My Books About Animals

Writing is something I have always done. It has a cathartic benefit, as well serving as a fulfilling, creative outlet. Do you enjoy writing?

I love to write! Expressing myself through the written word began with poetry when I was a very young child. I enjoyed writing both long and short poems, including the very short form of Japanese poetry known as Haiku. Some, but not all the verses in my poems were in rhyme.

My poetic explorations expanded to short stories, sometimes comedic, but often dramatic. I then added vocalizing my creative thought in the form of songs. I was awarded my first and only writing award when in the first grade. Although when my first article was published in a magazine, I did feel like that was a bit of an award! It was an exciting day for me, as it had been a long term goal to see my writing in print.

While I appreciate old school methods, the invention of computers has helped make the writing and book making process easier.

Writing is not only a creative expression, but it has become a way for me to further engage and educate. I have wanted to expand my writing projects to publishing my books for some time. Though I have considered traditional publishing methods, self-publishing is my main area of interest. Actually, in this day and age I am primarily interested in starting with ebooks. Printed book options may come later.

Being able to create ebooks is such an awesome option and opportunity! It’s a way for any of us to put our ideas out into the world with little to no financial investment. This fact takes away at least one excuse that some of us humans use to keep us from doing things that we say we want to do and that is, lack of money.

Over the years, in addition to blogging I have had multiple articles published about animal communication, dog and cat nutrition, holistic pet care and other topics. I was happy to have my articles appear in San Diego Pets Magazine before the publication was purchased by the San Diego Humane Society. More recently my articles were published in the Seattle based CityDog Magazine, which is also distributed in the Portland, Oregon area.

I’m currently working on two different books. Both are on the topic of animals. Surprise! If you have any questions about either project you are welcome to contact me at or call me at 360-601-4358.

I love writing for children and reading children’s books, including anything by Dr. Seuss!

One of my upcoming ebooks is a children’s book. The first draft has been finished. I had the opportunity to read it at Barnes & Noble in Vancouver, Washington to a group of elementary school students and their parents and teachers. It was fun! I need to do a little more editing and then complete the ebook creation and uploading process.

The other aforementioned book is the preliminary process with hopes of completion in the next month. It is a book of information to help humans with different aspects of relating to their dogs. In addition to humane training tips for common canine behavior issues, it includes information about dog nutrition, pet wellness, holistic care and other tips for your canine friends’ overall well-being. Don’t worry cat people, I will be writing one for you too. Those with other species of animal friends, stay tuned! I haven’t forgotten you either! So many animals, such a fun time!

If you are interested in pre-ordering either ebook and learning more about what I’m meowing and barking about, let me know.

I am currently in the San Diego area, offering in-person sessions and readings throughout Southern California. I am pre-booking sessions in the Pacific Northwest preparing for my June return to the area. I will be traveling through Oregon and then southern Washington and back up to Seattle and northwestern Washington.

If I can be of help to you and your wild and/or tame animal friends don’t hesitate to contact me.  Thank you for reading my blog!


California, Here I Come!

Sea lions basking on the La Jolla shore. Some of my favorite San Diego residents!

One of the sights I enjoy while in San Diego County are the La Jolla sea lions. See them pictured at left. Thank you, Pixabay and your awesome, skilled and generous photographers!

If you have been following my blog, you know that I used to live in San Diego. While you now will mostly find me up in the Pacific Northwest, San Diego is still a frequent visiting place for me. San Diego and the surrounding areas will always be a part of my life. I will be headed down this month. Today is actually May 1st. Hard to believe, isn’t?! So, I’ll see you soon San Diego!

In addition to San Diego, I will be venturing to areas throughout the county, as well as north to Orange County and Los Angeles. I’m even making a stop in Modesto, California! If you and your animal friends could use some insight, support and assistance with clearer communication, behavior issues or just a fun experience to add to your life, feel free to contact me. I have animal communication times this weekend and the following week. Call or text me at 360-601-4358 or email

Areas I am asked to help with include:

  • Potty issues
  • Relationship challenges
  • Dogs and cats living together
  • End of life questions
  • Pet loss support
  • Picky eaters
  • Nutrition help
  • How to help animals be happier in our human world
  • Communication with those still physically here and those that have passed on.
  • Cats, dogs, horses, rabbits, pigs, ferrets, birds, reptiles – any animal, wild or tame!

