking forward to. Or maybe a memory was triggered and you’re dwelling on something from the past. There’s no right or wrong, or good or bad about it. Each is just a different experience.

However, the more you are in the present, the more in control of yourself, your body, your energy, and your actions you will be. In addition to focusing on your breathing, you can be aware of your heartbeat, your pulse. Notice the weight and mass of your body, your clothes on your skin, the temperature of the room. Use the senses of your body to help draw your attention as spirit more to it, and to the present moment. Tune into any sounds, smells, and tastes in your mouth. If you close your eyes, as in meditation, it can help lessen distractions. We take in so much information with our eyes, that when we close them, it helps us to focus more on ourselves, and our bodies. However, if you are sighted and your eyes are open, you can use your sense of sight, and what you see, to further draw your attention into the present. We often learn to move our attention out into whatever we are looking at, so this is something to be aware of. Practice staying with your body, as you look at external sights.

These techniques are simple and can be done with your eyes closed or opened, as mentioned. But there is one other technique that is just as simple, but in my opinion, is the most important. It’s called grounding. You may have heard the term grounding before, but it may be a different style than what I am sharing about.

While you can be grounded anytime and anywhere and doing any activity, if you are new to grounding, it can help you to sit comfortably in a straight back chair, with your eyes closed. You’ll want to have your feet separated and flat on the floor, and your hands separated and resting in your lap. Take some nice, slow deep breaths and relax your body. Be aware of the area near the base of your spine. This is your first chakra. Allow yourself to create, imagine, visualize a flow of energy flowing from the area near the base of your spine all the way down to the center of the earth. Let it flow straight down with no effort. This is your grounding cord. Securely attach it to both ends, the center of the earth and your first chakra. Take a deep breath and experience being grounded. How does your body respond to being grounded? Get a word or words to describe what it’s like to be grounded right now. Does it feel familiar, or new? Continue to allow your grounding to flow. Being grounded can help to lessen stress, anxiety, and depression, as well as help you be less scattered and more in control of your life.

You can also use your grounding to release energy. Physicists have proven that everything is energy. Everything. Everything physical and everything related to the spiritual realm. There are just different kinds of energy. Some we can physically see, and some we can’t. There are energies that are beneficial and those that can be disturbing and disruptive. We can release any energy we do not want. When we release unwanted energy, we make more room for the energy that we want. Out with the old and unwanted energies, and in with the new and desired energies.

Practice releasing energy now. Be aware of your grounding flowing from your first chakra to the center of the earth. Get the concept of releasing any unwanted energy down your grounding. Just let it go. With no effort. Just allow, and let it flow. This process does not harm the planet in any way. Once it gets to the center of the earth, the energy is neutralized to be reused again.

Be aware of an area of your body that you carry a lot of tension. That is stored energy. Allow that energy to flow down your grounding. Let it go. Relax your body by releasing energy. How does your body respond as you release energy from it? You can release any energy that you want. Releasing energy also strengthens your grounding. If you ever feel like you need more grounding, simply send more energy down it.

If you are ever feeling scattered, overwhelmed, or uncomfortable in any way, remember your ability to ground. Simply grounding helps to calm your body’s nervous system. Then you have the added benefit of releasing any energy that is making you uncomfortable. You may tune into something specific, but you don’t have to. There have been times I didn’t know exactly what energy I was dealing with, but knew I needed to let it go. So, I did, and my body felt better.

Grounding is a spiritual technique, as is releasing energy. You create your grounding as spirit. You release energy as spirit. When you create as spirit it takes no effort. If you ever find yourself trying hard to ground, or release energy, that’s your body trying to get involved. Bodies use effort. Spirits do now. Remember, everything is energy. Including effort. So, you can release any interfering effort energy down your grounding.

Using spiritual techniques, such as grounding and releasing energy, will help you get to know yourself as spirit. The soul, the spiritual being that you are. I’ll end this blog post, just as I began it. YOU are spirit. Enjoy your unique, and uniquely beautiful spiritual journey, here on earth.


Psychic Readings for People and Pets – Wild Animals Too!

I started formally doing psychic readings when I was 19 years old. My work originated with people. There were times over the years that someone would have a questions about a pet, but it wasn’t until I moved to San Diego, California in 2007 that things changed.

