My Books About Animals

Writing is something I have always done. It has a cathartic benefit, as well serving as a fulfilling, creative outlet. Do you enjoy writing?

I love to write! Expressing myself through the written word began with poetry when I was a very young child. I enjoyed writing both long and short poems, including the very short form of Japanese poetry known as Haiku. Some, but not all the verses in my poems were in rhyme.

My poetic explorations expanded to short stories, sometimes comedic, but often dramatic. I then added vocalizing my creative thought in the form of songs. I was awarded my first and only writing award when in the first grade. Although when my first article was published in a magazine, I did feel like that was a bit of an award! It was an exciting day for me, as it had been a long term goal to see my writing in print.

While I appreciate old school methods, the invention of computers has helped make the writing and book making process easier.

Writing is not only a creative expression, but it has become a way for me to further engage and educate. I have wanted to expand my writing projects to publishing my books for some time. Though I have considered traditional publishing methods, self-publishing is my main area of interest. Actually, in this day and age I am primarily interested in starting with ebooks. Printed book options may come later.

Being able to create ebooks is such an awesome option and opportunity! It’s a way for any of us to put our ideas out into the world with little to no financial investment. This fact takes away at least one excuse that some of us humans use to keep us from doing things that we say we want to do and that is, lack of money.

Over the years, in addition to blogging I have had multiple articles published about animal communication, dog and cat nutrition, holistic pet care and other topics. I was happy to have my articles appear in San Diego Pets Magazine before the publication was purchased by the San Diego Humane Society. More recently my articles were published in the Seattle based CityDog Magazine, which is also distributed in the Portland, Oregon area.

I’m currently working on two different books. Both are on the topic of animals. Surprise! If you have any questions about either project you are welcome to contact me at or call me at 360-601-4358.

I love writing for children and reading children’s books, including anything by Dr. Seuss!

One of my upcoming ebooks is a children’s book. The first draft has been finished. I had the opportunity to read it at Barnes & Noble in Vancouver, Washington to a group of elementary school students and their parents and teachers. It was fun! I need to do a little more editing and then complete the ebook creation and uploading process.

The other aforementioned book is the preliminary process with hopes of completion in the next month. It is a book of information to help humans with different aspects of relating to their dogs. In addition to humane training tips for common canine behavior issues, it includes information about dog nutrition, pet wellness, holistic care and other tips for your canine friends’ overall well-being. Don’t worry cat people, I will be writing one for you too. Those with other species of animal friends, stay tuned! I haven’t forgotten you either! So many animals, such a fun time!

If you are interested in pre-ordering either ebook and learning more about what I’m meowing and barking about, let me know.

I am currently in the San Diego area, offering in-person sessions and readings throughout Southern California. I am pre-booking sessions in the Pacific Northwest preparing for my June return to the area. I will be traveling through Oregon and then southern Washington and back up to Seattle and northwestern Washington.

If I can be of help to you and your wild and/or tame animal friends don’t hesitate to contact me.  Thank you for reading my blog!


Whole Foods Market

Enjoying a rainy day in "sunny" Arizona with my skilled napping buddy. ;-)

Enjoying a rainy day in “sunny” Arizona with my skilled napping buddy. 😉

Today is a rainy, and therefore a relaxing Monday following a day off for me and Rock on Sunday. Downtime is important. We need to allow the body time to rest and rejuvenate.

Meditation is a wonderful way to take time for yourself. Sleep is also important. Meditation assists with our healing process, as does sleep. I enjoy both.

I also enjoy warm beverages on cold days. So today I will be going to Starbucks to cash in on my free birthday drink. Starbucks has coconut milk available now. I tried it in a hot chocolate and it was so delicious! I’m thinking in that direction again today, although a coconut milk Mocha sounds pretty  amazing too. Hmmmm…

Starbucks now offers a delicious coconut milk option!

Starbucks now offers a delicious coconut milk option! I love it!

Another new thing I’m excited about is that I will be doing my first ever event at Whole Foods Market! If you aren’t familiar with Whole Foods, it is a natural, health focused grocery store chain. They have abundant organic items, including beautiful produce. I love their tasty, fresh deli items too! It is easy to walk out of there with a more than initially intended because everything looks so good!

My Holistic Pet Care and Animal Communication presentation and demonstration will be on Wednesday, March 11 at 6:00 PM. It’s FREE and open to the public. With the exception of certified service animals, this event is for humans only.

Just as fresh food does our bodies good, the same is for our animal friends. Choosing a species appropriate diet in the freshest form possible will provide great benefits!

Just as fresh food does our body good, the same is for our animal friends. Choosing a species appropriate diet in the freshest form possible will provide great benefits! While bell peppers can be fed as a treat, if they will eat them, onions can be toxic to dogs and cats and should be avoided.

Feel free to contact me with questions about my Whole Foods event, your animal nutrition issues or to learn more about any of my services for people or animals. 619-797-0795

Getting Controversial in North Park

Here I am giving Tim an aura healing. Radar is helping!

Psychic reader and healer giving Tim an aura healing i Old Town San Diego. Radar is helping!

