Although I am on the road, I am available to provide psychic readings, energy healings and animal communication sessions to anyone, anywhere. How can I do that? Read on!
Even physicists agree that everything is energy. Our thoughts, emotions, experiences, memories, all of these things are stored as energy. What I do is read, feel, hear and otherwise sense energy using my developed spiritual a.k.a. psychic abilities. There is no time or space for spirit and our spiritual abilities. So no matter where the energy seems to be physically, I can read it spiritually, psychically or energetically, depending on your word preference.
I am spirit, you are spirit, we are all spirit, spiritual beings, souls. Clairvoyance, or clear sight is a spiritual ability that I use to see or read energy during a psychic reading. Other abilities I use include telepathy or non-vocal, non-physically audible communication, as well as my abilites to feel and otherwise sense energy.
Because there is no time or space for spirit, there are no limits. When I tune in spiritually, I am not limited by the fact you are in a different city, state or country. I am able to do the reading and then obtain the same information, as if you were sitting in front of me.
Want to experience a long distance reading for yourself and/or your animal friends? The fastest way to reach me right now is by phone. Feel free to call me at 619-797-0705.