After the move I found a health focused pet supply store near where I was living. It was a lovely, brand new store that had just what I needed. After speaking to the owner of the store, I ended up being hired to help with special events. I later started working in the store. This gave me the opportunity to learn about dog and cat nutrition, as well as more about animal behavior, especially with dogs.

Around the same time that I started there, I found an office to rent. This was going to be for me to offer psychic readings for people. Although it was a small office, it had the possibility of teaching meditation classes there too. While working at the store, a series of events happened that brought me to a life change “aha” moment. I love animals so much, why don’t I make them a formal part of my practice? So, I did just that and my life as a pet psychic began.

I had already done a reading for my boss whose dog had just passed. This was followed up with readings for co-workers and anybody that wanted one. This was a new way to use my psychic muscle and I was absolutely loving it.

To expand my work and help how I could, I reached out to rescues and shelters, volunteering my services to help raise funds for their missions, and the animals in their care. Did I mention that I was loving all of this?! While my experience reading people ranged many years beforehand, it was my involvement with the San Diego animal loving community that got me known as a psychic, a pet psychic. I loved being involved with pet related public events, such as the Blessing of the Animals event pictured below. I looked forward to it every year. Not only were the animal loving guests and their animal friends fantastic, but I loved that it acknowledged the spiritual aspect of animals. I believe that we are all spiritual beings, whether we are housed in human bodies, dog bodies, cat, horse, fish, alligator, crow, or any other type of physical body. We are all spirit. We are souls. Beings manifesting through physical bodies.

Me, Macaroni and his mom at the Blessing of the Animals event in Old Town San Diego Historical Park in January, 2013. I was doing a public demonstration of psychic reading and animal communication session.

While Wild and Tame Wellness and Communications includes readings and communication with wild animals as well, I am mainly contacted to help with companion animals. Cats and dogs most often, but also birds, ferrets, rabbits, horses and others, including tortoises and bearded dragons. I use the same techniques with animals that I do with people. Over time, my style has evolved, but I still use the same foundational techniques that I started with.

It has been interesting to me that in recent years more and more people that have been pet reading clients, have come to me for readings for themselves and other aspects of their lives. They still ask questions about their animal friends, and if needed, may devote an entire session to them, but there has been a noticeable change. Personally, I see this as a beneficial sign. The happier we are as humans, the happier our animal friends, and all around us will be. So, if we look at ourselves and address our issues, our animal friends don’t have to worry so much about us, and spend as much time trying to heal us. This allows more time for us to enjoy each other as friends, companions, and loved ones. I believe this shift of interest to looking more at ourselves is a reflection of our spiritual evolvement.

Since the pandemic, I have not offered in person readings and sessions. All are remote. While I used to offer audio only, I have introduced readings via Zoom earlier this year. They have been a lot of fun and are the next best thing to being in person!

Have you ever thought about getting a psychic reading? Perhaps you’ve had one, but it has been a while. Got questions about my style of reading? Curious to know what you can ask, and what information and insights you can receive? Please feel free to reach out. I would LOVE to hear from you! Whether for you, your animal friends, or a combination of both, it is your hour, your time and your session to design as you wish. Whether questions only, or questions and an aura or rose/spiritual awareness reading that includes information about past lives. Yes. You have had them, and so have your animal friends. It was actually my curiosity about past lives that got me into psychic readings, meditation and energy healing.

I look forward to the possibility of helping you and your animal friends however I can. I can be reached at 360-601-4358 via call or text, and by email me at sindi@apetpsychic.com.

This is me doing a psychic reading at a public event at the Friends of Cats sanctuary and rescue in El Cajon, CA. As you can see, animals do not need to be physically present to receive a reading. Actually, neither do people. This allows me to offer long distance readings to anyone, anywhere.

Live YOUR Life

The last several months have been an important time of reflection for me. I have been reflecting on how I am spending my time and choices I have made. I believe it is essential for us to face ourselves and all of our creations, behaviors and the consequences of our actions and decisions. No matter how difficult, humbling or disturbing it may seem, and how much they may feel like mistakes.

It is impossible to live a life on Earth and not make mistakes! I have learned my greatest lessons and made the most significant changes because of the “mistakes” I have made. The meditation techniques of grounding and being in the center of your head can help us to be more tolerant and non-judgemental of ourselves and others. So these are excellent tools to practice to help us be gentler with ourselves and have a lighter perspective.

