Animals are in the Present

Hailey and I at San Diego Humane Society oh so many years ago! Now it is a memory from the past, but at the time, I was definitely in the present with this feline beauty.

If you are wanting to have clearer communication with your animal friends, I encourage you to be in the present moment. Animals are great teachers for us humans because they are focused more fully in the present moment. We tend to divide our awareness, attention and energies between the past and future and hopefully at least some in the present, as well.

Why do we spend time in the past? Perhaps we are troubled by a past experience and it is keeping us from fully moving forward in our life. Maybe there is someone we are having a tough time forgiving or letting go of. Possibly we are struggling with forgiving ourselves for something that we have guilt, remorse or shame about from the past. Another possibility is that we are stuck on an experience or time period that we felt was more enjoyable than our present reality. There can be a number of things that can draw our attention to the past.

Most of us find ourselves at times thinking about the past, dwelling on memories, reliving or even regretting aspects of our past history. What happens when we spend time with our attention focused in the past? We are more likely to experience heavier emotions and feelings of apathy, depression, grief and unhappiness. The more we are in the present moment, the lighter and brighter we will find our energy and perspective to be.

We may also find ourselves focusing on the future. Perhaps there are things you want to create and you move your attention to the future, fantasizing about what life would be like with those additions. Or maybe you are worried about what may or may not happen in the future. You may then go into the future in an attempt to protect yourself or others and control the potential outcome of situations. While this may be a common practice for some of us humans, no matter how hard we try to master this plan, it doesn’t work! You don’t have to “go” to the present to be aware of it and make plans that will affect the future outcome. You can remain with your attention in the present, while being aware of the future.

When you have a lot of your attention and energy in the future, you are more likely to experience fear, nervousness, anxiety and even stress. Remember, your body can only be in one place, the present moment. So when you have your attention in the future, you are not at home, in the present with your body. It can grow afraid when you are not present with it to take care of it.

You are spirit. As spirit, a spiritual being, a soul, you can be wherever you put your attention. You can focus in the past, present or future. You can be in another city, state or even country, just by thinking about it. However, your body can only be in one place, right here and right now in the present moment. When you are out of the present moment visiting elsewhere you are not able to be as much in charge of what you are creating through your body. You don’t have as much control of what you are manifesting into the physical reality. You are more likely to be influenced by others and invaded by others’ energy, ideas, opinions, emotions and even pain. Your body can become a vessel for someone else, instead of for you. Have you ever said, “I don’t feel like myself today.” Well, you probably weren’t! The more present you are with your body, the more you can own it for yourself. The more of your energy you can bring into your body. The more present you are with your body, the less afraid your body will feel. You will be less likely to feel stress or depression. The more you, as spirit are in the present moment with your body, the calmer you will feel. The more in charge you will be. The more confident and empowered you will become.

Your animal friends, nature and other aspects of the physical world including the sensations, experiences and feelings of your body can help draw your attention, as spirit more to the present moment. Enjoy!

Your point of power is now. Right now, in the present. When you are in the past or future, you deplete your energies and lessen your ability to use your power, your energy and information in the present. The more in the present moment you are, the clearer your communication will be with yourself, your body, your God and your human and animal friends.

The form of meditation that I practice and teach helps you to be more in the present moment. The easy to use, powerful, meditative, visualization techniques help you, the spirit to work more in harmony with your body. They assist you to be more present and more consciously aware of what you are creating and manifesting through your physical body.

The Meditation Club that I facilitate allows me to share this meditation information with anyone, anywhere. As a participant in the Club you will receive a new, recorded, guided meditation each month to help you in your life. Learn and practice meditating on your schedule in the privacy of your own home, office, car or public bathroom stall. Really! Because you can meditate anytime, anywhere! Discover techniques to help reduce stress, anxiety, depression, pain and uncomfortable emotions, as well as consciously make the changes you want to make in your life. Let go of the past, come back from the future and be more fully present with the help of meditation!

Call or text 360-601-4358 or email me to find out more and to register for the Meditation Club. Why wait?! Meditate! 🙂

The Most Important Thing

Sindi meditating

Meditation has helped me feel better, create changes, have more confidence and be happier in my life.

There are many things that are important to me. Just as there have been many experiences that have played integral parts and turning points in my life. One was the discovery of meditation. Not just meditation, but a particular style of meditation that helps the soul – the spiritual being – work consciously with the physical body. I was blessed enough to learn this form of meditation when I was 18 years old. With that said, please know that it is never too late to learn to meditate! I believe we are presented with information when we need it and are ready for it.

At the time that I was introduced to this form of meditation, I was headed down a very dark road. I was drinking alcohol to the point of blacking out, I was often in a state of depression and although I had grand ambitions, I lacked self-esteem. I wanted to accomplish certain things in my life, but didn’t believe that I could. My fears, doubts and emotional pain formed a sad state of reality for me. I wondered if I would ever be happy.

