Animals are in the Present

Hailey and I at San Diego Humane Society oh so many years ago! Now it is a memory from the past, but at the time, I was definitely in the present with this feline beauty.

If you are wanting to have clearer communication with your animal friends, I encourage you to be in the present moment. Animals are great teachers for us humans because they are focused more fully in the present moment. We tend to divide our awareness, attention and energies between the past and future and hopefully at least some in the present, as well.

Why do we spend time in the past? Perhaps we are troubled by a past experience and it is keeping us from fully moving forward in our life. Maybe there is someone we are having a tough time forgiving or letting go of. Possibly we are struggling with forgiving ourselves for something that we have guilt, remorse or shame about from the past. Another possibility is that we are stuck on an experience or time period that we felt was more enjoyable than our present reality. There can be a number of things that can draw our attention to the past.

Most of us find ourselves at times thinking about the past, dwelling on memories, reliving or even regretting aspects of our past history. What happens when we spend time with our attention focused in the past? We are more likely to experience heavier emotions and feelings of apathy, depression, grief and unhappiness. The more we are in the present moment, the lighter and brighter we will find our energy and perspective to be.

We may also find ourselves focusing on the future. Perhaps there are things you want to create and you move your attention to the future, fantasizing about what life would be like with those additions. Or maybe you are worried about what may or may not happen in the future. You may then go into the future in an attempt to protect yourself or others and control the potential outcome of situations. While this may be a common practice for some of us humans, no matter how hard we try to master this plan, it doesn’t work! You don’t have to “go” to the present to be aware of it and make plans that will affect the future outcome. You can remain with your attention in the present, while being aware of the future.

When you have a lot of your attention and energy in the future, you are more likely to experience fear, nervousness, anxiety and even stress. Remember, your body can only be in one place, the present moment. So when you have your attention in the future, you are not at home, in the present with your body. It can grow afraid when you are not present with it to take care of it.

You are spirit. As spirit, a spiritual being, a soul, you can be wherever you put your attention. You can focus in the past, present or future. You can be in another city, state or even country, just by thinking about it. However, your body can only be in one place, right here and right now in the present moment. When you are out of the present moment visiting elsewhere you are not able to be as much in charge of what you are creating through your body. You don’t have as much control of what you are manifesting into the physical reality. You are more likely to be influenced by others and invaded by others’ energy, ideas, opinions, emotions and even pain. Your body can become a vessel for someone else, instead of for you. Have you ever said, “I don’t feel like myself today.” Well, you probably weren’t! The more present you are with your body, the more you can own it for yourself. The more of your energy you can bring into your body. The more present you are with your body, the less afraid your body will feel. You will be less likely to feel stress or depression. The more you, as spirit are in the present moment with your body, the calmer you will feel. The more in charge you will be. The more confident and empowered you will become.

Your animal friends, nature and other aspects of the physical world including the sensations, experiences and feelings of your body can help draw your attention, as spirit more to the present moment. Enjoy!

Your point of power is now. Right now, in the present. When you are in the past or future, you deplete your energies and lessen your ability to use your power, your energy and information in the present. The more in the present moment you are, the clearer your communication will be with yourself, your body, your God and your human and animal friends.

The form of meditation that I practice and teach helps you to be more in the present moment. The easy to use, powerful, meditative, visualization techniques help you, the spirit to work more in harmony with your body. They assist you to be more present and more consciously aware of what you are creating and manifesting through your physical body.

The Meditation Club that I facilitate allows me to share this meditation information with anyone, anywhere. As a participant in the Club you will receive a new, recorded, guided meditation each month to help you in your life. Learn and practice meditating on your schedule in the privacy of your own home, office, car or public bathroom stall. Really! Because you can meditate anytime, anywhere! Discover techniques to help reduce stress, anxiety, depression, pain and uncomfortable emotions, as well as consciously make the changes you want to make in your life. Let go of the past, come back from the future and be more fully present with the help of meditation!