If you don’t see your needs addressed above, contact me. People call on me from all over the United States to help in all different areas. I offer in-person sessions, as well as long-distance remote readings. Help with issues relating to your animal friends, as well as support for anything happening in your personal and professional life. Yes. I do provide energy reading and communication sessions for people too!

I hope to hear from you! Thank you for reading my blog!

360-601-4358 or



Look at the Bright Side!

Sindi and black cat at the San Diego Humane Society in their cat adoption gallery room.

I felt honored to spend time in the cat adoption gallery room at the San Diego Humane Society. And P.S. I LOVE black cats!!!

I tend to be introspective about the happenings in my life. I like to reflect and find reasons behind why I attract certain situations and people. When I am able to look at life experiences as sources for learning, vs. as “good” or “bad,” I am able to do just that; learn! I also am able to move forward and take with me information to assist me in other areas of my life. Okay. So I’m guessing you are waiting for me to get to some kind of point. I tend to go off in tangents, so I appreciate you sticking with me on this!

sindi at blessing of animals event with Nichole and doggies Missy in background

Here I am with Nichole and three lovely, loving doggie companions at the Blessing of the Animals event in Old Town San Diego last January. I was helping to raise funds for the Chihuahua Rescue of San Diego! My Chi-ROCK-Wah loved that part! 😉

Over the last several years as I have had the goal of earning a living doing what I love to do, which involves working with, and helping, people and animals. While I am fulfilled by volunteering my services, how wonderful to be able to pay my bills and feed myself and my dog, by receiving income from these same services! The fall of the US economy years ago brought on financial hardship for an increased number of people. I know for many, the priority is being able to feed themselves and their pets. Looking beyond that is an extravagance. Necessity overrides luxury when it comes to basic survival needs. I know. I have been there. Because of this, I greatly appreciate those that are able to pay for my services. I definitely do not take this for granted.

Paw Country Holistic Pet Care Supply Store logo

I love working at Paw Country! Come visit me on Tuesdays at 5652 Lake Murray Blvd. in La Mesa!

To make ends meet, while I pursue my passion and life’s work, I have taken a number of part-time jobs. Some have been permanent, like my roles at two independently owned pet stores in San Diego, Paw Country and Point Loma Pet Pantry. Others have been short term “gigs” like designing a website or writing a blog for a business, creating a resume for an individual and dog walking and petsitting. The two latter activities, of course, are my favorites on the list, since spending time with animals is one of my absolute favorite things to do on the planet!

As I continue in my life, so does the need to earn money. I have from time to time looked for more permanent full time work, with little luck in San Diego County. I did have the honor of managing Paw Country years ago, while the previous owner lived out of state. She wanted to sell the store and asked if I would step in and be the store manager during the transition. I agreed! I loved that role. It was a lot of fun and I felt that it utilized many of my skills. I enjoyed helping so many people with companion animal nutrition and other needs on a full-time daily basis.

Recently I was hired on a “trial basis” by another local small business. They started me out with designing their website. They liked my work and the help I was able to give them.  The two hesitations they had initially had in hiring me were:

  1. I wanted a higher hourly rate than they wanted to pay.
  2. I didn’t have experience in their particular industry.
Sindi and a Blue and Gold Macaw parrot

I was told by her rescuers, that this parrot was flirting with me. I believed them until she bit my finger. Ouch! Love hurts! P.S. It doesn’t have to!!! 🙂

However, they took a chance on me because they “liked my attitude, which is really important” and were happy with my marketing, sales and computer skills. I designed their website last week and worked in their office one shift this week. However, today I was “let go.” I went in and was told that someone else that had come in asking about the job had 10 years of experience in the industry and they were also willing to work for less than I was able to. Although I was told they liked the fact that I was a woman because they have about 60% female customers, they replaced me with a male and stated that they feel like he is one of “them” because he is so experienced in their industry. There is, of course the chance they weren’t being honest with me about why they were making the choice they were making. If they are being truthful, their choice makes sense from a business perspective. They now have someone that doesn’t have to be trained on the ins and outs of their particular business and they don’t have to pay them as much. If they aren’t being honest, well… whatchya gonna do? At this point, I don’t care. I have already pulled my energy out of the situation and am moving on. Instead of working there today, I am writing this blog post. Haha! Hope you are enjoying reading it. It’s cathartic for me to do this today. 🙂