There are many forms of meditation. Instead of staring at the light of a candle outside of  yourself, as I was taught as a child, the style of meditation I practice and teach uses techniques to help you get in touch with your light within.

When I began the Meditation I class at the CDM Spiritual Center, I really didn’t know what to expect. I had heard the term meditation, but my previous introduction, as a young child didn’t resonate with me. I was bored with the idea of staring at a candle and lost interest soon after trying to sit and focus. I didn’t “get it” at that point in my life. While I was drawn to spiritual practices including attending church from the time I was a young child, I didn’t find anything that “clicked” for me. I have always had a strong awareness of God and the spiritual realm. This helped me to know that there was more than what we physically could see. Unseen, spiritual presences have always been very real for me. They are real. We just don’t live in a world that usually validates them as such.

Everything is energy. You are energy. Your aura, the energy field around you is energy. Your body is energy. Everything is energy!

Although I didn’t have many expectations of what was then presented as an eight-week class, I was as curious as an apathetic teenager could be. Before talking with the meditation teacher and signing up for the class, I received an aura healing. This was an interesting experience. I learned that day that your aura is the energy field around you and that an aura healing is a non-touch healing. It was and is a cleansing of your aura, chakras and energy system. I watched the person giving the healing walk around me assisting me to move energy and let go of whatever energy I was ready to. I remember feeling some tingles, which was me experiencing energy being stimulated and moving.

The Meditation I class I took changed my life. I love sharing this information with others. Nothing is for everyone, but I can’t help but share with others what has helped me. Maybe this form of meditation will help you too!

The day of my first class arrived! I was in the class with another young woman, who was about six years older than me. We instantly liked each other and got along great! I thought the teacher was fun and validating too. I loved everything that I was learning. It was all so real to me! All of the techniques including grounding, centering, releasing and running energy made quite an impact on me. I began to feel better, lighter and brighter. My depression and apathy starting changing into enthusiasm and joy. I was becoming a happier person. The changes that were occurring within me were truly phenomenal and it started happening in a very short period of time! The changes I was making internally led to changes externally in my physical reality. As I mentioned, I started to feel better and became happier. I additionally quit drinking cold turkey. I changed how I spent my time and who I spent it with. I started becoming excited about life. Truly excited!

If I was to sum up what that meditation class gave me, it was hope. It showed me there was a different way to experience life. I now had tools to help me out of any situation. Techniques to support me throughout my life, whether dark or light, happy or sad or simply the day-to-day experiences that we all have.

I’ve spent this blog post sharing with you the important role that meditation has played in my life. The title of this blog post is, “The Most Important Thing.” You are probably thinking that the most important thing to me is meditation. While it is extremely important and an integral part of my life, if I am to choose the most important thing that I have ever learned, or in actuality, relearned, is that I am spirit. This concept was introduced to me at CDM Spiritual Center where I learned meditation. The idea that I am spirit was revisited, confirmed and experienced first-hand in every meditation class. Why is this the most important thing? Have you ever learned this? Do you understand what it means? It is such a unique concept in this world and it is so exciting! I am spirit. You are spirit. We are all spirit. Whether we are housed in human bodies, cat, dog, bird, rabbit, fish, lizard or giraffe bodies. We don’t have a spirit or soul. We ARE spirits. We ARE souls. There is a difference.

Nor do we become spirit when when our body dies. We already are and always will be, spirit. We are NOT our bodies. Our bodies are our vessels to manifest through as spirit, spiritual beings, the souls that we are. It is through meditation that I came to fully understand what it means to be spirit. I continue to strengthen my relationship with myself, as spirit, and my physical body, through meditation. As I get to know myself and my uniqueness through meditation, I am also able to use the meditative, visualization techniques to let go of that which I no longer want. This process makes more room for what I do want in the present. Physicists have proven that everything is energy. When we let go of energy we don’t want, we make more room for energy we do want. Whether I want to let go of pain, fear, doubt, energy from the past or uncomfortable emotions or change habits, patterns, beliefs or simply enjoy life more fully, these easy-to-use, powerful meditation techniques can help. Out with the old, in with the new!

I wanted to write this blog post because I love sharing with others what has helped me. Meditation and the awareness that comes with it has helped me and continues to help me every day. Many of you have heard me say this and I may have even recommended that you consider adding meditation to your life. But, as I mentioned above, if I were to choose one thing above all else as the most important thing that I have learned in this lifetime and that I want to share with others, it is that I am spirit. You are spirit. We are all spirit. Again, you are not your body. Your physical body is your vessel, your vehicle, your temple, the home for you, the spirit. The spirit that is you. The spiritual being that is you. The soul that is you. YOU are spirit!