It is equally beneficial to acknowledge your successes no matter how “small” they may seem. The important addressing in both of these, whether seeming like a success or not, is validation. Validating what it is. If we acknowledge the truth, what is, versus what we want to pretend it is or wish it would be, we are then in a position to either accept it or change it. If we choose to remain in a state of denial or otherwise pretend a different “truth,” we can do neither of these. If we don’t validate what is, we are not living in reality. If we don’t see where we are, we can not take a step forward to where we want to go, or be!

The meditative visualization techniques that I use give me tools to be more grounded, centered and in the present moment. They allow me, the spirit, to be more fully present with my body. In this experience I am able to see my life and situations more clearly and respond more consciously. Grounding from the first chakra, near the base of the spine, is the foundation of all that I do. When I am not adequately grounded, I am more likely to make more of the challenging to forgive myself type of mistakes. I am also more easily influenced by others and affected by their energy, emotions and opinions. Their wants and desires can seem to become my own, even when they actually are not. Grounding helps me be more steadfast and certain of my beliefs and less impacted by someone else’s judgements and ideas of what I “should” think, believe or do.

When I am in touch with myself, and my unique energy and information I find myself more easily accepting and content with my choices and the results they have led to. I am happy with so much of how I have lived my life. While some experiences still may be challenging to embrace and be at peace with, I love my life! It took time and self-healing to get to more of a place of contentment, and to also be okay with not pleasing others with my choices. It has so often been my extreme desire to live up to others’, or my own, expectations. These really are judgements that can limit and restrict us. The belief that we must be “perfect” and/or live up to any expectation can cause our body stress and fear, and can lead to us stepping off track, and off of our personal path. Is pleasing someone else worth not being true to yourself, and following your unique path? Is trying to fit someone else’s ideal worth losing yourself, hiding yourself, and potentially being unhappy and unfulfilled?

Expectations aren’t always for us to be “better” in some way. We may even believe in an expectation that tells us we should hold ourselves back and be less than we are. Perhaps learning that we should hide our bright light, our beauty, wisdom, talents, or other unique gifts, instead of shining and showing our authentic selves. Why? Even if someone else is comfortable with us making that choice, who do we really help? Certainly not ourselves! Nor do we help others by setting an example to not use or share our gifts. By shining we show others that they can do it too. What a way to encourage others to be themselves!

Think of your favorite band. What you removed one person, either a singer or musician from that band. Each member adds not only their talent, creativity and showmanship, but they also add their unique energy, completely changing the dynamics of the group.

Everything is energy. That which we like, and that which we don’t like. Physicists have proven the concept, that everything is energy. The air we breathe, the water we drink, our thoughts, words, emotions, tension in our bodies, and all else. Absolutely everything! Grounding from the first chakra, the energy center near the base of your spine, is a highly effective tool for releasing energy that we no longer want. We can use our grounding to release energy and relax the body. We can let go of expectations, stress, tension, overwhelming emotions, discomfort, anxiety, lies and other people’s energies that may be affecting us.

By letting go of energy we don’t want, we make room for more of our energy that we do want, and what we desire in the present. Out with the old and in with the new! Energy is vibrations. These vibrations can be interpreted as colors, which can be further understood to have different meanings. A color of energy doesn’t always have the same meaning. What it “means” depends on the quality, clarity and density of the vibration. During an energy reading a.k.a. a reading of you, the soul, and your energy a.k.a. a psychic reading, I look at and interpret, or “read” your energy. This allows me to answer your questions and convey information with the intention of assisting you in your life. Even if it is an animal communication session, and reading of your animal friend, you will receive the information from the reading. Animal or pet readings, always include the humans in their lives because we impact each other so much. I currently offer remote readings via Zoom, as well as continuing to have an audio only option.

If you are interested in learning more about yourself, and your energy, you may want to consider taking one of my meditation classes. I learned to meditate at the CDM Spiritual Center in Everett, Washington. The techniques and information helped me so much, I decided I wanted to share this important, life-changing information with others. So, I completed CDM’s training program and became a certified meditation teacher.

I currently teach group classes and facilitate one-on-one meditation coaching sessions which include personalized guided meditations. The techniques alone help support you in your life. Sessions provide additional encouragement, a listening ear, and more detailed meditation instruction. I refer to myself as a coach, but in addition to being a teacher, I’m really more like a spiritual cheerleader!