Call or text 360-601-4358 or email me to find out more and to register for the Meditation Club. Why wait?! Meditate! 🙂

San Diego Here I Come… Again!

San Diego, here I come… again and soon!!!


 I will be in San Diego County the beginning of March. I will be offering in-person sessions and home visits while I am there. Yes! It’s true!! Read more by clicking HERE to learn about my updated services. Some information is in the previous blog post about Aura Readings also. Looking forward to some funshine and I hope to see YOU while I’m in town. I can’t wait!!! 🙂
Call, text or email me to schedule an appointment for an aura reading, healing and question session for you and your animal friends.
Available session dates are below.
Saturday, March 2
Sunday, March 3
Monday, March 4
Tuesday, March 5
Wednesday, March 6
I am pre-booking sessions now. 


What if I told you there was a magic pill that would help you create the life you always wanted to live? You could step into this life, leaving all of your worries and hardships behind. An existence with less stress, more fun and fulfilling lessons along the way. Would you want to take that pill?

Well, I don’t have a pill. I actually don’t even keep aspirin or ibuprofen around. I do however, have a system that can help you to reduce stress, increase the lightness and brightness around you, as well as enable you to move through life’s lessons with more comfort and ease. What might that be you ask? Meditation! While there is a time and place for everything, including medication, switch the “c” to a “t” and you can find ways to feel healthier and more vibrant and make any changes that you want to make within yourself and in your life. There is a catch though. You have to do it.

There are many forms of meditation. You may enjoy sitting quietly in reflection, looking at the ocean or walking in nature. Perhaps music helps you find a sense of peace or painting a picture is meditative for you. Focusing on your breathing may also help you to be more at ease. Whether you like a variety of approaches or you have a favorite, slowing down to take time for yourself can be so beneficial.

While I enjoy watching the rhythm of the waves, hiking in the woods, listening to music and painting, the main form of meditation that I practice and teach works with energy. It utilizes visualization techniques to help be more grounded, centered and focused in the present moment. These energy tools are a way to consciously make changes in your reality. Whether changing habits, enhancing communication or increasing your awareness of yourself, as spirit and your body.

If you are interested in learning more, feel free to call me at 360-601-4358 or email me at In addition to in-person classes and group, guided meditations, I have created a way to help share this information with anyone, anywhere. It’s The Meditation Club! Learn to meditate at your own pace, on your schedule, in the privacy of your own home. Find out more on my meditation website at this link.

Meditation Club Information.

You can join at anytime and cancel at anytime. Learn to meditate for just $10 per month. Join The Club! Hope to talk with you soon!

Sindi meditating

Meditation has helps me to feel better and be more present and content in my life. Maybe it can do that for you too! Why wait? Meditate!

Asking for Help

Sindi meditating

Meditation has helps me to feel better, create change and be more present in my life.

It can be hard to ask for help. Especially when you are used to doing everything for yourself. Or you believe that you must do everything for yourself. Perhaps you believe it makes you weak to ask for help or that you are not worthy of assistance from others. Neither one of those beliefs are true. Maybe you may feel like you are dumping on someone or burdening them with your problems. I know I run into limiting beliefs that have kept me from reaching out when I could have used a hand. It also has interfered with me accepting help when it has been offered. This can be invalidating to the person that is doing the giving and wants to help.

I like to give. I am not alone on that.  It can feel good to give.  When we ask for help and/or accept help we give others the opportunity to give to us. It is important for us to learn to receive, as well as give. Allowing others the room to give to us is also beneficial.

We don’t have to give less to receive or give to ourselves. We just need to remember the importance of balance. Both giving and receiving. If all we do is give, the well runs dry. We must replenish it and re-fill our well so that we can continue to give. Otherwise we are drained and depleted with nothing left to give, but fatigue, stress and other fun things like irritation and even resentment.