The owner was gentle and kind while delivering this information and stated that he still wants me to help with the website, if more is needed in the future. During and after receiving the news, I felt a bit shocked and definitely disappointed. I had already started feeling like part of the team, but obviously my commitment was stronger than his. I was hired to help bring them business. They couldn’t really afford to pay someone, but were willing to. And from the beginning he felt like I was a risk because his area of work is not my area of expertise. So again, from a business perspective, his choice makes sense.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t just leave after he told me I was being replaced because I wanted to write down all of the details about the website, so he and/or the “new guy” can get into their account and easily to make changes. I ended up staying almost an hour after our conversation because I needed to reset the password and of course, things were moving slowly. You know when you really want to get of a situation and the exiting process seems to take forever?! That was this instance!!

beautiful lush gazebo

This is the gazebo just outside my office in the Mission Valley area of San Diego. It’s a great spot for meditation, a moment of peace or a relaxing break during an otherwise busy day.

So although I was as communicative and congenial, as possible, I didn’t want to be there. I wanted to go to my office to meditate. I wanted to reflect on this situation and what I need to do next to replace what I was hoping would be additional permanent income. The main thing is that it was uncomfortable and I wanted out of there.

Even though it was a “trial basis,” I had essentially been fired. When things in life happen, they trigger past experiences. When someone says, we don’t want you anymore, it brings up those internal messages that say we aren’t good enough. It stimulates past invalidation, criticisms and other pain. These are opportunities for learning and healing. When we get in touch with past pains and restrained emotions, we can then let them go. If we choose to do so. Then we have more room to experience joy, enthusiasm and amusement. In these emotional, uncomfortable, painful moments there are many options on how we can respond. We may feel hurt, angry, defensive or vindictive. Maybe there is even relief, especially if we wanted out too. In my case, I was able to keep my professional composure and complete the tasks I needed to. I certainly was not as jovial as usual, I was relatively lighthearted and seemingly pleasant. I was of course handling the emotions my body was experiencing in a public setting when I really wanted to be alone with them. I did feel hurt and angry and like they were making a mistake. Those were some of my initial thoughts and feelings. I could have crumbled. I could have chosen to go home and pull the covers over my head. I could have escaped with a sweet doggie fix a la Rock. (I can never go wrong with that choice!) I could have called a friend to vent. I could also have taken my feelings out on the business owner. I did none of those things. I instead decided to look at the bright side!

Sindi meditating

Meditation helped me to find a way out of depression beginning at the age of 18. It still helps me to lighten my mood and helps me to look at the bright side!

Sometimes it can be so hard to feel like there is a bright side when you are experiencing pain and feelings of self doubt and insecurity. But honestly, after going through the untimely death of my beloved dog Ginger, just seven months after the death of my closest relative, my Grandma Sally, being replaced at a job was nothing!!! Especially after only investing a little over a week there. Dealing with the death of loved ones puts things in perspective really quick. Yes, I was disappointed that I was not going to be kept on there and I had to confront some feelings of not being good enough, but I chose to use this as a sign that I need to focus more on my passion. I decided to use this as a motivating factor to increase my commitment to my life’s work. Instead of spending hours at their office, I went directly to my office and spent time meditating. I used the visualization techniques that I practice and teach to others, to release the past pain and uncomfortable feelings. I got in touch with my body’s anger and acknowledged it and used it to help cleanse some of the heavier energies, I was experiencing. I was able to free myself from going down a road of depression and was able to experience my enthusiasm instead.

Sindi and her Chi dog, Rock

Here’s my Rock! What a difference 12 and a half pounds of love can do!!!

I decided before going home and getting my Chi-ROCK-Wah fix, I would needed more alone time. So I came to the library. I am writing my blog from the library’s computer. Once I go home I will tell my housemate that I no longer will be working at the job I had told him about. Until I find another position to supply additional income, I will try alternative ways to build my business so I can help doing what I love to do; helping animals and people. At this point in my life I really don’t feel fulfilled unless I am helping others. Unless of course I am taking a break and spending time with my dog, taking a nap or sharing laughs with friends at a Happy Hour. But then again, doesn’t laughter and fun make the world a brighter, happier place? Aren’t we still then, helping the world?! And resting my body whether playing with my dog or socializing with human friends or taking a rejuvenating nap, helps me to replenish my energy level. If I feel depleted and exhausted, I have little stamina to give to others. When I am refreshed and full of enthusiasm and energy, I also have hope and optimism. I can move forward with confidence and faith, do my work, help others and have energy at the end of the day to give to myself, my dog and the other animal and human friends in my life.