Most of my events are open to the general public. However, I am also available for private presentations for groups, businesses, and non-profit organizations. With the exception of in-person presentations, and private speaking engagements, all meditation options are currently offered remotely via Zoom. Another service I provide is recording a personalized meditation for you. Or maybe for a friend or family member that could use some assistance. Gift certificates are available for all of my services and they can be emailed to you.

Ready to live a more grounded, centered, and joyous life focused more in the present moment? Or maybe you have questions, and want to learn more. Feel free to contact me by text or phone at 360-601-4358 or email me at sindi@apetpsychic.com. Thanks for reading! Enjoy your day, and your life!

A Tortoise Amongst Hares

I learn so much about animals doing my work as a pet psychic and animal communicator. Several years ago I did my first reading on a tortoise. I was able to hold him after the reading. See photo below.

I met Franklin and his mom at an event where I had a booth. It may seem unusual since it was a tortoise, but we met at Bunnyfest in San Diego, California. Bunnyfest is an annual event organized by the San Diego House Rabbit Society. They rescue, care for and rehome rabbits. They do important work and I appreciated the opportunity to offer my services to help raise funds for their non-profit organization.

In addition to talking with passers by, I was offering short sessions at the event. During my reading I was aware of how mellow Franklin was and that he was a grounding force in the home. I believe I used the word Zen during my explanation. He was just so naturally grounded, relaxed and neutral. A calming force, and very wise. It all made sense, as his energy as a tortoise. But I just never thought about it before until I did the reading and looked at his energy using my clairvoyance, my spiritual sight, and my ability to see and interpret energy.

I remember similar happenings with other first time readings of animals, such as when I read a rabbit the first time. Not having the intellectual knowledge, I wasn’t sure if what I was “seeing” psychically made sense, so when I saw how their rabbit wanted to dig, I asked, do rabbits dig? If you are familiar with rabbit behavior you may think that was a dumb question, but at the time, I had limited experience with rabbits. It was my work with SDHRS and readings from my involvement with them that I gained the intellectual knowledge of rabbit behavior to match the information I was gaining from using my other abilities. My spiritual abilities. It was validating to learn that what I was seeing was true intellectually, as well as spiritually, and energetically.

I really consider myself a creature reader. Humans of all ages and wild and tame animals, all creatures big and small. Those still physically present and those that have passed on. If you have questions about any of my services, please feel free to contact me at 360-601-4358 or email me. I hope to hear from you and your animal friends!

Reading Energy

The meditative visualization techniques that I use assist me to be more grounded, centered and in the present moment. They allow me, the spirit, to be more fully present with my body. In this experience I am able to see my life and situations more clearly and respond more consciously.

Grounding from the first chakra, near the base of the spine, to the center of the earth is the foundation of all that I do. When I am not adequately grounded, I am more likely to make mistakes. I am also more easily influenced by others and affected by their energy, this includes their emotions and opinions. Grounding helps me be more steadfast and certain of my beliefs and less impacted by someone else’s judgements and ideas of what I “should” think, believe or do.

One of the most well known physicists in history, Albert Einstein said, “Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way.” Sounds like The Secret! It also confirms my belief that we create our own reality and we do so based on our beliefs.

Physicists have proven that everything is energy. Our thoughts, emotions, the air we breathe, the food we eat, the ground we walk on, stress and tension in our bodies, and all else. Grounding is a highly effective tool for releasing energy that we no longer want. We can use our grounding to release energy and relax the body. Grounding provides a way to let go of unwanted energies. These may include uncomfortable emotions, non-beneficial thoughts, limiting beliefs, doubt, worry, other people’s energies and other disturbances that may be effecting us.

By letting go of energy that we don’t want, we make room for more of our energy and what we do want. Out with the old and in with the new! Energy is vibrations. Vibrations can be “read” and interpreted as colors. Colors then can be further interpreted to have different meanings depending on the quality, clarity and density of the vibration. During an energy reading a.k.a. a psychic reading, a reading of you the soul, I use my clairvoyance. My clairvoyance is my spiritual, non-physical sight and ability to see and interpret, or “read” energy. I am then able to convey information based on what I see or “read” and understand to be true.

