Whether you are consciously aware of it or not, you are already communicating with the animals in your life. Communication is happening on many levels with all other beings, all the time. The important skill to increase is conscious awareness of our communication.
Like most of us humans, you are probably most consciously aware of audible, verbal communication. We learn from a young age that sounds, especially words, have meaning and great power. Over time we learn what sounds, words and vocal inflections will get us what we want. We learn to believe words, even when they are lies.
Learning to believe lies teaches us to not trust ourselves, our intuition, our information and our ability to read, and otherwise sense energy. Even physicists, scientists agree that everything is energy, including words. Words that mask the truth are a different energy than the actual truth. Have you ever experienced an interaction with someone and you just knew they weren’t telling you a lie, and it turned out that you were right?! In that instance, you were reading energy. You were using your clairvoyance, your spiritual sight. You were seeing the truth underneath the untrue words. Did you find that you doubted yourself and what you saw? Did you second guess your awareness, and talk yourself out of it? I’ve done that before! Not everyone wants you to see the truth, and most people have things that they want to hide, or deny. Whether it is something they are ashamed of, or they want control or to manipulate a situation, or for some other reason.
Animals are reading our energy all the time. It is confusing to them when we verbalize one thing and non-verbally communicate another. If we let them, animals can help keep us honest! One example is recently I gave a reading to someone that was worried about the health status of their cat. They had a lot of their attention focused on a future veterinarian appointment, and it was causing them a lot of stress, and their body was afraid. Meanwhile, they wanted to lessen their cat’s stress and communicated that everything was okay and they didn’t have anything to be worried about. The fear and nervous energy the person was communicating underneath their words was received by the cat, along with the energy of the communicated facade that everything was, and would be okay. Receiving both conflicting communications, was giving mixed, unclear messages. It was confusing to the cat, and stimulating fear in their body. The cat’s human realized what they were doing, and made a commitment to be more authentic with their feline friend. I love their relationship and the loyalty and devotion they have with each other.
My Wild and Tame Meditation Club teaches techniques to help you to be more aware of energy. These tools will help you to change your energy, if needed to keep your words honest! Or at least be more aware, and increase the conscious control you have of your choices. The meditative, visualization techniques that I practice and teach can help you to have clearer communication with yourself and your companion animals. They will actually help you to have clearer communication with any animal or person.
Sometimes when we are close to an animal or person it is harder to trust ourselves and be as clear. For those moments, I am here for you! I offer long distance animal communication sessions and psychic readings, as well as in person appointments. Right now, I am offering in person psychic readings, energy healings, and animal communication sessions for people in Seattle and other parts of Washington. Mainly for fundraisers, and other public events, but I do have some availability for one-on-one sessions also. Throughout the year I offer long distance sessions for anyone, anywhere, via Zoom, as well as an audio only option, if preferred.
Interested in finding out more? Call or text me atΒ or 360-601-4358 or email me at sindi@apetpsychic.com.