Pet Loss Support

Saying goodbye to a loved one, animal or human can be challenging, regardless of the situation. It can be a healing process that is ridden with shock and often overwhelming emotions. It can seem difficult to function during these times. It is important to remember that grieving is a process. Some days and moments are more excruciating than others.

To support you during your time of grief I offer animal communication sessions and psychic readings that give insight into what is going on with your departed friend. I also offer recorded, personalized guided meditations that incorporate animal communication. The meditation techniques that I share can help to release pain and uncomfortable emotions. Meditation and psychic readings can help validate that your companion still exists, as spirit. These sessions can also help remind you that you can communicate with the soul after it passes on, leaving behind the body that served as its vessel while on earth.

You are spirit. I am spirit. All humans and animals are spirit. Spirits in bodies. When the body dies the spirit continues. Spirit, soul, spiritual being are all words that mean the same thing. The important piece to acknowledge is that we are spirit. We are not our bodes. When living on earth, we have bodies. But again, we are not our bodies.

At the time of death, the soul leaves the physical plane and enters the spiritual realm. Depending on their journey, they may reincarnate into another body to continue their focused learning on earth. They also may take a break from life on earth and spend time in the non-physical spiritual plane.

I offer in-person pet loss support groups in the Oregon and Washington state areas, as well as other parts of the country that I travel to during the year. My remote, long distance services are available to anyone, anywhere. Whether you are seeking communication through a psychic reading or could benefit from meditation or energy healing, I am here to help you. Psychic means spirit, or of the soul. My psychic readings are soul to soul communication sessions. If you are interested in receiving a reading, healing, animal communication session or guided meditation, I am available. If you would like to be notified about my upcoming pet loss support groups let me know. I can be reached by phone and email.

619-797-0705 calls and texts

503-741-1344 calls only

Thank you for reading my blog post. I hope to hear from you soon. I look forward to helping however I can. In addition to my focus on pet loss support, I help those that have had to say goodbye to people they care about. I also use my abilities to help enhance communication between souls still here on earth. Behavior issues, life and environment changes, including bring a new pet or child into the home or starting a new relationship of any kind are just some of the topics I can help with. Ask me anything! I’m here to help.

– Sindi Somers, Animal Communicator, People and Animal Psychic Reader and Healer

Birth and Death

waves at sunset

Life is full of change, similar to the changes that occur each time a new set of waves flow on and off the sandy shore.

Today my friend’s father died at 5:45 AM. Today also happens to be my birthday. This is the day I was born, oh so many years ago. My friend and I will always remember the date, February 26, but for different reasons.

Birth and death are both transitional experiences. With birth, the soul transitions into the body and the earth plane. In death, the soul permanently leaves its particular body and transitions back into the spiritual realm.

dog with chin on stuffed animal

While we can look at physical, scientific and medical reasons why a body lives or dies, it is actually the soul that determines this difference. It is the soul and its energetic presence that gives the body life. It is the departure of this same being that creates the experience of death.

Adjusting to a new life, whether our own or an addition to our own, as with the birth of a child, takes time. Processing the occurance of death also takes time. It is important to allow our body the time to process, reflect and grieve. There are a number of emotions one might experience related to a death; grief, sadness, depression, anger, guilt.

Bodies feel. They experience pain, sadness, grief, as well as lighter emotions, such as joy.

Bodies feel. They experience pain, sadness, grief, as well as lighter emotions, such as joy.

Our reaction to each death experience may have similarities, but also differences. Depending on our relationship with the soul that has passed, the intensity of our emotional response may differ. If you are a close relative, friend or caregiver, for example. These particular roles may evoke different feelings than those of a casual acquaintance, Facebook friend or stranger. If you are both a family member and the caregiver, there will be a unique intensity all its own.

Caring for a loved one at the end of their life can be emotional, exhausting and overwhelming. Watching someone die or approach death can be stressful and painful, especially if suffering is involved. Because of these intense feelings their may be a sense of relief after they pass. This may be followed by guilt, due to judgment.

If we can allow our body its complete range of emotions without judgment, we can more easily move through the grieving process. Or any experience, for that matter. When we judge, fight, resist or deny our emotions, we can get stuck. This can interfere with us reaching a place of acceptance. It can take us longer to reach a place of peace with a death.

