What does this mean? Being spirit.

YOU are spirit. If you have a leaning towards spiritual exploration, and/or have settled onto your spiritual path, you may have your own personal concepts of the meaning of “spirit.”

I often hear people say, “my spirit.” Which, to me, indicates they believe that they are their physical body, and have a spirit vs. being a spirit, and having a body. I believe that we ARE all spirits, and we have bodies. We are spirits manifesting in physical bodies. Whether human, dog, cat, horse, bird, fish, or bear, we are all spirits, with bodies.

There has been much discussion, debate, and studies conducted to prove that animals experience emotion. All bodies have and experience emotions. Emotions are of the body. So, yes. Animals definitely experience, and have a wide range of, emotions. Just like people do. But animals are more than just their bodies, just like people are. We are again, all spirit with bodies. It is because we have bodies that we can experience emotions, and other aspects of the physical realm.

Without the use of a body a spirit can not experience the physical world, including emotions. Whether animal or human. Without the ability to manifest through a body, we, as spirit, are in, and can only experience the spiritual realm. Emotions, the intellect, and other experiences, such as pain are only part of the physical experience. To experience them we need a body. And for a body to experience life, to be alive, it needs a spirit, a spiritual being to manifest its energy through it. We need each other, spirit, and body, to experience the physical world.

Obviously, we know the scientific meaning of life, and the aspects of the body that need to be healthy for the body to be alive. But it is the spirit, the soul, the spiritual being and whether its energy is energizing the body that determines whether it is alive or not, and the state of vitality of the body.

As spirit we have the ability to move our energy in and out of our body. The body is always in the present moment. As spirit, we can be in the present, the past, or the future. We can use our bodies to help us at spirit to manifest more consciously into the present. Focusing on our body’s rhythms and experiences can automatically help draw our attention as spirit more into the present. Some meditation practices encourage focusing on breathing, which is a fabulous start! When one focuses their attention on their breath flowing in and out of their lungs it brings their awareness more to their body, and thus more to the present moment. Remember, your body is always in the present. As I mentioned, you as spirit, can be anywhere, at will. The present, the past, the future. Even another city, state, or country. Wherever your attention is, that’s where you are as spirit.

It can be fun to just notice. Allow yourself to be aware. Check in when you think of it. Where is your attention? Is it on the task or activity you are currently doing? It might be! Are you thinking about other things on your “to do” list? Perhaps you’re enjoying thoughts of an upcoming event that you’re looking forward to. Or maybe a memory was triggered and you’re dwelling on something from the past. There’s no right or wrong, or good or bad about it. Each is just a different experience.

However, the more you are in the present, the more in control of yourself, your body, your energy, and your actions you will be. In addition to focusing on your breathing, you can be aware of your heartbeat, your pulse. Notice the weight and mass of your body, your clothes on your skin, the temperature of the room. Use the senses of your body to help draw your attention as spirit more to it, and to the present moment. Tune into any sounds, smells, and tastes in your mouth. If you close your eyes, as in meditation, it can help lessen distractions. We take in so much information with our eyes, that when we close them, it helps us to focus more on ourselves, and our bodies. However, if you are sighted and your eyes are open, you can use your sense of sight, and what you see, to further draw your attention into the present. We often learn to move our attention out into whatever we are looking at, so this is something to be aware of. Practice staying with your body, as you look at external sights.

These techniques are simple and can be done with your eyes closed or opened, as mentioned. But there is one other technique that is just as simple, but in my opinion, is the most important. It’s called grounding. You may have heard the term grounding before, but it may be a different style than what I am sharing about.