Oh and… if you want to learn life changing meditation techniques, I offer private one-on-one sessions, as well as for groups of friends and co-workers. I can come to your business or your home. I also offer presentations and demonstrations, as a public speaker. And if you need insight into what is going on with your companion animal or your personal or professional life, I can help! I started my energy healing and psychic reading work with people. It was my love of animals that help direct where my career went. I now offer animal communication sessions, pet nutrition consultations, positive reinforcement dog and cat training and energy healing and reading for people and animals. And as aforementioned, I love sharing the meditation techniques that changed my life.. I love what I do and I would love to help you whenever you are in need of my services. 619-797-0705

Below is a link to my first TV interview with the warm and kind reporter, Gary Kelley!

San Diego Broadcaster, Gary Kelley

Gary Kelley was the first reporter to interview me on TV. It was a fun and memorable experience. I am happy to say, we are friends to this day. Thanks, Gary!



Dog Training with a Twist

Sindi and Ginger say, "Hi" with a High 5!

Sindi and Ginger High 5 it!

Regardless of the age of your dog, it is likely there are one or more behaviors you may wish to curb, at least a little bit. Perhaps it’s rushing the door when opened, jumping on visitors, stealing the cat’s food or lunging at other dogs when on a walk. Every dog is different. Regardless of breed, each dog has had its own life of varied experiences that help him decide, whether consciously, or otherwise, just how to act or react in any given situation.

Personally, I believe you can educate a dog at any age. Just like with us humans, the more ingrained a particular habit or pattern, the longer it may take to unlearn it, but it can be done! There are all different forms of training. I have found that within each school of thought lives a still varied understanding and approach. No two people are exactly alike, so no two trainers will be exactly alike. Not only in personality, but also in natural instincts and learned philosophies.

Canine Education a.k.a. Dog Training a.k.a. Treat Distribution

Canine Education a.k.a. Dog Training a.k.a. Treat Distribution

Along with positive reinforcement techniques, the basis of my training approach is energy and communication, which to me, go hand in hand. Without saying a word we are communicating, not only to our companion animals, but to other animals and people around us. Those we know, as well as strangers on the street. We all impact each other. To effectively and truly “train” a dog, we must also “train” ourselves. It is unfair and not at all compassionate to expect our animal friends to change, while we don’t have to. If your dog has a “bad habit,” you may unknowingly be contributing to the problem. You must be willing to change your behavior, if you expect your dog to change his. You must confront yourself, your own insecurities and beliefs and identify the energy you are projecting, if you want training to encourage the changing of a behavior long term.

My dog, Ginger who sadly passed away earlier this year, was and is, one of my greatest teachers in life. She was both intuitive and intelligent. She loved food, praise, playtime and affection, so training her new skills and behaviors was relatively easy in most cases. She was a fast and eager learner! The problem came when I began to slack off on the part I was to play. Here’s an example. When helping her with the learning process of not charging out the door, she responded well and learned to sit and wait until I left first. However! After a while I became inconsistent. I allowed her to walk out first. She, of course resorted back to her previously learned skill of walking out in front of me due to my laziness and non-commitment to one sole choice. Her response could be seen as, “Oh… we’re not doing that other thing anymore. Okay?! No problem! I can be flexible too!”

Rock licking my face

Sindi and her dog friend, Rock!

When we are not consistent, we give unclear, mixed messages. This can leave your dog confused and potentially frustrated. As in the case of my Ginger, a dog that doesn’t consistently use her newly learned behavior. When you aren’t consistent, you will, understandably, be less likely to end up with the desired behavior, as a result. Our inconsistency can interfere with our animal friends knowing exactly what role they are supposed to play. To be effective leaders, pet parents, teachers or however you want to term yourself in relation to your dog, we must take responsibility for ourselves, our actions and our energy. What are we bringing to the table? Are we afraid, anxious, stressed, angry or otherwise disturbed? This can and will effect your communication and your relationship with your companion animals.

