A Fresh Day

I love black labs!

I have always loved black labs. One of my childhood dogs was a black lab mix named Silver. Very loving memories.

It is an absolutely beautiful day in San Diego! That is… if you like blue skies and sunshine. After posting this, I am going to be spending some time with two of my favorite beings who happened to be housed in doggie bodies. One is my Chi-Watch-Dawg and the other is my housemates’ black lab, who is an amazing watch dog all on his own. I love them both. I had fun playing with them earlier. We also did one of their favorite activities… Tricks for Treats! It’s training really, but to them, they just do things like sit and stay and receive yummy treats in exchange.

I have a session later today and I am really excited about it. I feel blessed every time someone invites me into their lives, as an animal communicator and psychic reader. It’s an experience like no other. It is a soul to soul communication. We are spirit. Souls manifesting through bodies. During a session, I communicate and read the spiritual being and what is going on within its body and external physical environment.

Sindi and dog and dog's mom in an animal communication session

Sindi getting some puppy love during an animal communication session at the Blessings of the Animals event in Old Town San Diego.

Rock the Chihuahua licking Sindi's face

There’s a little food right there. Let me get it for you, mom!

If you have questions about your companion animal’s history or whether or not introducing a new pet is beneficial at this time, call me at 619-797-0705 or email sindi@apetpsychic.com. Maybe you just want to be sure your animal friend knows how much you love them. Or you want to find out what he or she might want more of in their life. Do they like their food? Do they like going to doggie daycare or doing agility? Are they getting enough exercise? Any and all questions and topics are welcomed! As you know, I am not a veterinarian and do not replace a vet at any time. If your pet is displaying signs of distress, new behaviors or symptoms of any kind, I recommend ruling out the medical first. Then we can address the energy behind it all.

My goal is to help you get in touch with your own information about what is best for you and your furry and not so furry friends. Thanks for reading and I hope to hear from you soon!

9.21.2012 – Getting Space

Sometimes we need physical space to be well.

Today a kind person, actually a stranger, called me to tell me that she noticed my phone number was wrong on the banner of this website. I have looked a the banner many times, not noticing this obvious, and problematic typo. I am grateful to her for taking the time to let me know. It also presented the important reminder that having space is important.

What do I mean by that? As an outside observer browsing my site for the first time, she noticed a discrepancy between the phone number on the banner and where it is listed elsewhere on the site. I joked to her that that is why I need an editor to help me with my work! A second set of eyes to be a more objective observer and notice things I may not.

It is important to remember to allow for energetic space, especially in our close relationships.

When we work closely on a project or are have a close relationship and/or emotional attachment to a person or animal, we may miss something. It may be, as in this case, a typo or it may be an attempted communication that we aren’t clearing receiving.

We need space to effectively communicate. The more tightly we hold on to a person, animal, idea or something we want to create in our life, the more difficult it is to actually receive and enjoy it. The more challenging it also is to receive the information being communicated. When there is no available space in between there is nowhere for the energy and communication to go. The connection is to tight to allow for energy to flow and messages to be clearly given and received.

During a reading there is always physical space between us. This also assists to create necessary energetic space.

Someone asked me recently for tips on how to more clearly communicate with a cat in their life. This kind hearted person is very emotionally attached to the cat and concerned about her well being and welfare. I suggested she consider meditating to help her to be in the present moment and let go for clearer communication.

The form of meditation that I teach and practice helps to focus our attention into the present moment. The more in the present moment we can be, the clearer our communication. Animals are in the present moment. Our own physical bodies are in the present moment. That which we refer to as the physical reality, our home, car and workplace are all in the present moment.

The more that we have our energy and attention in the present, the more clearly we can communicate and the more effectively we can create what we want in our life.The form of meditation that I teach also helps us each to have our own space. It assists individuals to get to know themselves and their energy. In turn it helps them to recognize others’ energy.

Creating space does not mean being unloving. In fact, the more space there is, the more room for love to be experienced. It is a challenge for all of us to find our way of being close while still having space. I don’t know if there is ever an end to the learning.

You are welcome to contact me if you are interested in learning meditation techniques to assist you in your communication with animals, people and yourself. I also have an email mailing list. I send out information and keep people updated on events, classes and other happenings. If you would like to receive my newsletter and notifications, email me your name and email address and a note that you want to be added on.

Thanks for reading! Have a great day! -Sindi