Animal Behavior

Do your animal friends sleep harmoniously together? Acceptance can help us then move to a place of change and healing. Focusing on unmet expectations can leave us frustrated and stuck.

Whether your cat is going potty outside of the litter box, your dogs don’t get along or your rabbit seems bored, it can cause stress when our animals’ behaviors don’t meet our desired expectations or we are concerned they aren’t doing okay. Just as with humans, animals experience emotions, anxiety and pain.They can be out of balance and feel disturbed, just as we can.

Illness and discomfort can show up in different ways, with us and our animal friends. Because we all impact each other and our pets reflect us, it can be helpful to focus on ourselves and what is going on with us. The calmer we are, the calmer our animal friends can be. They may still be going through things that are causing them stress or discomfort, but at least our stress and issues won’t be added on to their own.

Isn’t this a cute rabbit!

In my opinion, two of the most important things to realize are:

  1. We ask and expect our domesticated, and sometimes wild animal friends to automatically and easily display behaviors that are not natural for them. When we acknowledge this, we can find greater compassion and validate how well our animal friends actually adapt to our confusing and odd human rules.

    What a gorgeous cat!

  2. Our animal friends and how they reflect us can can give us great insight into ourselves. Does your pet seem bored, afraid or reactive in certain situations? Are you ever bored, afraid or reactive? Of course you are! Just like people, animals can experience aspects of life in all different ways! There isn’t just one way or one “right” way. When we accept things as they are, then we can create change from there, if it is desired. Simply changing our perspective and mindset can help us relax and find lightness in the struggle.

Do you have questions about animal behavior? Are you curious as to why your pet does this or that? Contact Sindi at 360-601-4358 or via email at



California, Here I Come!

Sea lions basking on the La Jolla shore. Some of my favorite San Diego residents!

One of the sights I enjoy while in San Diego County are the La Jolla sea lions. See them pictured at left. Thank you, Pixabay and your awesome, skilled and generous photographers!

If you have been following my blog, you know that I used to live in San Diego. While you now will mostly find me up in the Pacific Northwest, San Diego is still a frequent visiting place for me. San Diego and the surrounding areas will always be a part of my life. I will be headed down this month. Today is actually May 1st. Hard to believe, isn’t?! So, I’ll see you soon San Diego!

In addition to San Diego, I will be venturing to areas throughout the county, as well as north to Orange County and Los Angeles. I’m even making a stop in Modesto, California! If you and your animal friends could use some insight, support and assistance with clearer communication, behavior issues or just a fun experience to add to your life, feel free to contact me. I have animal communication times this weekend and the following week. Call or text me at 360-601-4358 or email

Areas I am asked to help with include:

  • Potty issues
  • Relationship challenges
  • Dogs and cats living together
  • End of life questions
  • Pet loss support
  • Picky eaters
  • Nutrition help
  • How to help animals be happier in our human world
  • Communication with those still physically here and those that have passed on.
  • Cats, dogs, horses, rabbits, pigs, ferrets, birds, reptiles – any animal, wild or tame!

If you don’t see your needs addressed above, contact me. People call on me from all over the United States to help in all different areas. I offer in-person sessions, as well as long-distance remote readings. Help with issues relating to your animal friends, as well as support for anything happening in your personal and professional life. Yes. I do provide energy reading and communication sessions for people too!

I hope to hear from you! Thank you for reading my blog!

360-601-4358 or



1.8.2013 – Happy New Year!

A belated Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to you and yours! I hope you enjoyed the holiday season and that 2013 is off to a great start for you. I have been enjoying it so far and feel excited about starting fresh.

The first event of the new year for me will be the Blessing of the Animals Event at Old Town San Diego’s Historical Park. The event is Sunday, January 20 from 12:00 noon to 3:00 pm. I will be giving a presentation on animal communication at the event. I am not sure yet what time my talk will be. I will also have a booth and will be offering short energy readings and animal communication session for donations benefiting the Tijuana River Valley Animal Rescue. Stop by and say hello!

You can also pick up some complimentary treats for your dog at my booth at the event. Healthy treats will be provided at the Blessing of the Animals festival, courtesy of the Point Loma Pet Pantry. I actually work at this pet supply store part time. I used to work there several years ago, as well as Paw Country. Both holistically focused, independently owned pet supply stores are now owned by the same people. I am glad to be back and find working at these pet stores to be very fulfilling. Since I see so many more people while at work there, I have even more opportunity to help more people and their pets. This makes me very happy!

To learn more about me and my services, in addition to visiting the various pages on this site, you may also wish to visit, which has additional information. You can also contact me at or 619-797-0705. And again… a very Happy New Year to you! – Pet Psychic Sindi Somers

11.13.2012 – Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots

Sometimes, in order to avoid uncomfortable emotions we may want to avoid acknowledging the aging process. Whether it is the changes in our own body or illness, pain and challenges in our loved ones; both human and animal.

Death is inevitable for the body. Souls, however live on. I personally believe in reincarnation.