We all have an aura, which is an energy field around us. Our aura has seven main layers of energy. Each with its own information and color, both of which can change, as we change. There is not a set color for each chakra or layer of an aura. Colors depend on what energy is currently being experienced in that layer.

When I do an animal communication session and reading of an animal friend, their guardian human will receive the information from the reading. They can then use the information to assist with their relationship and their animal’s needs. The animal also receives the information from the reading. While there is verbal communication during a reading, the most significant communication happens non-verbally. The transference of information through pictures, thoughts and other forms of non-physically audible energy.

Just as I can read the energy of you and your animal friends or my animal friends, I can read myself, and my energy. I have found this to be very helpful in my life. We all can become overwhelmed, confused, distracted and uncertain about what is most beneficial for us to do. Using my clairvoyance to read myself can help me to have more clarity about my next important step. NEWSFLASH! I am not the only one that is clairvoyant! So are you! We all are spirit and clairvoyance is a spiritual ability that we all have. Us humans, as well as our animal friends.

The process of gaining clarity and increasing our spiritual awareness begins with meditation. It is through my meditation practice that I am able to let go of energy that is non-beneficial and replace it with energy that can help me along the way. Grounding from the base of my spine to the center of the earth helps me to bring more of my energy into my body and helps me to be more present in the moment. It also is a tool to use to release the unwanted energies. Centering and focusing my attention into the center of my head, behind my eyes and up a bit, puts me in the control tower of my body and my life. Being grounded and centered is a very empowering way to experience life. Are you ready to learn these seemingly magical tools of wonder that can help you gain more clarity?

During a reading there is always physical space between us. This also assists with the energetic space. While I sit across from someone during an in-person reading, I am currently offering remote readings, done at a distance. Contact me to learn more! P.S. This was at a Friends of Cats event in El Cajon, CA when I lived down in San Diego County. I’m not sure of the year, but around 2009/2010, I think. 🙂

The form of meditation that I practice has made such a significant, beneficial difference in my life that I LOVE sharing this information with others. I don’t want to keep it to myself! I want to share it! I will be planning more opportunities to share this information, including in my Meditation 101 class. While I teach grounding, centering and releasing energy in all of my meditation events, in this five week class, there will be further instruction building on this foundation. There will also be plenty of practice time to help build confidence with these amazing, life changing tools.

This month, I am offering one hour Introduction to Meditation classes on Facebook. You will learn all that you need to start and continue an effective meditation practice in this power hour of a class. I am also planning other classes. Some will be a one hour to two and a half hour, one time workshop type class format. For those interested in plenty of practice time, Q&A opportunities with me and learning over 14 different meditation techniques, a five week class will be announced soon. Interested in learning more or being added to the class contact list to receive the most current updates? Call or text me at 360-601-4358 or email me. I hope to hear from you and have the chance to help you with your meditation learning process! Enjoy!

Earth Day, April 22

This is our planet. Ours. Steps to healing planet earth and avoiding further devastation and destruction begin with us. Every single one of us. We are all part of the “Our” in our planet. So we all take part in contributing to the state of our world. Mother Earth. Our planet.

You have most certainly heard the term and at this point in the event’s development, as well as by name alone, you probably have a good idea of the focus of this event. You may even have participated in a celebration, or practiced an environmentally friendly act on your own to acknowledge it. But what exactly is Earth Day?

The first Earth Day happened on April 22, 1970 to increase public awareness of the human actions and behaviors that are harming, and ultimately destroying the planet. This event brought environmentally conscious individuals and groups, as well as those new to the movement, together in support of improved earth health. Visit EarthDay.org to learn more about its interesting history. This worldwide celebration continues annually.

Google Earth Day 2022 in your area to find out about about any live events that are happening. There are also virtual events you can participate in. That includes an Earth Day Meditation that I will be facilitating at 7:00 PM PST via Facebook. This free, public, online event is designed for beginning meditators, so all are welcome.

Earth Day’s theme this year is, “Invest in Our Planet.” Learn more about Earth Day 2022 at this link, also on EarthDay.org.

I like the thought that everyday is Earth Day. Because it really is. It is so easy to go about our day grabbing for an extra paper towel, throwing away a bottle instead of recycling or walking by the piece of trash on the ground. None of us are perfect. All of us are busy. There are many ways to help our planet, whether getting physically involved with volunteering, giving financially to a legitimate, environmentally friendly organization or attending an event in support, as well as for further education. It initially starts however, in our own life. What we do with our trash, what we use to clean, our choice of transportation and more.