Saying goodbye to Ginger was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. Dealing with death can be a challenge for those left living.

Saying goodbye to beautiful, loving Ginger was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. Dealing with death can be a challenge for those left living. But we can do it! Allow the time and space for your healing. Be gentle and kind to yourself.

Because of my personal experiences with death and the benefit others can be to us during a time of loss, I offer help in this area. I work with both animals and people providing one on one and group grief counseling, energy healing, psychic reading and telepathic communication with the soul that has passed. Individual and group pet loss support and assistance with end of life decisions may also include guided meditation and other services.

If you or someone you know are struggling with loss, grief, pain, depression, stress, fear or anxiety related to death or any aspect of life’s many experiences, I can help! Through energy healing, psychic reading, talking and meditating, you can regain a more neutral, non-judgmental perspective of yourself, your emotions and others.

I can be reached at 619-797-0905. Peace.

My Road Trip is a Journey Within

I'm not very skilled and lack experience (obviously!) when it comes to "Selfies" photographs, but self confrontation leading to self healing is a huge part of my life.

I’m not very skilled and lack experience (obviously!) when it comes to “Selfies” photographs, but self confrontation leading to self healing is a huge part of my life.

My self described “working road trip” was initially just an option and somewhat of a romantic notion. I liked the idea of freedom on the road, as well as growing my business and helping others by venturing to different areas. I have met so many lovely animals and people and have had such tremendous self healing experiences that I could never regret my choice to do it.

It has given me extra time to meditate, focus on myself and spend time with my loyal canine companion, Rock. However, it hasn’t all been smooth sailing. There have been times I’ve questioned my decision and contemplated turning back. But despite hardships and challenges, I have chosen to keep my commitment to stay on the road until I come back to San Diego mid March.

Grandma Sally

Happy advance Birthday to my beautiful Grandma Sally. She would have been 95 years old next month. I miss her smile, her laugh, her friendship.

I will be arriving in San Diego March 16 or 17. March 17 would have been my Grandma Sally’s 95th birthday. She passed away in 2012 and I still miss being able to physically see her. Although I can still tune into her spiritually, she has moved on and of course, it is not the same as being able to physically see her, hug her, sit with her, laugh and talk. We talked about everything, including her death. We also talked about her boyfriends who I nicknamed, her “Two Tony’s”; Celebrity Chef, Anthony Bourdain and Tony Soprano. When the actor that played Tony Soprano, James Gandolfini, passed away less than a year after my Grandma’s death, I was shocked and saddened. I hoped that him and my Grandma would at least get to say a passing hello, as spirit.

So much of this journey has been about me realizing how sad my body is. Not just from the death of my Grandma and her ” boyfriend”. I have experienced sad losses throughout my entire life. In order to keep going and functioning, I have put some grieving on hold. This isn’t healthy, nor does it work. If we ignore and do not deal with any aspect of our growth, it can and does effect us. I have dealt with some of the pain, grief, sadness and other heavy emotions and energies associated with my losses, but I am aware of how much is still there.

As a child, I moved often. First from my mother’s womb, then from the hospital room to my first home. Just three weeks after being born I moved again to a different residence. Moving itself is a loss. We let go of one home to make room for the new. So there is, at least usually, some type of a replacement, but loss is involved nonetheless.

This pattern of moving from one place to another continued throughout my childhood and into my teen years. I did live in the same house all four years of high school. What happened when we moved is what brought me the most sadness. Saying goodbye to friends. Over and over and over again. My neighborhood and school playmates and very sadly, often my pets. To this day I have a special affinity for black Labs and Shepherds. The memory of the animal control truck coming to our new house to pick up my friends, Silver, our black Labrador Retriever mix, King, our German Shepherd, and Wolf, our Shepherd/Wolf mix, when I was six years old is burned into my memory with confusion. I still do not understand why we couldn’t keep our dogs or our beautiful cats that were picked up too. There weren’t many cats left in our care at that point because most of them were left behind with a neighbor when we moved from our old house. Just writing this hurts. So many animal friends I loved taken and deserted. So sad! I do remember a cute black kitten that I loved. I should mention I have a thing for black cats to this day too.