While you can be grounded anytime and anywhere and doing any activity, if you are new to grounding, it can help you to sit comfortably in a straight back chair, with your eyes closed. You’ll want to have your feet separated and flat on the floor, and your hands separated and resting in your lap. Take some nice, slow deep breaths and relax your body. Be aware of the area near the base of your spine. This is your first chakra. Allow yourself to create, imagine, visualize a flow of energy flowing from the area near the base of your spine all the way down to the center of the earth. Let it flow straight down with no effort. This is your grounding cord. Securely attach it to both ends, the center of the earth and your first chakra. Take a deep breath and experience being grounded. How does your body respond to being grounded? Get a word or words to describe what it’s like to be grounded right now. Does it feel familiar, or new? Continue to allow your grounding to flow. Being grounded can help to lessen stress, anxiety, and depression, as well as help you be less scattered and more in control of your life.

You can also use your grounding to release energy. Physicists have proven that everything is energy. Everything. Everything physical and everything related to the spiritual realm. There are just different kinds of energy. Some we can physically see, and some we can’t. There are energies that are beneficial and those that can be disturbing and disruptive. We can release any energy we do not want. When we release unwanted energy, we make more room for the energy that we want. Out with the old and unwanted energies, and in with the new and desired energies.

Practice releasing energy now. Be aware of your grounding flowing from your first chakra to the center of the earth. Get the concept of releasing any unwanted energy down your grounding. Just let it go. With no effort. Just allow, and let it flow. This process does not harm the planet in any way. Once it gets to the center of the earth, the energy is neutralized to be reused again.

Be aware of an area of your body that you carry a lot of tension. That is stored energy. Allow that energy to flow down your grounding. Let it go. Relax your body by releasing energy. How does your body respond as you release energy from it? You can release any energy that you want. Releasing energy also strengthens your grounding. If you ever feel like you need more grounding, simply send more energy down it.

If you are ever feeling scattered, overwhelmed, or uncomfortable in any way, remember your ability to ground. Simply grounding helps to calm your body’s nervous system. Then you have the added benefit of releasing any energy that is making you uncomfortable. You may tune into something specific, but you don’t have to. There have been times I didn’t know exactly what energy I was dealing with, but knew I needed to let it go. So, I did, and my body felt better.

Grounding is a spiritual technique, as is releasing energy. You create your grounding as spirit. You release energy as spirit. When you create as spirit it takes no effort. If you ever find yourself trying hard to ground, or release energy, that’s your body trying to get involved. Bodies use effort. Spirits do now. Remember, everything is energy. Including effort. So, you can release any interfering effort energy down your grounding.

Using spiritual techniques, such as grounding and releasing energy, will help you get to know yourself as spirit. The soul, the spiritual being that you are. I’ll end this blog post, just as I began it. YOU are spirit. Enjoy your unique, and uniquely beautiful spiritual journey, here on earth.


Aura Readings

Update on Services
Are you on my email mailing list? If you are, you previously learned that I am no longer doing solely animal communication and pet psychic readings. In that same newsletter I also mentioned that if I do offer them again, it will be in a different way. After several months of meditation and contemplation, I will be refocusing and working in areas where I have the most experience.
I started my energy work, healing and reading with people many years ago. It was later that I formally included animals in my practice. I have been working with animals since 2007. This year, I will be going back to my roots! In my service to people, I will help animals because the happier the person, the happier their animal friends will be. By you getting more in touch with yourself you can be more present in your life, including with your pets. Instead of just answering questions, a session with me will start with an aura reading. Your aura is the energy field around you and your body.
During an aura reading, I look at the seven main layers of your aura. Following an aura reading you can ask questions about yourself and and your life, which can include your animal friends.
Below is a drawing I made to accompany an aura reading I received a couple of weeks ago. Yes, I get them too! I received my reading at CDM Spiritual Center in Everett, Washington. It was amazing and so helpful. It reminded me how beneficial receiving this information can be. We are often so close to situations in our lives, especially things we are emotional about. It can be helpful to have a neutral, outside observer to provide insight. Plus, aura readings are really fun! I do rose/spiritual awareness and past life readings also.