It begins with being more aware of what we are doing. We all have habits. Many come about by simply living in a convenience loving society. I recently quit my abundant paper towel habit. I was a self admitted paper towel-aholic. While there may still be an occassional need for a disposable paper towel in my life, for the last 30+ days I have been drying my hands, wiping up spills and doing all that I need to without them, using reusable cloth instead. Why the switch? Did you know that over 51,000 trees are cut down every day because of North America’s paper towel usage? I love trees! It is part of why I moved back to Washington state. I chose trees over paper towels.

Another way to help the earth is by helping ourselves. By acknowledging not just the physical, but also the affects of the energy that we share with the world. By letting go of energies that are harmful to us, by healing ourselves, we are in turn, healing our planet. In tonight’s Earth Day Meditation, we will be grounding, to connect to the earth. Centering in our bodies to be more in the present moment. Releasing unwanted energies so we have more of the energy that we want in our lives and on the planet. We will honor and celebrate the earth and feel more relaxed while doing it! I hope to see you meditating at 7:00 pm PST. Happy Earth Day!

The You in Ukraine

As I sit comfortably with a roof over my head and a full stomach, sipping soothing green tea, I am reflecting on the period over the last several years that has held both unique and familiar, now historical, events. These times have included challenges, trauma, and unfathomable happenings, not only in the US, but worldwide. In addition to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen violent, political unrest, publicly displayed social injustices, devastating natural disasters and the horrors of war, the most prominent currently being Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. While there has been a long running competition between the two countries, Russian President, Vladimir Putin’s decision to physically advance, was still startling, even with his known beliefs of Russian superiority and Ukrainian prejudice.

Before February 24, 2022, Kiev, Ukraine looked like this. Courtesy of Zephyrka on Pixabay.com *

We all go through times of discomfort, disturbance, stress and trauma. When we see the big picture of our planet, it can help put things into perspective. Those in Ukraine, humans, and wild and domesticated animals, are experiencing the terror of nearby active gunfire, explosions, loss of loved ones and a focus of meeting the bare minimum of their survival needs while avoiding injury and death. People having to unexpectedly flee their homes and country in search of safety. With some choosing to stay in Ukraine with loved ones, animals, or for some other personal reason.

Before February 24, 2022, this photo was taken in Ukraine. Courtesy of andriish22 on Pixabay.com *

It can make our bodies sad, afraid, and angry to think about what is being done and what is going on in Ukraine. There are many individuals and organizations working to bring food, water, and other aid, as well as help bring Ukrainian residents to safety. Unfortunately, there are also those that take advantage of situations like this, and prey on kind-hearted, compassionate people that want to help their fellow humans and the world’s animals.

In case you are not aware, there are websites that publicize lists of legitimate non-profit organizations based on their thorough investigations and specifically met criteria, such as what percentage of received donations goes towards helping a cause. I like CharityWatch.org, but there are others. I find Charity Watch easy to navigate and I like seeing an actual person that is representing the organization. You will see what I mean when you watch their videos! However, I highly recommend taking a little time to do your own research and ensure that you are comfortable with your donation decisions.

Before February 24, 2022, did this graphic exist? Courtesy of WiR_Pixs on Pixabay.com *

While the war is physically happening further away than most of us will be able to travel, is there anything we can do from here? Yes! In addition to giving financially, as you are able, to legitimate aid organizations, help by being mindful of your thoughts. Physicists have proven that everything is energy, including the air you breathe, your body’s emotions and thoughts. If you are thinking fear, you are giving fear. If you are thinking peace, you are sending peace. If you are thinking love, you are giving the gift of love. You may also find practicing grounding and meditation helpful. To not only to help calm your body, but also to gain more clarity and control of your thoughts. Grounding is the foundation of my meditations. It is also a technique that you can use to release energy. You can let go of stress and any energy that you no longer want, including overwhelming emotions, and disturbing thoughts. This clearing makes more room for energy and thoughts that you do want and that are more beneficial.