Over the weekend I saw one of the most amazing stage presentations I have ever experienced. The World Premier of Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots. My sense is that it is most certainly Broadway bound and it will win awards. Yoshimi is phenomenal! The show demonstrates collaborative creativity at its highest level featuring stellar acting, directing, costuming and staging. It is truly an artistic, visual, technical, musical masterpiece featuring songs by The Flaming Lips. One of the lyrics that moved me, was from the song, Do You Realize??

I am including a link below that includes The Flaming Lips song lyrics for Do You Realize?? in their entirety.


Just as flowers are born, grow, bloom and later wither and die, so does the body.

Basically the song’s lyrics highlight the obvious. That which us humans, so often want to ignore and deny. The fact that all of us, every single person and animal, one day will die.

When discussing or writing about this topic, I find myself even wanting to avoid using the word die or death or dying. Instead I often choose less charged phrases, such as passing, passing on, passed on, lost or having to say goodbye to.

I believe it is important to focus in the present. To enjoy our life and live it to its fullest while fulfilling our individual, unique purpose to the best of our ability. I also believe that we are souls. Immortal spirits that even when our bodies cease, we, the soul lives on. However, as long as we are physically present here on earth we have bodies. Bodies that feel and experience different temperatures, pain, grief, sadness and anger, as well as pleasure, joy and happiness.

Bodies feel. They just do.

When an animal or human that we care about dies, we that are left here on the physical plane grieve. We are sad. We miss our friend. What I have learned is that we each grieve differently. Some show no physical signs of emotion, despair or change, while others can hardly function.

I know some people whose beloved pet has died and they have yet to ever get a new companion animal over 10 years later. I also know others who have gotten another pet just days after saying goodbye to the one they lost.

Everyone is different in how they respond to death and dying. Your concepts about spirit and body and life and death may be the same, similar or completely different than mine. Although I believe the soul lives on, in regards to our experience here on earth, one thing is for sure. It may make your body sad to think this thought, but it is true. Just as The Flaming Lips sing so bluntly, everyone you know someday will die.

I encourage you to spend time with those important to you. Cherish those you love and love those you cherish. If you have lost a loved one and would like to check in and have some soul to soul communication contact me at 619-797-0705 or Or perhaps you are struggling with loss and you are having a difficult time letting go and moving forward. I offer energy healing, psychic reading and also teach meditative, self-healing visualization techniques to assist with this process. Although you can not physically turn back the hands of time, go backwards and actually change your past, you do have the power to heal yourself and change how you feel about your past. I provide meditation, healing, reading and communication services to anybody, anywhere on the planet. If you or a human or animal you love are facing a health challenge or other potential stressful situation, I can help with that too. I don’t replace medical doctors or veterinarians. Instead, I see myself as an alternative healing option working alongside the medical profession. Because I am not a member of the medical field, I can not diagnose diseases or illness. I suggest ruling out and/or discovering any medical conditions before pursuing an alternative energy healing, reading or similar modality.

11.7.2012 – My Dog Won’t Eat

Swimming is a low impact form of exercise for dogs, as well as humans. It is sometimes used in physical therapy for dogs. Cute pups!

Today was a busy day. It was productive and fulfilling and included sessions with two new clients. Well in actuality, over a dozen new clients if you include all animals and humans involved!

Starting off the day, I did a long distance reading for an exuberant woman who was concerned about her dog’s loss of appetite. Her dog had gone through a number of periods of simply refusing to eat. Although he would sometimes eat later in the day and had gotten a clean bill of health from the veterinarian and doggie chiropractor, his people, were understandably still concerned. Stress, anxiety and fear and its effects on his body, as well as his chakras and energy system were the main issues. The dog’s mom is actively involved in his care. This includes, as previously mentioned chiropractic visits, which were introduced to help eliminate neck tension and seizures the dog had previously experienced. It is so great how many alternative healing methods are available now for our companion animals, as well as us humans!

PLEASE NOTE: If your companion animal has refused food, the first step is to rule out a medical cause. Not eating can be the sign of severe illness or that your pet has ingested something toxic or poisonous. Another possibility is a blockage or foreign body of some kind in their digestive system. A veterinarian can do a physical examination, blood tests and other medical interventions to determine if your companion animal is ill or needs further medical attention. Testing and exams, along with evaluating your pet’s previous medical history and any other current symptoms can help your vet draw conclusions. Not eating food or other changes in dietary or drinking habits is cause for alarm and it is recommended that you seek medical attention. Other symptoms that may or may not accompany the disinterest in food, include lethargy, depression, vomiting, diarrhea, foaming at the mouth, nervous panting or other signs of stress. If your veterinarian draws no conclusion from the test results, you may also wish to get a second opinion.

When your companion animal refuses to eat, it is time to see the veterinarian. Eat up, Fido!

Once a medical condition or illness is ruled out, you may wish to consider the following.

