Animal Behavior

Do your animal friends sleep harmoniously together? Acceptance can help us then move to a place of change and healing. Focusing on unmet expectations can leave us frustrated and stuck.

Whether your cat is going potty outside of the litter box, your dogs don’t get along or your rabbit seems bored, it can cause stress when our animals’ behaviors don’t meet our desired expectations or we are concerned they aren’t doing okay. Just as with humans, animals experience emotions, anxiety and pain.They can be out of balance and feel disturbed, just as we can.

Illness and discomfort can show up in different ways, with us and our animal friends. Because we all impact each other and our pets reflect us, it can be helpful to focus on ourselves and what is going on with us. The calmer we are, the calmer our animal friends can be. They may still be going through things that are causing them stress or discomfort, but at least our stress and issues won’t be added on to their own.

Isn’t this a cute rabbit!

In my opinion, two of the most important things to realize are:

  1. We ask and expect our domesticated, and sometimes wild animal friends to automatically and easily display behaviors that are not natural for them. When we acknowledge this, we can find greater compassion and validate how well our animal friends actually adapt to our confusing and odd human rules.

    What a gorgeous cat!

  2. Our animal friends and how they reflect us can can give us great insight into ourselves. Does your pet seem bored, afraid or reactive in certain situations? Are you ever bored, afraid or reactive? Of course you are! Just like people, animals can experience aspects of life in all different ways! There isn’t just one way or one “right” way. When we accept things as they are, then we can create change from there, if it is desired. Simply changing our perspective and mindset can help us relax and find lightness in the struggle.

Do you have questions about animal behavior? Are you curious as to why your pet does this or that? Contact Sindi at 360-601-4358 or via email at



Animal Communication Tip

What are you doing right now? Experience it to help draw your attention to the present moment.

Animals communicate with each other. They are also communicating with us. We need to slow down so we can be more present and validate their communication to us.

Here’s an animal communication tip for you. Be in the present moment! Why? Because the more present you are the clearer your communication will be with everyone, including your special animal friends.

Animals are in the present moment. When you are focused in the moment you will be more present with your animal friends. Being in the present moment will also help your body to be calmer and more relaxed, While in a calm state you will be able to communicate that calmness instead of sharing tension, anxiety or fear.

Do you ever wonder, “What’s up dog?!” What about cat, horse, bird, rabbit, fish or your other animal friend? Be in the present moment and enjoy the communication that is happening!

What is going on with you impacts all around you. How do you feel when you are anxious? Afraid? Frustrated? What does your body feel like when it is depressed? Now consider how you feel when you are relaxed, happy or inspired.
Focusing your attention on your body can help you be more in the present. The more present you are with your body the less it will feel anxious, afraid, apathetic or depressed. Notice your breathing. What about the temperature? Is your body cold or warm? Do you smell anything or taste anything right now? Maybe you’re hungry or thirsty or could really use a nap! Use your body’s senses and sensations to help draw your attention more to the present moment.
Be in the present and enjoy clearer communication with yourself, your body and all of those around you including your lovely best friends – the animals in your life!
Want to learn more about enhancing communication and relationships with your animal friends? Call or text Sindi at 360-601-4358 or email

Is My Animal Friend Happy?

Even cute little guinea pigs can experience stress, anxiety and a full range of emotions. Get to know your animal friends and get to know yourself. By changing how you feel, you impact all around you, including your pets.

One of the questions I often get asked during an animal communication and psychic reading session is whether or not a pet is happy. Dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, guinea pigs, horses and other animals in our lives are impacted by us and how we are feeling. Are we happy, stressed, sad, angry, excited, enthusiastic, worried or anxious? How do our animal friends mirror these emotions and experiences? In all different ways!

While emotional responses can be exhibited in behavioral issues or changes they can sometimes be less obvious. Has your dog started itching, biting or gnawing himself frequently? If you rule out some of the obvious culprits, such as fleas or allergies, what could it be? It could be an outlet for stress. Why is he stressed? It can be beneficial to evaluate your stress level. Is there something that happened recently or that is currently going on that you find stressful? Everything is energy and energy can be transferred from one to the other; whether human or animal.