The war in Ukraine has led to destruction, terror and devastation. The fact that the war is affecting all of us in some way demonstrates how we are all connected. Not only is it evoking fear and other emotional responses, but the effects are also manifesting physically with increased prices and food shortages. This is just the beginning. Give thoughts of love, peace, and compassion to those in Ukraine, to yourself and to all life. Give this energy, these thoughts of love, peace, and compassion to the earth, our planet.

We are all connected. Even if you do not agree, it certainly can’t hurt to change your thoughts from fear and anxiety to love and compassion. If nothing else, it will help your own body to feel better.

If you know of legitimate organizations helping in Ukraine, please let me know. Thank you! Feel free to reach out if you want to talk about this, or any other topic. Love to you and your animal friends. sindi@apetpsychic.com

Before February 24, 2022, there were beautiful trees and forests like this in Ukraine. Courtesy of Inactive Account – ID 2019 on Pixabay.com *

* I have included links to the Pixabay.com pages of the talented photographers that freely provided the photos in this blog post. You can buy them “coffee” on their pages. Perhaps this is another way to help Ukraine. Donating directly to its generous artists.

Have You Heard of Grounding?

Most likely you have heard someone describe another person using the word grounded. “She seems so grounded and down to earth.” Or “they are scattered and not very grounded.” The word has been a part of our vocabulary in this way for quite some time.

We have also used the word to explain a form of punishment, when a child or teenager is placed on restriction from activities, as being grounded. Electricity also must be grounded to be considered safe. Grounding electricity provides a place for excess electricity to safely go. Into the ground. This helps lessen the chance of fire or another dangerous situation.

So, while there are different uses for the word and derivatives of, what do I mean by grounding? I will be sharing about the simple, yet powerful meditative visualization technique of grounding. It is important to acknowledge, that even in meditation, there are multiple definitions of the word. Such as you will find in mindfulness meditation, where there is a physical technique of pressing your heels into the floor, with the thought that doing this helps you to be more connected with the earth, and helps you to be more physically grounded. In mindfulness, the term grounding, can also mean implementing any behavior that assists with bringing your awareness into the present moment.

While my practice is not the traditional form of “mindfulness meditation,” the style I learned at the CDM Spiritual Center in Everett, Washington emphasizes the importance of being in present time. In classes there, you learn easy ways to be more in the present moment including, focusing on your breathing, the air flowing in and out of your lungs. Experiencing your senses and what your body is feeling. Such as, being aware of smells, tastes, temperatures in your environment, the weight of your body, the clothes on your skin and sights around you. Consciously being aware of the physical reality, will automatically draw your attention into the present moment.

As previously mentioned, grounding, as I am referring to it, is a visualization technique. It connects you, the soul, through your body to the center of the earth. I learned how to ground in this way at CDM Spiritual Center. While this form of grounding can help you physically, by helping your body, it is actually a spiritual technique. Practicing it will further help to bring your attention into the present moment. It is a meditation technique that can be used, not only during meditation, but also during your everyday life, regardless of what activity you are engaged in. Sitting, standing, walking, lying down, working, playing, eating, drinking and literally doing anything else you can think of.

Why would we want to ground and use this spiritual grounding technique? It can help settle the body’s nerves and calm it. It helps the body to feel safe, secure and more confident. It helps us to bring more of our energy into our body and consciously manifest through it. Being grounded can help those suffering from depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder and other conditions that cause disturbance in our lives.

Meditation is experiential, so to understand grounding, one must experience it. As I mentioned, you can use grounding anytime, whether meditating or going about your day. I have included information below to help you experience grounding while meditating. This will help you to focus as you practice the technique.

Sindi meditating
Meditation helps me to feel better, create change and be more present and content in my life. This photo was taken at my friend’s apartment in San Diego, Californiat. That is their dog in the background. 🙂

To begin your meditation, sit in a straight back chair with both feet flat on the floor. Separate your hands and rest them on your lap. Keep your hands and feet separated, while sitting up as straight as your can. This position allows you to have an open system so that your energy can flow freely. It is an Egyptian meditation posture that was taught in the Ancient Mystery Schools in Egypt.

Close your eyes to tune out the visual world around you. We take in so much information with our eyes. Closing them will allow you to focus more fully on yourself, your body and your meditation. Take some nice, slow deep breaths to relax your body and bring your attention more into the present moment.

