Asking for Help

Sindi meditating

Meditation has helps me to feel better, create change and be more present in my life.

It can be hard to ask for help. Especially when you are used to doing everything for yourself. Or you believe that you must do everything for yourself. Perhaps you believe it makes you weak to ask for help or that you are not worthy of assistance from others. Neither one of those beliefs are true. Maybe you may feel like you are dumping on someone or burdening them with your problems. I know I run into limiting beliefs that have kept me from reaching out when I could have used a hand. It also has interfered with me accepting help when it has been offered. This can be invalidating to the person that is doing the giving and wants to help.

I like to give. I am not alone on that.  It can feel good to give.  When we ask for help and/or accept help we give others the opportunity to give to us. It is important for us to learn to receive, as well as give. Allowing others the room to give to us is also beneficial.

We don’t have to give less to receive or give to ourselves. We just need to remember the importance of balance. Both giving and receiving. If all we do is give, the well runs dry. We must replenish it and re-fill our well so that we can continue to give. Otherwise we are drained and depleted with nothing left to give, but fatigue, stress and other fun things like irritation and even resentment.

What people view as a polite greeting, regardless of mood, is very different from how a dog with "good" manners and non-threatening intentions do.

Lend a hand. Accept a hand. Giving and receiving is a part of a healthy life.

There is no perfect way to give or to receive or to be “balanced”, for that matter. If we allow ourselves to make mistakes and learn as we go, things remain in motion. This helps with the flow of energy, which helps also with allowing giving and receiving.

Meditation has helped me in all aspects of my life including learning from mistakes and learning to receive. If you would like to learn more about meditation and receive help with whatever you are dealing with in your life, feel free to call me at 619-797-0705 or email me at

Thanks for reading! Enjoy giving and receiving in your unique way and don’t forget that mistakes are part of learning and are simply a part of life. -Sindi


Life is about learning. Life on earth helps us souls learn, if we choose to, in a more rapid and focused manner. The most important thing I have learned in my entire lifetime is that I am spirit. You are too. We all are spirit; spiritual beings, souls. And we have bodies. We are not our bodies. They house us as spirit. We are spirit in bodies.

In actuality, I haven’t learned I’m spirit, but instead I have re-learned this fact. When we come into our physical infant bodies, we know we are spirit and a part of God. As we are surrounded with older people that have forgotten what they knew as babies, we slowly forget too. Remembering that we are spirit helps answer so many seemingly unanswerable questions. It helps us to understand why we are here on earth, which is to learn, grow and evolve. We each have a unique purpose and a reason for being here.

When our body dies, we continue to exist as spirit. We don’t become spirit when we die. We already are spirit. We just don’t have a body on anymore. Bodies are mortal. Spirit is immortal. Souls do not die. Bodies die. They are meant to wear out and be temporary homes for our spiritual learning. The form of meditation that I teach and practice helps us, as spirit to work more in harmony with our bodies. Using spiritual techniques we can reach a meditative state amidst the busyness and noisy world around us. This helps us to get to know ourselves as spirit. Meditation can help us get in touch with ourselves and our own information. It can also help us to better care for and heal our body.

I will be leading an open donation, give what you can, guided meditation in Beaverton, Oregon on Sunday, July 17 at 11:00 AM. Weather permitting, we will be sitting outside meditating in a park. Call me at 503-741-1344 or 619-797-0705 to learn more. Although it is designed for beginning meditators, all are welcome to join in the seated meditation. This is a BYOC – Bring Your Own Chair event. Hope to meditate with you Sunday or another time soon!

Call 503-741-1344 or 619-797-0705. Thank you for reading this blog post!

Take care, Sindi