Even cute little guinea pigs can experience stress, anxiety and a full range of emotions. Get to know your animal friends and get to know yourself. By changing how you feel, you impact all around you, including your pets.
One of the questions I often get asked during an animal communication and psychic reading session is whether or not a pet is happy. Dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, guinea pigs, horses and other animals in our lives are impacted by us and how we are feeling. Are we happy, stressed, sad, angry, excited, enthusiastic, worried or anxious? How do our animal friends mirror these emotions and experiences? In all different ways!
While emotional responses can be exhibited in behavioral issues or changes they can sometimes be less obvious. Has your dog started itching, biting or gnawing himself frequently? If you rule out some of the obvious culprits, such as fleas or allergies, what could it be? It could be an outlet for stress. Why is he stressed? It can be beneficial to evaluate your stress level. Is there something that happened recently or that is currently going on that you find stressful? Everything is energy and energy can be transferred from one to the other; whether human or animal.
Other known signs of stress in animals include birds plucking out their feathers, cats overgrooming themselves, animals not wanting to eat and hiding. These behaviors can also be sign of illness, so they shouldn’t be ignored.
If there is conflict going on in your household or changes that have created a stressful environment, your pets will be effected. However some may show outward signs more obviously than others. Just like all people are different, so are all animals. Some are more go with the flow, letting things roll of their backs. Others may have a lot going on under a facade of courage, stoicism and “I’m fine!”

This dog has a treat. His panting could be a sign of stress that he feels trying to guard his tasty treasure.
Some signs of stress may seem completely natural. That is because in some situations they are natural, but they can communicate much more. There are a number of behaviors that are termed “calming signals” in dogs that can be signs of stress. Lip licks, panting, yawning, ignoring a situation by sniffing the ground or looking away are just some examples. They can be an attempt to calm a situation or another dog, though they can be used when relating to people too. For example, if it isn’t hot out and your dog doesn’t have a reason to be panting, it could be a sign of stress.
It can be helpful to not only pay attention to signs of stress in our animal friends, but to also be aware of how you are feeling yourself. If you are stressed, upset or unhappy about something in your life perhaps it needs some attention. It may be a situation that can be changed through communication with someone or perhaps it simply needs to be approached with a new perspective. Sometimes the way to create beneficial change is to completely leave a situation. Each scenario is unique, so it can be helpful to reflect on it, as such.
In addition to animal communication, energy healing and reading I teach meditation techniques that can help to reduce stress, as well as be more aware of how you are feeling. The style of meditation that I practice and share with others provides tools to help release energy you no longer want to make more room for what you want in the present. This process helps you to heal and create change in any aspect of your life. This includes your relationships with your pets.
To learn more, feel free to contact me. I will be restarting my Meditation Club soon. Everyone in the club receives a new recorded, guided meditation each month. Meditation literally saved my life. More than once and it still helps me in my life. Meditation has provided me with tools in many situations, including loss of loved ones, making changes and depression. If you are looking for support, meditation is just a deep breath away!
Thanks for reading!