An aura reading is a personalized, non-judgmental overview of what is going on with you and your life situations. This includes how you relate to the physical and survival issues, your emotions, communication, clairvoyance and more!

My intent from the beginning of when I started offering readings was to help people to get more in touch with themselves and their own information. My goal was to help humans to validate, accept and use their own abilities to communicate with animals. I believe that returning to working more predominantly with people will allow me to do what I originally intended to do. Your animal friends will still be involved! In fact, they can get aura readings too! All living things have auras!

I also still offer nutrition consulting for dogs and cats and teach meditation techniques to humans. Speaking of which, I will be starting the Meditation Club again very soon!
Thank you all for your support over the years. I hope you choose to continue to play with me, as we enjoy our mutual sharing, learning and changing. – Sindi

Is My Animal Friend Happy?

Even cute little guinea pigs can experience stress, anxiety and a full range of emotions. Get to know your animal friends and get to know yourself. By changing how you feel, you impact all around you, including your pets.

One of the questions I often get asked during an animal communication and psychic reading session is whether or not a pet is happy. Dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, guinea pigs, horses and other animals in our lives are impacted by us and how we are feeling. Are we happy, stressed, sad, angry, excited, enthusiastic, worried or anxious? How do our animal friends mirror these emotions and experiences? In all different ways!

While emotional responses can be exhibited in behavioral issues or changes they can sometimes be less obvious. Has your dog started itching, biting or gnawing himself frequently? If you rule out some of the obvious culprits, such as fleas or allergies, what could it be? It could be an outlet for stress. Why is he stressed? It can be beneficial to evaluate your stress level. Is there something that happened recently or that is currently going on that you find stressful? Everything is energy and energy can be transferred from one to the other; whether human or animal.

Other known signs of stress in animals include birds plucking out their feathers, cats overgrooming themselves, animals not wanting to eat and hiding. These behaviors can also be sign of illness, so they shouldn’t be ignored.

If there is conflict going on in your household or changes that have created a stressful environment, your pets will be effected. However some may show outward signs more obviously than others. Just like all people are different, so are all animals. Some are more go with the flow, letting things roll of their backs. Others may have a lot going on under a facade of courage, stoicism and “I’m fine!”

This dog has a treat. His panting could be a sign of stress that he feels trying to guard his tasty treasure.

Some signs of stress may seem completely natural. That is because in some situations they are natural, but they can communicate much more. There are a number of behaviors that are termed “calming signals” in dogs that can be signs of stress. Lip licks, panting, yawning, ignoring a situation by sniffing the ground or looking away are just some examples. They can be an attempt to calm a situation or another dog, though they can be used when relating to people too. For example, if it isn’t hot out and your dog doesn’t have a reason to be panting, it could be a sign of stress.

It can be helpful to not only pay attention to signs of stress in our animal friends, but to also be aware of how you are feeling yourself. If you are stressed, upset or unhappy about something in your life perhaps it needs some attention. It may be a situation that can be changed through communication with someone or perhaps it simply needs to be approached with a new perspective. Sometimes the way to create beneficial change is to completely leave a situation. Each scenario is unique, so it can be helpful to reflect on it, as such.

In addition to animal communication, energy healing and reading I teach meditation techniques that can help to reduce stress, as well as be more aware of how you are feeling. The style of meditation that I practice and share with others provides tools to help release energy you no longer want to make more room for what you want in the present. This process helps you to heal and create change in any aspect of your life. This includes your relationships with your pets.

To learn more, feel free to contact me. I will be restarting my Meditation Club soon. Everyone in the club receives a new recorded, guided meditation each month. Meditation literally saved my life. More than once and it still helps me in my life. Meditation has provided me with tools in many situations, including loss of loved ones, making changes and depression. If you are looking for support, meditation is just a deep breath away!

Thanks for reading!