This should not be incorrectly interpreted as meaning that you can not have your emotions or that you need to be in a constant state of relaxed bliss to have a pet! Life includes a wide array of emotions and experiences. Let yourself have them! Just be aware that when it comes to working to help train specific behaviors you need to be aware of your energy. If you are going through a tough time and having difficulty being at least somewhat calm and neutral, it may be best to take some time out for yourself. Our emotions are communications from our body that are essential for us to pay attention to. It’s like putting the oxygen mask on yourself first, before assisting a child with their oxygen mask. Look at yourself, take care of yourself and after you are rested and rejuvenated and feel more at ease, then consider revisiting your training sessions. When you feel ready to enjoy some playtime and learning with your dog, go for it! It’s never to late for them or us to change the game!

If you are interested in learning more about Sindi’s compassionate, effective, energy and reality based training approach, contact her at 360-601-4358 or There are other trainers that Sindi recommends for one-on-one training and classes, as well. When you contact Sindi, she will happily provide additional referrals depending on your individual situation and needs.

P.S. Sindi can help with your cat training needs, as well as other animal behavior assistance. Just ask! If she can’t help herself, she most likely knows someone that can! Sindi’s priority is to help animals and their people. She is here for you! 360-601-4358

Holistic Pet Care

Although the word “holistic,” is often used in place of “natural” or “organic,” it actually means whole. When partnered with the word “care,” as in “holistic care,” it means care of the whole person or whole animal.

When talking about the “whole” person or companion animal, some use the grouping of, body, mind and spirit. Since the mind, or brain, is a part of the body, I simplify it a little. I address, communicate with and help treat body and spirit or the body and the soul.

Energy healing, doggie massage and T-Touch techniques.I have seen seemingly miraculous changes occur through the use of animal communication, energy healing and reading. I can say the same for implementing new dietary approaches, food sources and supplement usage.

I am so excited to be presenting Holistic Cat Care 101 and Holistic Dog Care 101 in October of this year in San Diego. In both classes, I will share what I have learned in my many years of assisting my own pets, as well as the companion animals of others. The first hour will be jam packed with helpful information that you can start using immediately to improve the quality of your pets’ lives. Nutrition, supplements, relaxation techniques and more will be presented in the first hour. Following a half hour break, I will have a short Q & A followed by a live, public animal communication demonstration. Several participants will have the opportunity to ask me questions about their pets.

If you want your companion animal to be as happy and healthy as possible and/or you want to see a pet psychic in action, these are the classes for you!

Holistic Cat Care 101 will be all about cats and Holistic Dog Care 101 will focus on dogs. Attend one or both! A discount applies to those choosing to attend both workshops.

Both classes will be held in the Loomis Auditorium at the San Diego Humane Society’s Central Campus at 5500 Gaines St., in San Diego. Email me at for additional information and to register for either or both classes. Thanks and I hope to see you soon! -Sindi

Polite Dog Calming Signals

Looking away, sniffing the ground, licking lips and seeming to ignore are polite, “calming signals” to dogs.

Just as we have information that can be helpful to our companion animals, so do they have some lessons for us. I have learned so much about myself and human behavior, from observing and interacting with animals.

My dog, Ginger and I recently moved into a new neighborhood. We go on numerous walks everyday. During our journeys we have met many neighbors. One new neighbor is a dog that barks at us, protecting her territory, every time we pass her yard. In response to the barks, Ginger, would promptly begin giving the dog “calming signals” to communicate that she is not a threat and she respects the dog’s territory. Ginger was using these behaviors and silent communication tools in an attempt to calm the other dog.

Calming signals are a communication from one dog to the other. At first glance they may appear to be one dog simply ignoring the other. In actuality, the dog that seems to not be interested or paying attention, is in fact very much aware. As was the case of Ginger in her attempt to calm the other dog. Ginger would get some distance from the fence and would look away and either keep walking by with her head looking forward, avoiding eye contact or she would sniff at the ground, while walking. When your dog looks like she isn’t doing much, she is often doing a lot! Ginger’s behaviors were clear communications to the barking, protective dog that she had no desire to harm or challenge her or invade her territory. She was a friend, not a foe!