What if I told you there was a magic pill that would help you create the life you always wanted to live? You could step into this life, leaving all of your worries and hardships behind. An existence with less stress, more fun and fulfilling lessons along the way. Would you want to take that pill?

Well, I don’t have a pill. I actually don’t even keep aspirin or ibuprofen around. I do however, have a system that can help you to reduce stress, increase the lightness and brightness around you, as well as enable you to move through life’s lessons with more comfort and ease. What might that be you ask? Meditation! While there is a time and place for everything, including medication, switch the “c” to a “t” and you can find ways to feel healthier and more vibrant and make any changes that you want to make within yourself and in your life. There is a catch though. You have to do it.

There are many forms of meditation. You may enjoy sitting quietly in reflection, looking at the ocean or walking in nature. Perhaps music helps you find a sense of peace or painting a picture is meditative for you. Focusing on your breathing may also help you to be more at ease. Whether you like a variety of approaches or you have a favorite, slowing down to take time for yourself can be so beneficial.

While I enjoy watching the rhythm of the waves, hiking in the woods, listening to music and painting, the main form of meditation that I practice and teach works with energy. It utilizes visualization techniques to help be more grounded, centered and focused in the present moment. These energy tools are a way to consciously make changes in your reality. Whether changing habits, enhancing communication or increasing your awareness of yourself, as spirit and your body.

If you are interested in learning more, feel free to call me at 360-601-4358 or email me at In addition to in-person classes and group, guided meditations, I have created a way to help share this information with anyone, anywhere. It’s The Meditation Club! Learn to meditate at your own pace, on your schedule, in the privacy of your own home. Find out more on my meditation website at this link.

Meditation Club Information.

You can join at anytime and cancel at anytime. Learn to meditate for just $10 per month. Join The Club! Hope to talk with you soon!

Sindi meditating

Meditation has helps me to feel better and be more present and content in my life. Maybe it can do that for you too! Why wait? Meditate!

Happy Hiking

Rock sleeping in. :)

Rock was a bit of a sleepyhead yesterday morning. I love that he likes to sleep in. I do too, when I am able to. 🙂

Today I feel happy and energized. Yesterday was blissful and peaceful. Rock was a bit of a sleepyhead, so we took our time getting started yesterday morning. It was a relaxing way to begin our day.

After we both were awake, we each had some water and a little something to eat before heading to check out a recommended hiking trail. And wow! Was it ever beautiful! I felt so joyful, enthusiastic and in touch with the earth and nature!

We can get so busy. It is easy to forget how much taking time out for ourselves can be rejuvenating and actually give us more energy. The more we replenish ourselves and our own well of energy, the more we have to give to others. Giving to ourselves does not take away from others. It diminishes depletion and deprivation within ourselves and creates more abundance so that we have more to share; more to give. Don’t believe me? Try it! You may be pleasantly surprised! 🙂

Hiking trail in Prescott, Arizona surrounded by trees.

The trail that led to relaxation, rejuvenation and many internal, as well as external observations. It truly was a walking meditation with long term healing results, along with joyous memories.

During our replenishing nature hike, we drank in the beauty of the Prescott, Arizona landscape. Trees as far as the eye could see, mountains, birds singing and a cool breeze that would sometimes change to a temporary gust of energetic twirling wind. It would make a whistling sound that made it seem like the trees were speaking to us. At times it felt a bit eerie, but mostly it was a gentle, yet powerful healing experience.

Rock wanted to turn back before I did, so I carried him for awhile, so he could rest his legs and have an upper level view of the world. After a little while, I agreed that it was time to turn back. When I set him down, Rock took off running seeming to be in a great hurry to get out of there. Instead of remaining on the trail, he decide to scale a huge boulder with great zeal! He wanted to keep going up higher, but there wasn’t sufficient footing for my larger than Chihuahua paw sized feet, so I had to put an end to the ascent. Sorry Rock! And sorry to the rock Rock was climbing for putting an end to the fun it was providing and the obvious appreciation it was receiving from Chi-ROCK.

Unfortunately, during his adventure, my Rock got pricked by a small cactus that was growing in a crevice of mother nature’s rock. Luckily I found no cactus needles or prickly hairs embedded in Rock’s mouth where he had apparently tried to kiss the cactus. Following several lip licks and self provided mouth massage movements, Rock appeared fine, as if nothing had happened and we continued our descent down the large rock formation. I was attempting to take a photo of Rock on his rock, but taking care of his potential injury took presadence, so you will have to use your imagination for this particular visual. 🙂 Luckily, Rock was okay and there were no lasting effects or reoccuring signs that he had had his first face to face run in with a cactus.