Long Distance Readings, Healings and Animal Communication Sessions

little_crater_lake_7-11-1 While I currently live in Oregon, I receive a lot of requests from San Diego and other areas in California. I lived in southern California for eight years and so there is a lot of information about me online from my work there. People that have received readings and animal communications from me while I lived there still contact me too.

In relation to the services I offer, it doesn’t matter where I physically live. Or where you live either. I offer long distance sessions for anyone, anywhere. It is a convenient way to receive the help and information you are seeking. Remote psychic readings, energy healings and animal communication sessions are also the most cost effective option.

maya-rudolphIf you happened to have seen the last issue of Ladies Home Journal with Maya Rudolpf on the cover, you may have seen the article on pet psychics. I was one of three featured. Excerpts from readings that were given to the article’s author were included. Mine was a long distance session. The writer was in California and I was from Oregon. If you happen to read the article you will learn more about the work I do. It will also support the fact that yes, long distance psychic readings and animal communications do in fact work!

paw on human handPhysicists have long since proven that everything is energy! There is no time or space with energy. By tuning into energy using my abilities of clairvoyance, telepathic communication and other skills, that are often referred to as “gifts” I am able to obtain, interpret and relay information to humans and animals, alike. While these abilities are “gifts”, they are gifts that we all have. What makes me different is that I have been consciously developing these capabilities for over thirty years. Additionally, I have always been aware of the spiritual realm. Since I was a child I knew there were spirits that were around us, including scaring me under the bed! I could tell when someone was lying to me or keeping information from me. I also was aware of communication from my pets, including when my animal friend passed on.

Sindi and dog and dog's mom in an animal communication session

These awareness and abilities I gladly share with you. I want to help you, whether you have animals in your life or not. I offer support to humans and animals, both wild and tame and in in any living situation. This includes animals in homes, on farms and in the wild, as well as those being cared for in shelters and with rescue organizations. Did you know I also can help animals that are in captivity? Along with giving you information that is obtained through my readings and other sessions, I teach meditation techniques that can literally change your life.  I look forward to helping you however I can.

I can be reached via email at sindi@apetpsychic.com or by phone at 503-741-1344. If you would like to text me, please use 619-797-0705. My 503 number is for calls only. Update! My new phone number is 360-601-4358.

Thank you and I hope to hear from you! – Sindi

What Does Psychic Mean?

waves at sunset

Meditation provides a way to get in touch with yourself and your own information.

If you talk to different people about any topic, you will get a variety of opinions. I have found this with any subject I research. This can make it difficult when you really, really, really want an answer! I always suggest to clients to trust their gut. If you have collected information from a variety of sources, sit with it all. Then get in touch with what rings true for you and discard the rest.

Meditation is a way to get more in touch with your own information. The type of meditation that I was blessed to learn at the ripe young age of 18 years old gave me tools. Meditative, visualization techniques to help me to get more in touch with me, my body and my own information.

Okay. So then, what does psychic mean?! To me it means, spirit or of the soul. We are all spirit. We are souls. Therefore we are all psychic. We all have the spiritual abilities to see or “read” energy, give and receive non-verbal, telepathic messages, feel energy and otherwise sense energy and have an awareness of the spiritual realm.

Hailey on Sindis lap cropped

This was a fun day at the San Diego Humane Society. I got to hang out with some of their beautiful cats that were available for adoption. I love giving healings and readings to animals and people!

I have spent a lot of time developing my psychic muscle and reading energy, consciously telepathically communicating, giving people and animals energy healings and otherwise sensing energy. But you have these same gifts.

Think about experiences you have that validate this. Have you ever been able to tell when someone was lying to you? They were verbally saying one thing, but you knew it wasn’t true? Perhaps you thought about someone right before they called, emailed or texted you. When you first go into an office, home, restaurant or other establishment, are you aware of having a response? You may like it or not. Or like how you feel or not. These are just some examples of how we often unconsciously use our psychic or spiritual abilities in our everyday lives. It’s a fun thing to play with. The more you practice, the more consciously aware you will become of how you feel in different environments and around different people. Honor your feelings and practice being more consciously aware of when you are comfortable and uncomfortable.