What people view as a polite greeting, regardless of mood, is very different from how a dog with "good" manners and non-threatening intentions do.

Lend a hand. Accept a hand. Giving and receiving is a part of a healthy life.

There is no perfect way to give or to receive or to be “balanced”, for that matter. If we allow ourselves to make mistakes and learn as we go, things remain in motion. This helps with the flow of energy, which helps also with allowing giving and receiving.

Meditation has helped me in all aspects of my life including learning from mistakes and learning to receive. If you would like to learn more about meditation and receive help with whatever you are dealing with in your life, feel free to call me at 619-797-0705 or email me at

Thanks for reading! Enjoy giving and receiving in your unique way and don’t forget that mistakes are part of learning and are simply a part of life. -Sindi

I Love Seattle!

Anyone that knows me knows how much I love Seattle! Not just Seattle, but Western Washington in general. Although an abundant list of important learning and lessons have come my way while living in San Diego, I often missed certain things about Washington. Number one being the lush greenery a.k.a. TREES!

washington with river and falls

The beauty of Washington State includes, lush green trees and water galore!

In addition to the green beauty, there are rivers, waterfalls, creeks, snow capped mountains, the blue waters of Puget Sound, wildlife and just all around loveliness!

I have had the joyous privilege of seeing some of the most beautiful landscapes the earth has to offer. Many in person. Others in photographs and videos. However, I definitely haven’t seen them all! There are so many breathtaking sights in nature and there is nothing like taking them in up close and personal.

I love Mother Earth! The form of meditation that I practice and teach helps me and others to be more in touch with the Earth. This includes the easy to use, but powerful, meditative visualization technique of grounding.

Snow capped mountains add to the beautiful green scenery.

Snowy mountains add to the beautiful green scenery.

Grounding is the foundation of all that I do. Similar to how roots are the foundation of trees. Roots ground the tree, giving it stability and strength. It is the roots that allow trees to live. Roots provide trees with the capacity to absorb water through their entire growing body. Roots help trees and other plants to flourish. Grounding can help you and your body in the same way!

When in doubt, literally and figuratively, I ground! The other day, I was having a tough time. I was upset and having a hard time talking myself out of it. Ever have one of those moments?! 😉 Anyway, I sat down to meditate. I grounded and then began to use additional techniques including, centering, releasing energy, running energy and more! I felt a little better, but still was feeling overwhelmed and extremely emotional. It wasn’t until I slowed down enough to just focus on my grounding that I began to feel better. In fact, I felt instantly better with this sole focus.

Mount Ranier is a beautiful sight indeed!

Mount Ranier is a beautiful sight indeed!

We have such a busy world and have become so used to doing more, more and then still more! Our plates are beyond full and our capacity for multitasking is truly amazing. We are capable of doing so much that it is easy to get swept up in the complexity of doing. As I sat there meditating and adding technique upon technique upon technique, I was trying to do more to solve my problems. As our society gains technological advancements, the concept that more is better seems confirmed. So instead of taking the time to gently and calmly experience each individual, beneficial technique I hurriedly tried to feel better by making my simple meditation complex. I wanted to get out of where I was and tried digging myself out by piling more on!

One of the most beautiful skylines in the world. In my opinion. ;-)

One of the most beautiful skylines in the world, in my opinion. 😉

Slowing down to ground and focus exclusively on my grounding was the secret. How often are we trying to be more productive, successful and achieve more? By doing and doing and doing, we certainly can accomplish. However, when we take the time to slow down instead of using our time to speed up and spread ourselves out into multiple places, we actually can complete more. We can do so with less stress and frantic feelings and more peace and a sense of fulfillment. And even joy! We can have fun while we do! Doing can be fun and I have found that doing less often is more effective and doing “nothing” is sometimes essential.

If you would like to learn more about grounding and how it can assist you and your body, call me at 619-797-0705 or email me at Enjoy!