Be aware of the area near the base of your spine. You have a chakra or energy center here. Be aware of this energy center. Create, imagine, visualize, a flow of energy flowing straight down from the area near the base, the bottom of your spine, your first chakra, all the way down to the center of the earth. This is your grounding cord. Allow your grounding to be securely attached at both ends, your first chakra and the center of the planet.

Take a nice deep breath as you ground to the center of the earth. Be aware of how your body feels as you ground. Is it a different feeling or the same as before? Get a word or two to describe what it’s like to be grounded.

You can be grounded anywhere and anytime, doing any activity. Being grounded will not only help you to be in the present moment, but it will help your body to be less afraid. It will help you to work more in harmony with your body. It will help you to create more of what you want in your life.

Your grounding cord can also be used to release energy. Why would you want to release energy? Don’t we need energy? Physicists have proven that everything is energy. Everything! According to Albert Einstein, perhaps the most well-known physicist in human history, “Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” Your thoughts, emotions, the air you breathe, the ground you walk on, the things you like and don’t like, all are energy.

Energies that you may want to release and let go of down your grounding include, stress, pain, fear, worry and disturbance from the past that may not be benefiting you. When you let go of energy that you don’t want, you make room for more of the energy that you do want.

Be aware of one thing that you want to let go of. It may be tension in your body, anxiety or energy related to something that upsets you. Start to release that unwanted energy down your grounding cord, all the way to the center of the earth. That energy will be recycled to be used again and won’t hurt the planet.

Whenever you become aware of energy that makes you uncomfortable or is disturbing to you, you can simply let it go. Let it flow out of you and down your grounding. You don’t even have to know what it is. Just let it go! As you do this, notice how your body feels. Do you like it? Have you felt this feeling before, or is it new?

Being grounded can help you to have clearer communication with others, including your animal friends. Practice with your animals at home. Not only will being grounded help your body to relax and be calmer, but you will be able to be there, more fully with them and for them, in the present moment. They will appreciate this!

If you would like to learn more about how grounding can help you and all those around you, feel free to contact me. Either via email, or by phone at 360-601-4358.

Happy 2022 to You!

It’s hard to believe that we are here at the beginning of yet another year. I hope your 2022 is off to a good start and that you are well, your body is healthy and you have some optimistic excitement for the days ahead.

It has been two years since the emergence of COVID-19 and the global pandemic that followed. What a time this has been for us all! It seems just as we start to get more relaxed and comfortable, a new variant shows up interfering with us going further in that direction.

Despite that, one important thing that has occurred is that many people have had more time to reflect. This ultimately has given them the opportunity to get more in touch with themselves and what they truly want to create in their life. And that’s a good thing! People are quitting jobs in record numbers. Exploring new industries and types of employment. Going back to school, learning new skills, but most importantly, spending extra time honoring themselves and what is truly important to them.

I definitely have enjoyed more quiet, meditative time. Increasing the use of my learned meditation techniques, not only while actively meditating, but also throughout my day, has helped me experience deeper and more consistent calmness. Grounding, specifically, has become an even stronger presences. Helping me to relax and reassure my body during these challenging times. Grounding from the the first chakra, near the base of the spine is a way to also let go of energies we don’t want, such as anxiety, depression, fear and lonliness.

Meditation has helped me get clearer about what I want to create in my life. This includes continuing my meditation practice and doing more energy work and spiritual healing. For myself, but also sharing this with others.

In addition to focusing more fully on providing sessions to assist people with their animal friends, I also am reestablishing my first practice, which was offering sessions for humans. While readings with animals always include their humans because we impact each other so much, I also want everyone to know that I offer sessions for people with or without animals in their lives.

Aura readings, spiritual awareness readings, past life readings, as well as energy healing and asking specific questions about situations in your life, all are options during a reading. You are welcome to ask questions about your animal friends during your individual “people” reading. You may also wish to ask about work, relationships, your spiritual path, psychic experiences you have had, blocks to changing patterns or creating more of what you want. These are some examples, but you can ask questions on any topic you would like feedback and insight about.

I have always had the option of long distance readings and healings. With the onset of the pandemic and because of the variants and ongoing spikes in COVID cases, I am now offering remote sessions only. Which actually allows anyone, anywhere to receive a session, easily and conveniently. You never have to get out of your pajamas, put your shoes on or leave your home!

If you’d like to learn more or feel ready to schedule a session, feel free to call or text me at 360-601-4358 or click here to email me!