As far as what being psychic means to you, I encourage you to spend time being quiet with yourself. Let go of other people’s opinions that you may have picked up throughout your life. Family, friends, religious figures, the media and other sources all have input to give that we often take on. We are all free to share our opinions. As we learn and grow, it is up to us to keep what is true for ourselves and let go of the rest. We all have our own truths. Meditation is the pathway within to find them.


I Want to Marry YOU!

Nature is many people's church. I know I feel great joy when I am still amongst trees and other natural beauty.

Nature is many people’s church. I know I feel great joy when I am still, sitting or walking among trees and other natural beauty.

I have had a lot of jobs, worn many different hats and have worked in a variety of environments. Did you know that in addition to my love of animals and writing, I am a wedding officiant?

It’s true! I performed my first wedding in 1990 in Washington State. I am still able to legally marry people in Washington, California and most other states including Oregon, where I currently reside.

I believe there are many paths to God and honor all faiths. If you are agnostic or atheist, I also perform civil ceremonies and have done so many times. Personally, I do believe without a doubt that God exists. That is my personal belief. It may not match your beliefs or information, but God is a huge part of my life. This belief and my relationship with God helps me feel supported. It makes my life easier at times and definitely more fulfilling. But if that is not your feeling and it is other beliefs that feel right to you, then okay!

This is a challenging world. My spiritual beliefs help me tremendously in sad or tough times and help my life to be more joyous in happy times. They work for me. I want this for everyone. Fulfilling happiness in their and your lives. So if it is other beliefs that make sense to you and help you feel supported, then I support them! Different things work for different people.

Meditation has helped me and continues to help me in all aspects of my life.

I encourage you to find a style of meditation that works for you.

For example, there are many styles of meditation. The type of meditation that I was blessed enough to learn when I was 18 years old worked for me. It helped me to see that there was another way to live. I didn’t have to live in darkness. I didn’t have to be depressed or drink to feel better. These same techniques continue to work for me and are tools to help me in all aspects of my life.

Everything is energy. Physicists have proven this fact and I believe it too! The type of meditation that I practice and teach provides tools to consciously release unwanted energies. This includes pain, grief, guilt, fear, doubt and any other energy that may effect us in adverse ways.

While it has been in hiatus for a few months, I plan on reintroducing my Meditation Club down the road. If you are interested in being notified when that happens, let me know. As a member of my Meditation Club, you receive a recorded, guided meditation emailed to you. This allows you to listen and learn at the convenience of your schedule and in the comfort of your own home.

In addition to meditating and performing marriages, I provide premarital counseling. This includes sharing relaxing, meditation techniques so that the wedding day and planning processis less stressful and more enjoyable.

If you know someone in Oregon, Washington State or California wanting to get married, feel free to pass my name along. Below is what I have to say to engaged couples.

Create your day the way you want it!

I’ll make it legal.

503-741-1344 (calls only)

619-797-0705 (calls and texts)


Thanks for reading!


Life is about learning. Life on earth helps us souls learn, if we choose to, in a more rapid and focused manner. The most important thing I have learned in my entire lifetime is that I am spirit. You are too. We all are spirit; spiritual beings, souls. And we have bodies. We are not our bodies. They house us as spirit. We are spirit in bodies.

In actuality, I haven’t learned I’m spirit, but instead I have re-learned this fact. When we come into our physical infant bodies, we know we are spirit and a part of God. As we are surrounded with older people that have forgotten what they knew as babies, we slowly forget too. Remembering that we are spirit helps answer so many seemingly unanswerable questions. It helps us to understand why we are here on earth, which is to learn, grow and evolve. We each have a unique purpose and a reason for being here.