These same interactions happened whenever we would pass and the dog was in her yard. I noticed that sometimes she had biscuits on the porch. She would stand on the porch and bark from there, very obviously guarding what was even more important than her yard; her tasty treats! Ginger never echoed the dog’s barking or responded in any excited physical, non-verbal or audible way. Then one day last week, everything changed.

On that particular day, as we began to pass by the house I saw that the dog quickly ate her biscuits when she saw us. Meanwhile, instead of slowly passing, my dog stopped. I saw that today was going to be a different type of day for these two beauties! I said to Ginger, “Oh. You want to say hi to the doggie today.” She wagged her tail as she waited for the other dog to approach. There were no barks from the other dog. She had protected her treats by eating them and then without any sound, came down off the porch. The two dogs met at the fence and sniffed each other, looking towards each other while both wagged their tails.

It took time and patience on Ginger’s part, but they were now officially friends! The dog learned that Ginger was not a threat and that it was okay for us to walk by and also to approach. I never tried to force the relationship or even encourage things one way or the other. I allowed them the space to work things out, not having any investment in whether it ever progressed beyond what it had been. On their own, they took the time they needed to get to know each other. Ginger helped create a safe place and when our neighbor dog felt safe enough, the relationship changed. The neighbor dog was able to let go of her fear, let down her guard, allow herself to trust and reciprocate Ginger’s friendly gestures.

There was something else that was different about this day. In the yard next door to Ginger’s new friend was another dog. Although he had a stockier build, he looked very similar to Ginger’s new friend, but I was told they are not related. After enjoying a few minutes of new found friendship with the female neighbor, Ginger and the male neighbor were instantly excited to see each other and approached each other with little hesitation. The two greeted, smelling each other through the fence, wagging tails and showing genuine excitement to have met each other. Ginger started bowing, exhibiting her desire to play. She went to the gate and looked at me, trying to convince me I should open it so they could play. Instant puppy love! Although I couldn’t open up the gate or take away the fence barrier between them, I did share in the excitement of this new bond. I enjoyed watching both friendships blossom.

How people express politeness when greeting, is very different from how a dog with “good” manners might greet another dog.

Obviously there are a number of lessons that can be taken from this experience. But the main one that I want to share is that all relationships are different. All friendships are different. Each individual soul is unique. It is the two unique souls coming together that create the interaction. Since no two souls are exactly alike, it is impossible for any union to be exactly the same.

Some meetings are immediate connections of kindred souls. Others have challenges and may take time, patience, kindness and compassion to work through. Even if there is fear, avoidance or not seeing eye to eye in the beginning, that doesn’t mean there isn’t the potential for friendship or at least, civil communication.

Below are some examples of canine calming signals. Watch dogs’ interactions to see if you can spot them while they are happening! You can even try them yourself, with your dog to enhance your communication and display greater understanding.

  • Turning the head or body to the side or away
  • Looking away or averting the eyes
  • Licking lips
  • Yawning
  • Sniffing the ground
  • Moving very slowly
  • Moving in a curve or arc, not a direct path or head on towards another dog

My name is Sindi Somers. I am an animal communicator and energy reader with a desire to assist with people and animals understanding each other better. Instead of training, I like to use the word, education. Because that is really what I see it as. Using a foundation of energy awareness and positive reinforcement techniques, I approach each situation individually. No being is the same, regardless of the body it is housed in. Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, rabbits, fish and people; regardless of the species, each soul is unique. I offer long distance sessions for anyone, anywhere in the United States and the world. However, at this time I am only able to conduct sessions in English, so an interpreter may be needed. I also offer in person sessions, including home visits in San Diego County, and at times other areas of southern California, including Orange, Los Angeles and Riverside Counties. I am available to travel to your location outside of southern California, in certain instances, depending on the situation and requested dates. Although I am available on short notice, at times depending on my schedule, advance notice is generally required for all appointments requiring short or long distance travel. I can be reached at 619-797-0705 or Thank you for reading my blog!

1.8.2013 – Happy New Year!

A belated Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to you and yours! I hope you enjoyed the holiday season and that 2013 is off to a great start for you. I have been enjoying it so far and feel excited about starting fresh.

