Do your animal friends sleep harmoniously together? Acceptance can help us then move to a place of change and healing. Focusing on unmet expectations can leave us frustrated and stuck.
Whether your cat is going potty outside of the litter box, your dogs don’t get along or your rabbit seems bored, it can cause stress when our animals’ behaviors don’t meet our desired expectations or we are concerned they aren’t doing okay. Just as with humans, animals experience emotions, anxiety and pain.They can be out of balance and feel disturbed, just as we can.
Illness and discomfort can show up in different ways, with us and our animal friends. Because we all impact each other and our pets reflect us, it can be helpful to focus on ourselves and what is going on with us. The calmer we are, the calmer our animal friends can be. They may still be going through things that are causing them stress or discomfort, but at least our stress and issues won’t be added on to their own.
In my opinion, two of the most important things to realize are:
- We ask and expect our domesticated, and sometimes wild animal friends to automatically and easily display behaviors that are not natural for them. When we acknowledge this, we can find greater compassion and validate how well our animal friends actually adapt to our confusing and odd human rules.
- Our animal friends and how they reflect us can can give us great insight into ourselves. Does your pet seem bored, afraid or reactive in certain situations? Are you ever bored, afraid or reactive? Of course you are! Just like people, animals can experience aspects of life in all different ways! There isn’t just one way or one “right” way. When we accept things as they are, then we can create change from there, if it is desired. Simply changing our perspective and mindset can help us relax and find lightness in the struggle.
Do you have questions about animal behavior? Are you curious as to why your pet does this or that? Contact Sindi at 360-601-4358 or via email at sindi@apetpsychic.com.