When our body dies, we continue to exist as spirit. We don’t become spirit when we die. We already are spirit. We just don’t have a body on anymore. Bodies are mortal. Spirit is immortal. Souls do not die. Bodies die. They are meant to wear out and be temporary homes for our spiritual learning. The form of meditation that I teach and practice helps us, as spirit to work more in harmony with our bodies. Using spiritual techniques we can reach a meditative state amidst the busyness and noisy world around us. This helps us to get to know ourselves as spirit. Meditation can help us get in touch with ourselves and our own information. It can also help us to better care for and heal our body.

I will be leading an open donation, give what you can, guided meditation in Beaverton, Oregon on Sunday, July 17 at 11:00 AM. Weather permitting, we will be sitting outside meditating in a park. Call me at 503-741-1344 or 619-797-0705 to learn more. Although it is designed for beginning meditators, all are welcome to join in the seated meditation. This is a BYOC – Bring Your Own Chair event. Hope to meditate with you Sunday or another time soon!

Call 503-741-1344 or 619-797-0705. Thank you for reading this blog post!

Take care, Sindi

On the Road Again!

Rock's first golf cart ride!

Rock’s first golf cart ride! Neither one of us actually drove. Just posing! We were grateful passengers.

The first weekend of May, I was invited to stay at the Barbara Worth Resort and Country Club to participate in an event with the Humane Society of Imperial County. The resort is in Holtville, CA, near El Centro. I offered one on one animal communication readings to guests.

Since it was a pet-friendly venue, I was able to take Rock with me. It was a pre-trip trip! I say that because last Thursday, May 21st, we left on another leg of our journey. We traveled up through California and then into Oregon.
My intention was to continue on to Washington State because I loved it so much when I lived there previously. However, the theme of 2015 for me has been to be in the present moment and go with the flow. This approach has served me well, so I am planning on continuing to do this. Forever! In keeping with that, just like the abundant trees, I have decided to plant my roots in Oregon!
Trees, trees, glorious trees! Just one of the many reasons I love the Pacific Northwest. Love the green of Oregon and Washington!

Trees, trees, glorious trees! Just one of the many reasons I love the Pacific Northwest. Love the green of Oregon and Washington!

It is not only beautiful here, but the people are friendly and it just feels right! With the exception of wanting to move to the beautiful Oregon Coast, I have never seriously considered moving to Oregon because I loved Washington state and its beauty when I lived there. The memory of my love of Washington has stayed with me for years!

So here I sit in beautiful, green and very different from what I have become used to, Oregon. I’m in the lovely Beaverton area, near Portland and Tigard. I love the name Tigard. It reminds me of my tigers, which I love! I am looking for a job here. I will continue to offer my services on the side. As always, I provide long distance services for anyone anywhere. Including my brand new change your life and feel better service… my Wild and Tame Meditation Club!!
To help our busy world to relax and take time for themselves, I have found a way to teach meditation without requiring a certain time commitment. In fact, you don’t even have to leave your own home! It’s like having a teacher at your beckon call without giving up an ounce of privacy!
Beginning on June 2nd, I will be sending out weekly recordings. One emailed, audio will be instructional, focusing on one specific meditation technique. The second will be a guided meditation incorporating that week’s technique, as well as many others. Take the stress out of meditating! Do it on your time schedule, at your place and pace. I hope you decide to Join The Club!
Contact Sindi at 619-797-0705 or sindi@apetpsychic.com for more information about the Wild and Tame Meditation Club or any other services she offers. Follow your passion. Just say no to limits and have a Wild and Tame Day!


Morning Nature Meditation for Two

I meditated outside this morning in the beauty of Prescott, Arizona. If you haven’t been here before, it’s a small college town with a relaxing feel. I really love the historical downtown area and the pretty outskirts with beautiful rocks, mountains and trees, trees, TREES!!!

My meditation spot this morning. How lucky am I!

My meditation spot this morning. How lucky am I! Feeling very grateful today!!