The first event of the new year for me will be the Blessing of the Animals Event at Old Town San Diego’s Historical Park. The event is Sunday, January 20 from 12:00 noon to 3:00 pm. I will be giving a presentation on animal communication at the event. I am not sure yet what time my talk will be. I will also have a booth and will be offering short energy readings and animal communication session for donations benefiting the Tijuana River Valley Animal Rescue. Stop by and say hello!

You can also pick up some complimentary treats for your dog at my booth at the event. Healthy treats will be provided at the Blessing of the Animals festival, courtesy of the Point Loma Pet Pantry. I actually work at this pet supply store part time. I used to work there several years ago, as well as Paw Country. Both holistically focused, independently owned pet supply stores are now owned by the same people. I am glad to be back and find working at these pet stores to be very fulfilling. Since I see so many more people while at work there, I have even more opportunity to help more people and their pets. This makes me very happy!

To learn more about me and my services, in addition to visiting the various pages on this site, you may also wish to visit, which has additional information. You can also contact me at or 619-797-0705. And again… a very Happy New Year to you! – Pet Psychic Sindi Somers

11.13.2012 – Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots

Sometimes, in order to avoid uncomfortable emotions we may want to avoid acknowledging the aging process. Whether it is the changes in our own body or illness, pain and challenges in our loved ones; both human and animal.

Death is inevitable for the body. Souls, however live on. I personally believe in reincarnation.

Over the weekend I saw one of the most amazing stage presentations I have ever experienced. The World Premier of Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots. My sense is that it is most certainly Broadway bound and it will win awards. Yoshimi is phenomenal! The show demonstrates collaborative creativity at its highest level featuring stellar acting, directing, costuming and staging. It is truly an artistic, visual, technical, musical masterpiece featuring songs by The Flaming Lips. One of the lyrics that moved me, was from the song, Do You Realize??

I am including a link below that includes The Flaming Lips song lyrics for Do You Realize?? in their entirety.


Just as flowers are born, grow, bloom and later wither and die, so does the body.

Basically the song’s lyrics highlight the obvious. That which us humans, so often want to ignore and deny. The fact that all of us, every single person and animal, one day will die.

When discussing or writing about this topic, I find myself even wanting to avoid using the word die or death or dying. Instead I often choose less charged phrases, such as passing, passing on, passed on, lost or having to say goodbye to.

I believe it is important to focus in the present. To enjoy our life and live it to its fullest while fulfilling our individual, unique purpose to the best of our ability. I also believe that we are souls. Immortal spirits that even when our bodies cease, we, the soul lives on. However, as long as we are physically present here on earth we have bodies. Bodies that feel and experience different temperatures, pain, grief, sadness and anger, as well as pleasure, joy and happiness.

Bodies feel. They just do.

When an animal or human that we care about dies, we that are left here on the physical plane grieve. We are sad. We miss our friend. What I have learned is that we each grieve differently. Some show no physical signs of emotion, despair or change, while others can hardly function.

I know some people whose beloved pet has died and they have yet to ever get a new companion animal over 10 years later. I also know others who have gotten another pet just days after saying goodbye to the one they lost.

Everyone is different in how they respond to death and dying. Your concepts about spirit and body and life and death may be the same, similar or completely different than mine. Although I believe the soul lives on, in regards to our experience here on earth, one thing is for sure. It may make your body sad to think this thought, but it is true. Just as The Flaming Lips sing so bluntly, everyone you know someday will die.

I encourage you to spend time with those important to you. Cherish those you love and love those you cherish. If you have lost a loved one and would like to check in and have some soul to soul communication contact me at 619-797-0705 or Or perhaps you are struggling with loss and you are having a difficult time letting go and moving forward. I offer energy healing, psychic reading and also teach meditative, self-healing visualization techniques to assist with this process. Although you can not physically turn back the hands of time, go backwards and actually change your past, you do have the power to heal yourself and change how you feel about your past. I provide meditation, healing, reading and communication services to anybody, anywhere on the planet. If you or a human or animal you love are facing a health challenge or other potential stressful situation, I can help with that too. I don’t replace medical doctors or veterinarians. Instead, I see myself as an alternative healing option working alongside the medical profession. Because I am not a member of the medical field, I can not diagnose diseases or illness. I suggest ruling out and/or discovering any medical conditions before pursuing an alternative energy healing, reading or similar modality.