Here is one of my new black cat friends, Ace. I met him in Sedona, Arizona at Sedona Pet Supply. Love him!

Here is one of my new black cat friends, Ace. I met him in Sedona, Arizona at Sedona Pet Supply. Love him!

You see why I have so much sadness within me?! I am determined, however to keep working on it. While I need to let my body grieve its losses, I prefer the feeling of happiness. So, I’m going to always aim for that!

As we so often do when there are unresolved issues, I continued the pattern of moving frequently into my adulthood. This created a lack of stability in my childhood. However, it is a familiar feeling to me. We often prefer familiarity, even if it hinders us or may not be the most beneficial option.

One of the other things that became apparent early on in my road trip was my desire to create more stability in my life. Although it makes me cringe a little, I want it for myself, my dog and any other animals that may decide to join us. So even though I may still travel for work or vacations, I want a physical place to call home.

11.13.2012 – Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots

Sometimes, in order to avoid uncomfortable emotions we may want to avoid acknowledging the aging process. Whether it is the changes in our own body or illness, pain and challenges in our loved ones; both human and animal.

Death is inevitable for the body. Souls, however live on. I personally believe in reincarnation.

Over the weekend I saw one of the most amazing stage presentations I have ever experienced. The World Premier of Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots. My sense is that it is most certainly Broadway bound and it will win awards. Yoshimi is phenomenal! The show demonstrates collaborative creativity at its highest level featuring stellar acting, directing, costuming and staging. It is truly an artistic, visual, technical, musical masterpiece featuring songs by The Flaming Lips. One of the lyrics that moved me, was from the song, Do You Realize??

I am including a link below that includes The Flaming Lips song lyrics for Do You Realize?? in their entirety.


Just as flowers are born, grow, bloom and later wither and die, so does the body.

Basically the song’s lyrics highlight the obvious. That which us humans, so often want to ignore and deny. The fact that all of us, every single person and animal, one day will die.

When discussing or writing about this topic, I find myself even wanting to avoid using the word die or death or dying. Instead I often choose less charged phrases, such as passing, passing on, passed on, lost or having to say goodbye to.

I believe it is important to focus in the present. To enjoy our life and live it to its fullest while fulfilling our individual, unique purpose to the best of our ability. I also believe that we are souls. Immortal spirits that even when our bodies cease, we, the soul lives on. However, as long as we are physically present here on earth we have bodies. Bodies that feel and experience different temperatures, pain, grief, sadness and anger, as well as pleasure, joy and happiness.

Bodies feel. They just do.

When an animal or human that we care about dies, we that are left here on the physical plane grieve. We are sad. We miss our friend. What I have learned is that we each grieve differently. Some show no physical signs of emotion, despair or change, while others can hardly function.

I know some people whose beloved pet has died and they have yet to ever get a new companion animal over 10 years later. I also know others who have gotten another pet just days after saying goodbye to the one they lost.

Everyone is different in how they respond to death and dying. Your concepts about spirit and body and life and death may be the same, similar or completely different than mine. Although I believe the soul lives on, in regards to our experience here on earth, one thing is for sure. It may make your body sad to think this thought, but it is true. Just as The Flaming Lips sing so bluntly, everyone you know someday will die.

I encourage you to spend time with those important to you. Cherish those you love and love those you cherish. If you have lost a loved one and would like to check in and have some soul to soul communication contact me at 619-797-0705 or Or perhaps you are struggling with loss and you are having a difficult time letting go and moving forward. I offer energy healing, psychic reading and also teach meditative, self-healing visualization techniques to assist with this process. Although you can not physically turn back the hands of time, go backwards and actually change your past, you do have the power to heal yourself and change how you feel about your past. I provide meditation, healing, reading and communication services to anybody, anywhere on the planet. If you or a human or animal you love are facing a health challenge or other potential stressful situation, I can help with that too. I don’t replace medical doctors or veterinarians. Instead, I see myself as an alternative healing option working alongside the medical profession. Because I am not a member of the medical field, I can not diagnose diseases or illness. I suggest ruling out and/or discovering any medical conditions before pursuing an alternative energy healing, reading or similar modality.