Just thought I would share some favorite warm and fuzzy animal photos!
Scroll down below the photos to read my thoughts for the day.
Do you have a favorite animal? My grandma’s favorite? Bears! I too love bears, but also tigers, dogs, cats, gorillas and just animals in general. I admittedly have a hard time choosing favorites. I find different animal species so fascinating. You could spend your entire life studying one type and still have more to learn!
One of the things I love about being a pet psychic, as well as a psychic reader for people is the connection with other souls. It is an experience unlike any other. Whether it is verbal or a telepathic communication, it is powerful and validating. I love talking about spirituality and communicating with other spirits.
There are spirits in and out of body. Us humans and animals are spiritual beings; souls. We have bodies. We are spirits or souls manifesting through physical bodies. There are also spirits or beings that don’t have bodies. They are not more powerful than those of us with bodies, although Hollywood movies and other media may have us believing differently. We may learn to fear spirits without bodies. I state again, they are not more powerful than us. In fact, it takes more energy and more information and thus more power to have, own, operate and maintain a body.
Just as there are people who are kind and people that are mean, there are spirits without bodies that are beneficial and those that are invasive and effect us adversely. Meditation, specifically the techniques of grounding and centering can help us to protect our space and be less influenced by outside energies, including beings without bodies that may be around us.
In addition to psychic reading, energy healing and animal communication or telepathy, I teach meditation techniques. I also offer house cleansings, which may include, “ghostbusting” if any non-beneficial spirits are present. These energetic cleansings can not only be for homes, but offices or entire buildings, apartment complexes or outdoor areas. These cleansings are energy healings. In addition to physical spaces, they can be given to any individual person, business, group, organization and even special events. If it exists it can receive an energy healing! These cleansings or healings can assist in changing energy. I believe healing is change and that all healing is self healing. I act as a catalyst to assist in moving, removing or letting go of non-beneficial energies, including spirits not in harmony with a particular environment.
If you are in San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco or anywhere in California, the Pacific Northwest including Oregon and Washington, the Midwest, South, East Coast or anywhere in the United States or around the world, I can help. I can give energy healings, psychic readings, animal communication sessions and meditation instruction remotely. For more information, call or text me at 619-797-0705 or email sindi@apetpsychic.com. You may also wish to visit my other website with additional information for my larger service organization, Wild and Tame Wellness and Communication at www.WildTame.com. Below are more links for your review.
Click for information about hiring me to be a SPEAKER at your event or business.
Click for information about individual, business or organizations MEDITATION classes.
Click for information about DOG TRAINING with a twist.
Click for other PEOPLE services, PET services, WILD ANIMAL services.
Click to watch Sindi being interviewed by Gary Kelley and doing a READING on TV.