11.7.2012 – My Dog Won’t Eat

Swimming is a low impact form of exercise for dogs, as well as humans. It is sometimes used in physical therapy for dogs. Cute pups!

Today was a busy day. It was productive and fulfilling and included sessions with two new clients. Well in actuality, over a dozen new clients if you include all animals and humans involved!

Starting off the day, I did a long distance reading for an exuberant woman who was concerned about her dog’s loss of appetite. Her dog had gone through a number of periods of simply refusing to eat. Although he would sometimes eat later in the day and had gotten a clean bill of health from the veterinarian and doggie chiropractor, his people, were understandably still concerned. Stress, anxiety and fear and its effects on his body, as well as his chakras and energy system were the main issues. The dog’s mom is actively involved in his care. This includes, as previously mentioned chiropractic visits, which were introduced to help eliminate neck tension and seizures the dog had previously experienced. It is so great how many alternative healing methods are available now for our companion animals, as well as us humans!

PLEASE NOTE: If your companion animal has refused food, the first step is to rule out a medical cause. Not eating can be the sign of severe illness or that your pet has ingested something toxic or poisonous. Another possibility is a blockage or foreign body of some kind in their digestive system. A veterinarian can do a physical examination, blood tests and other medical interventions to determine if your companion animal is ill or needs further medical attention. Testing and exams, along with evaluating your pet’s previous medical history and any other current symptoms can help your vet draw conclusions. Not eating food or other changes in dietary or drinking habits is cause for alarm and it is recommended that you seek medical attention. Other symptoms that may or may not accompany the disinterest in food, include lethargy, depression, vomiting, diarrhea, foaming at the mouth, nervous panting or other signs of stress. If your veterinarian draws no conclusion from the test results, you may also wish to get a second opinion.

When your companion animal refuses to eat, it is time to see the veterinarian. Eat up, Fido!

Once a medical condition or illness is ruled out, you may wish to consider the following.

  • psychic reading
  • energy healing
  • animal communication
  • nutrition consulting
  • dietary evaluations
  • educational pet food shopping field trips
  • tips on how to read ingredients labels
  • animal massage and T-Touch
  • acupuncture for dogs and other animals
  • meditation for YOU because the calmer you are, the calmer your pets will be

Sindi offers sessions in person and long distance for anyone, anywhere in the world. Contact her via email at or by phone at 619-797-0705.

11.4.2012 – San Diego Healing

Today was a good day. I spent time with friends and met one new one. A sweet, intelligent puppy named, Radar. Since a picture is worth a thousand words, I thought photos would be a great way to share what I did today. As well as show some of the services I offer year round.

With the help of Radar, his mom, Wyn and my other friend, Tim it was a productive day of healing, reading and animal communication. In addition to these three services, I also teach life changing meditation techniques. Meditation can assist you in all aspects of your life, including your relationships with your companion animals.

Canine Education a.k.a. Dog Training a.k.a. Treat Distribution = Yum Fun

Energy healing, doggie massage and T-Touch techniques relax dogs.

  • Companion Animals
  • Farm Animals
  • Wild Animals
  • Energy Healing
  • Psychic Reading
  • Telepathic Live and Deceased Animal Communication
  • Nutrition Consulting
  • Behavior Evaluation
  • Dog Training
  • Massage & T-Touch
  • End of Life Decisions
  • Emergency Vet Visits
  • Meditation Instruction
  • Pet Sitting/Dog Walks

Sindi is giving Tim an aura healing. Radar is helping! Thanks puppy!


Sindi is giving Wyn a non-touch aura cleansing.

Even physicists agree that everything is energy. I come from the premise that energy is change and that all healing is self healing.

I act as a catalyst, creating a safe space for you to release energy and make any changes that you want to make.


Meditation is the foundation of all I do

Based in San Diego, but serving all of California, the entire United States and the whole world, animal communicator, energy healer, people and pet psychic Sindi Somers offers sessions in person and at a distance. She records the session allowing for further reflection at a later time. There is no limit to how many animals or people you can ask about during your reading. Sindi is an experienced psychic reader able to give thorough information on a multitude of topics in any one session. Whatever fits into a one hour session will be covered.

If you are interested in learning more about people and pet psychic Sindi Somers, call 619-797-0705 or email