As of today there still have been no signs of residual effects, so all is well, thank goodness! We didn’t hike in the mountains today, but took what has become a daily walk in one of the pretty local parks. We actually take several walks everyday, but the park walk was our longest one today.

1.8.2013 – Happy New Year!

A belated Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to you and yours! I hope you enjoyed the holiday season and that 2013 is off to a great start for you. I have been enjoying it so far and feel excited about starting fresh.

The first event of the new year for me will be the Blessing of the Animals Event at Old Town San Diego’s Historical Park. The event is Sunday, January 20 from 12:00 noon to 3:00 pm. I will be giving a presentation on animal communication at the event. I am not sure yet what time my talk will be. I will also have a booth and will be offering short energy readings and animal communication session for donations benefiting the Tijuana River Valley Animal Rescue. Stop by and say hello!

You can also pick up some complimentary treats for your dog at my booth at the event. Healthy treats will be provided at the Blessing of the Animals festival, courtesy of the Point Loma Pet Pantry. I actually work at this pet supply store part time. I used to work there several years ago, as well as Paw Country. Both holistically focused, independently owned pet supply stores are now owned by the same people. I am glad to be back and find working at these pet stores to be very fulfilling. Since I see so many more people while at work there, I have even more opportunity to help more people and their pets. This makes me very happy!

To learn more about me and my services, in addition to visiting the various pages on this site, you may also wish to visit, which has additional information. You can also contact me at or 619-797-0705. And again… a very Happy New Year to you! – Pet Psychic Sindi Somers

11.13.2012 – Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots

Sometimes, in order to avoid uncomfortable emotions we may want to avoid acknowledging the aging process. Whether it is the changes in our own body or illness, pain and challenges in our loved ones; both human and animal.

Death is inevitable for the body. Souls, however live on. I personally believe in reincarnation.

Over the weekend I saw one of the most amazing stage presentations I have ever experienced. The World Premier of Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots. My sense is that it is most certainly Broadway bound and it will win awards. Yoshimi is phenomenal! The show demonstrates collaborative creativity at its highest level featuring stellar acting, directing, costuming and staging. It is truly an artistic, visual, technical, musical masterpiece featuring songs by The Flaming Lips. One of the lyrics that moved me, was from the song, Do You Realize??

I am including a link below that includes The Flaming Lips song lyrics for Do You Realize?? in their entirety.


Just as flowers are born, grow, bloom and later wither and die, so does the body.

Basically the song’s lyrics highlight the obvious. That which us humans, so often want to ignore and deny. The fact that all of us, every single person and animal, one day will die.

When discussing or writing about this topic, I find myself even wanting to avoid using the word die or death or dying. Instead I often choose less charged phrases, such as passing, passing on, passed on, lost or having to say goodbye to.

I believe it is important to focus in the present. To enjoy our life and live it to its fullest while fulfilling our individual, unique purpose to the best of our ability. I also believe that we are souls. Immortal spirits that even when our bodies cease, we, the soul lives on. However, as long as we are physically present here on earth we have bodies. Bodies that feel and experience different temperatures, pain, grief, sadness and anger, as well as pleasure, joy and happiness.

Bodies feel. They just do.

When an animal or human that we care about dies, we that are left here on the physical plane grieve. We are sad. We miss our friend. What I have learned is that we each grieve differently. Some show no physical signs of emotion, despair or change, while others can hardly function.

I know some people whose beloved pet has died and they have yet to ever get a new companion animal over 10 years later. I also know others who have gotten another pet just days after saying goodbye to the one they lost.

Everyone is different in how they respond to death and dying. Your concepts about spirit and body and life and death may be the same, similar or completely different than mine. Although I believe the soul lives on, in regards to our experience here on earth, one thing is for sure. It may make your body sad to think this thought, but it is true. Just as The Flaming Lips sing so bluntly, everyone you know someday will die.

I encourage you to spend time with those important to you. Cherish those you love and love those you cherish. If you have lost a loved one and would like to check in and have some soul to soul communication contact me at 619-797-0705 or Or perhaps you are struggling with loss and you are having a difficult time letting go and moving forward. I offer energy healing, psychic reading and also teach meditative, self-healing visualization techniques to assist with this process. Although you can not physically turn back the hands of time, go backwards and actually change your past, you do have the power to heal yourself and change how you feel about your past. I provide meditation, healing, reading and communication services to anybody, anywhere on the planet. If you or a human or animal you love are facing a health challenge or other potential stressful situation, I can help with that too. I don’t replace medical doctors or veterinarians. Instead, I see myself as an alternative healing option working alongside the medical profession. Because I am not a member of the medical field, I can not diagnose diseases or illness. I suggest ruling out and/or discovering any medical conditions before pursuing an alternative energy healing, reading or similar modality.