  • psychic reading
  • energy healing
  • animal communication
  • nutrition consulting
  • dietary evaluations
  • educational pet food shopping field trips
  • tips on how to read ingredients labels
  • animal massage and T-Touch
  • acupuncture for dogs and other animals
  • meditation for YOU because the calmer you are, the calmer your pets will be

Sindi offers sessions in person and long distance for anyone, anywhere in the world. Contact her via email at or by phone at 619-797-0705.

11.4.2012 – San Diego Healing

Today was a good day. I spent time with friends and met one new one. A sweet, intelligent puppy named, Radar. Since a picture is worth a thousand words, I thought photos would be a great way to share what I did today. As well as show some of the services I offer year round.

With the help of Radar, his mom, Wyn and my other friend, Tim it was a productive day of healing, reading and animal communication. In addition to these three services, I also teach life changing meditation techniques. Meditation can assist you in all aspects of your life, including your relationships with your companion animals.

Canine Education a.k.a. Dog Training a.k.a. Treat Distribution = Yum Fun

Energy healing, doggie massage and T-Touch techniques relax dogs.

  • Companion Animals
  • Farm Animals
  • Wild Animals
  • Energy Healing
  • Psychic Reading
  • Telepathic Live and Deceased Animal Communication
  • Nutrition Consulting
  • Behavior Evaluation
  • Dog Training
  • Massage & T-Touch
  • End of Life Decisions
  • Emergency Vet Visits
  • Meditation Instruction
  • Pet Sitting/Dog Walks

Sindi is giving Tim an aura healing. Radar is helping! Thanks puppy!


Sindi is giving Wyn a non-touch aura cleansing.

Even physicists agree that everything is energy. I come from the premise that energy is change and that all healing is self healing.

I act as a catalyst, creating a safe space for you to release energy and make any changes that you want to make.


Meditation is the foundation of all I do

Based in San Diego, but serving all of California, the entire United States and the whole world, animal communicator, energy healer, people and pet psychic Sindi Somers offers sessions in person and at a distance. She records the session allowing for further reflection at a later time. There is no limit to how many animals or people you can ask about during your reading. Sindi is an experienced psychic reader able to give thorough information on a multitude of topics in any one session. Whatever fits into a one hour session will be covered.

If you are interested in learning more about people and pet psychic Sindi Somers, call 619-797-0705 or email



10.23.2012 – Animal Photos * Meditation * House Cleansings

Just thought I would share some favorite warm and fuzzy animal photos!

Scroll down below the photos to read my thoughts for the day.

Do you have a favorite animal? My grandma’s favorite? Bears! I too love bears, but also tigers, dogs, cats, gorillas and just animals in general. I admittedly have a hard time choosing favorites. I find different animal species so fascinating. You could spend your entire life studying one type and still have more to learn!

 One of the things I love about being a pet psychic, as well as a psychic reader for people is the connection with other souls. It is an experience unlike any other. Whether it is verbal or a telepathic communication, it is powerful and validating. I love talking about spirituality and communicating with other spirits.

There are spirits in and out of body. Us humans and animals are spiritual beings; souls. We have bodies. We are spirits or souls manifesting through physical bodies. There are also spirits or beings that don’t have bodies. They are not more powerful than those of us with bodies, although Hollywood movies and other media may have us believing differently. We may learn to fear spirits without bodies. I state again, they are not more powerful than us. In fact, it takes more energy and more information and thus more power to have, own, operate and maintain a body.

Just as there are people who are kind and people that are mean, there are spirits without bodies that are beneficial and those that are invasive and effect us adversely. Meditation, specifically the techniques of grounding and centering can help us to protect our space and be less influenced by outside energies, including beings without bodies that may be around us.

In addition to psychic reading, energy healing and animal communication or telepathy, I teach meditation techniques. I also offer house cleansings, which may include, “ghostbusting” if any non-beneficial spirits are present. These energetic cleansings can not only be for homes, but offices or entire buildings, apartment complexes or outdoor areas. These cleansings are energy healings. In addition to physical spaces, they can be given to any individual person, business, group, organization and even special events. If it exists it can receive an energy healing! These cleansings or healings can assist in changing energy. I believe healing is change and that all healing is self healing. I act as a catalyst to assist in moving, removing or letting go of non-beneficial energies, including spirits not in harmony with a particular environment.

If you are in San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco or anywhere in California, the Pacific Northwest including Oregon and Washington, the Midwest, South, East Coast or anywhere in the United States or around the world, I can help. I can give energy healings, psychic readings, animal communication sessions and meditation instruction remotely. For more information, call or text me at 619-797-0705 or email You may also wish to visit my other website with additional information for my larger service organization, Wild and Tame Wellness and Communication at Below are more links for your review.


Click for information about hiring me to be a SPEAKER at your event or business.

Click for information about individual, business or organizations MEDITATION classes.

Click for information about DOG TRAINING with a twist.

Click for other PEOPLE services, PET services, WILD ANIMAL services.

Click to watch Sindi being interviewed by Gary Kelley and doing a READING on TV.