This Friday, May 2 at 7:00 PM, I will be giving an Animal Communication presentation and demonstration. It will last until about 8:45 PM and is $18 per person. This particular event is for people only, so please leave your animal friends at home. Those under 18 are welcome if accompanied by a parent or adult guardian.

I have given a variety of talks over the years, including Holistic Cat Care and Holistic Dog Care. I have taught meditation classes and workshops and led guided meditation for people and people with their dogs. It seems that the most popular topic I have yet to present is Animal Communication.

My goal is to help people to discover and validate their ability to consciously communicate with their companion animals. Even physicists agree that everything is energy. We store our emotions, thoughts, experiences and dreams all as energy. Not just us humans, but all animals too. As an energy healer, I feel energy. As a clairvoyant and psychic reader I see energy. As an animal communicator I engage in telepathic communication, as well as use my psychic reading abilities to receive and relay clear messages from animals to their people. I do the same for people without animals. I use the same approach because not only is everything energy, but we are spirit. All of us with bodies are spirits; animals and humans.

As a psychic, I have also been referred to, as a Medium. This term is commonly used to describe someone that talks to the dead or can otherwise tune into, sense and/or communicate with those that have passed on. I personally am hesitant to call myself a medium because I do not “channel” other spirit, other than myself. Some mediums channel the souls that have passed or other beings. I channel myself and it is me who interacts directly with the souls that have passed, whether spirits that have been associated with human or animal bodies. I communicate for them vs. them communicating through my body. I find that having separate spaces to be more beneficial.

Energy Healer Sindi giving Wyn a non-touch aura cleansing.

Animal Communicator and Energy Healer Sindi giving Wyn a non-touch aura cleansing in San Diego.

I am spirit. You are spirit. Your animal and human friends and family are also spirit. We manifest through our own bodies. Souls can choose to allow other spirits to manifest, invade or be channeled through their bodies. I, however, feel best, healthiest and happiest, when it is me, myself as spirit, flowing through my body. When I experience someone else’s energy, whether they themselves have a body or are spirit without a body, I don’t feel well. Others’ energy in my body and space can make me feel tired, overwhelmed, depressed, insecure, confused, agitated, irritated, fearful, shut down and otherwise uncomfortable.

When I was 18 years old, I was blessed to learn meditative visualization techniques to assist me to consciously channel myself, flow and manifest through my own body. I learned them from CDM, a spiritual teaching center in Everett, Washington, just north of Seattle. By grounding, centering and releasing energy, I can protect and own my space, as well as let go of energies I may pick up that I don’t want to interfere with my well being.

Sindi doing a psychic reading and animal communication session at Friends of Cats in El Cajon, California.

Sindi doing a psychic reading and animal communication session at Friends of Cats in El Cajon, California.

This Friday, May 2 at 7:00 PM at the Controversial Bookstore in the North Park area of San Diego, I will be sharing these techniques with you. I will also answer questions you may have about energy, spirit, psychic phenomena, animal communication and more. If you have questions, feel free to call me at 619-797-0705 or email me at You can also call the bookstore to register and pay in advance if you like. You are also welcome to just show up and enjoy this fun, educational talk and demonstration.

Controversial Bookstore

3063 University Avenue San Diego, CA  92104
Telephone: 619-296-1560

Here is a link to the Controversial metaphysical bookstore’s calendar of events.

At the Controversial Bookstore they have metaphysical books, meditative music, healing stones and so many other varied accessories to help you on your path, whatever your beliefs.

I strongly recommend the following website for books and CDs on meditation, healing, clairvoyance, chakras, Kundalini energy and more.

Hope to see on Friday, May 2 at 7:00 PM!

Holistic Pet Care

Although the word “holistic,” is often used in place of “natural” or “organic,” it actually means whole. When partnered with the word “care,” as in “holistic care,” it means care of the whole person or whole animal.

When talking about the “whole” person or companion animal, some use the grouping of, body, mind and spirit. Since the mind, or brain, is a part of the body, I simplify it a little. I address, communicate with and help treat body and spirit or the body and the soul.

Energy healing, doggie massage and T-Touch techniques.I have seen seemingly miraculous changes occur through the use of animal communication, energy healing and reading. I can say the same for implementing new dietary approaches, food sources and supplement usage.

I am so excited to be presenting Holistic Cat Care 101 and Holistic Dog Care 101 in October of this year in San Diego. In both classes, I will share what I have learned in my many years of assisting my own pets, as well as the companion animals of others. The first hour will be jam packed with helpful information that you can start using immediately to improve the quality of your pets’ lives. Nutrition, supplements, relaxation techniques and more will be presented in the first hour. Following a half hour break, I will have a short Q & A followed by a live, public animal communication demonstration. Several participants will have the opportunity to ask me questions about their pets.

If you want your companion animal to be as happy and healthy as possible and/or you want to see a pet psychic in action, these are the classes for you!

Holistic Cat Care 101 will be all about cats and Holistic Dog Care 101 will focus on dogs. Attend one or both! A discount applies to those choosing to attend both workshops.

Both classes will be held in the Loomis Auditorium at the San Diego Humane Society’s Central Campus at 5500 Gaines St., in San Diego. Email me at for additional information and to register for either or both classes. Thanks and I hope to see you soon! -Sindi