Being around greenery and more specifically, the aforementioned trees makes me so happy and at peace. Which is why I chose to meditate outside this morning. So that my loyal Chi-ROCK-Dawg, could be near me while I meditated, I set up his own meditation chair complete with his bed and his favorite chew. However, he opted for my lap instead!

La meditation pour deux!

La meditation pour deux, Prescott, Arizona.

It was so lovely with singing birds, cool breeze and all that nature has to offer. I’m looking forward to another morning meditation tomorrow, outdoors with my loyal canine companion. I will set up his own chair again. But of course I will have no objections if he chooses to cuddle with me instead.

We are planning on being here for awhile longer. We may even come back after my next event in Sedona on February 20 and 21. I will be at Sedona Pet Supply in Bashas’ Shopping Center at 140 Coffee Pot Drive offering one on one animal communication readings. If your in the area, stop by!

If you aren’t nearby and would like a long distance animal communication session, psychic reading, energy healing, pet nutrition consultation or positive reinforcement training assistance, call me at 619-797-0705. I’m here to help!

A Time of Illness has Other Meanings

Sleep. It does the body good!

Sleep. It does the body good! Purrrrrr.

I have been home in bed the last couple of days, recovering from what I could call illness, but instead will call what it is… my body wanting me to slow down! When I am ill I take extra time for myself. I rest in bed, sleep and sleep and sleep. It also gives me extra time to meditate, as well as cuddle with my favorite dog companion, Rock. All in all, my life calms down and is quiet when I am ill.

We live in such a busy world and technologically advanced, fast moving society. I enjoy regular meditation times and quiet moments of reflection and self healing. But I admittedly often push myself to do more than my body wants me to. I have slowed down in recent years following the deaths of my Grandma and my dog, Ginger. From them I took the lesson of taking time to smell the roses and cherish moments with the special someones in your life. It is also of the utmost importance to take sufficient time for your body and yourself, as spirit.


Meditation can help you to find and follow your unique path. It is a self healing journey.

Even with the lessons I have learned, I sometimes fall back into old patterns. If I am an irresponsible parent and not attentive to my body’s needs, it rebels! It knows I will rest, nurture it and focus more on it when it doesn’t feel well. My body and I have had this pattern for years. I have gotten much better at taking care of it, so it doesn’t have to get my attention in this way as often. But here we are once again. So obviously, I am still working on changing this habit of mine.

I feel much better today, which is why I am writing this blog post. I feel more energetic tonight after sleeping all day yesterday and then resting today. I spent time meditating and healing myself, which of course helped me to further relax and let go of energies not in harmony with me. The physical rest and spiritual energy work helped my body feel better.

Sindi meditating

Meditation has helps me to feel better, create change and be more content in my life.

The meditation techniques that I practice and share with others have been on the planet for a very long time. They were taught in the Ancient Mystery Schools in Egypt, where it is said that Jesus spent time and was an initiate. I, however, learned these techniques here in the United States in classes at a teaching center in Everett, Washington, just north of Seattle. If you are not able to visit their Washington State location, they offer books, CDs and downloadable information to assist in your meditations and healing journey.

I would not be where I am today without the use of these life changing techniques. Here is a link to the CDM Spiritual Teaching Center and also to CDM Publications where you can find their books, CDs and downloadable audio recordings.

Click to visit the CDM website.

Click to visit CDM Publications and learn more about their books, CDs and more.

I teach the techniques I practice and enjoy sharing these life changing tools with others. While a lot of my focus is assisting people with their companion animals, I offer one on one and group sessions for people with and without pets. In addition to long distance sessions, I offer in person office visits at my pet friendly Mission Valley office in San Diego, as well as home visits in the southern California area. I will be returning to the Phoenix area later this year and Yuma, Arizona in January. If you are interested in having me do a presentation or class in your area in or outside of San Diego, contact me via email at sindi@apetpsychic.com or call me at 619-797-0705.