Other known signs of stress in animals include birds plucking out their feathers, cats overgrooming themselves, animals not wanting to eat and hiding. These behaviors can also be sign of illness, so they shouldn’t be ignored.

If there is conflict going on in your household or changes that have created a stressful environment, your pets will be effected. However some may show outward signs more obviously than others. Just like all people are different, so are all animals. Some are more go with the flow, letting things roll of their backs. Others may have a lot going on under a facade of courage, stoicism and “I’m fine!”

This dog has a treat. His panting could be a sign of stress that he feels trying to guard his tasty treasure.

Some signs of stress may seem completely natural. That is because in some situations they are natural, but they can communicate much more. There are a number of behaviors that are termed “calming signals” in dogs that can be signs of stress. Lip licks, panting, yawning, ignoring a situation by sniffing the ground or looking away are just some examples. They can be an attempt to calm a situation or another dog, though they can be used when relating to people too. For example, if it isn’t hot out and your dog doesn’t have a reason to be panting, it could be a sign of stress.

It can be helpful to not only pay attention to signs of stress in our animal friends, but to also be aware of how you are feeling yourself. If you are stressed, upset or unhappy about something in your life perhaps it needs some attention. It may be a situation that can be changed through communication with someone or perhaps it simply needs to be approached with a new perspective. Sometimes the way to create beneficial change is to completely leave a situation. Each scenario is unique, so it can be helpful to reflect on it, as such.

In addition to animal communication, energy healing and reading I teach meditation techniques that can help to reduce stress, as well as be more aware of how you are feeling. The style of meditation that I practice and share with others provides tools to help release energy you no longer want to make more room for what you want in the present. This process helps you to heal and create change in any aspect of your life. This includes your relationships with your pets.

To learn more, feel free to contact me. I will be restarting my Meditation Club soon. Everyone in the club receives a new recorded, guided meditation each month. Meditation literally saved my life. More than once and it still helps me in my life. Meditation has provided me with tools in many situations, including loss of loved ones, making changes and depression. If you are looking for support, meditation is just a deep breath away!

Thanks for reading!


Arizona Desert Wildlife

At the beginning of one of our morning walks the air smelled like skunk. The smell seemed to dissapate, as we continued on, so I forgot about it.

A Rock Walk. ;-)

A walk with Rock is always an adventure. 🙂

Rock loves his walks. He has a lot of energy and a curious Retriever nose, disguised in a Chihuahua body. So he sniffed and I looked. He enjoyed the smells while I rejoiced in the sights of the desert with trees a.k.a. Prescott, Arizona.

We have had fun exploring and I like Rock’s curiosity and sense of adventure. We were walking on a path lined with trees. Over to the left I heard a noise and saw something move. I actually thought it was a trash bag blowing in the wind for some reason. It wasn’t. Haha! Nor was it a skunk. It was a Javelina also known as a Peccary or Skunk Pig, hence the odor I smelled earlier.

There were actually two of them. Rock saw them too and surprisingly didn’t bark. In fact I found it interesting and was surprised he wasn’t more reactive. However, I could tell he was mainly trying to figure out what in the heck these things were! He huffed a few times, stared at them and changed positions, but didn’t agress towards them. I’m sure what helped is that they were calm and although they looked at us for a moment, they went right back to foraging for food. They weren’t interested or concerned about us.

A Peccary at night, courtesy of I love you Morgue File photographers!!!

A Peccary at night, courtesy of I love you Morgue File photographers!!!

Someone had told me about there existence in Arizona, so I had heard about them before. I forgot about them until that moment though. I had been told that they can be aggressive and mean, so I was watching them with caution, waiting to see if they would charge us, but again they were not threatened by us being there. I love seeing animals in their natural habitat. It makes me so happy! After several moments of this live Natural Geographic documentary, Rock wanted to leave. So we did. I would have liked to have snapped photos, but my phone battery was out of juice. I have included two photos in this post that I was able to download from It is an awesome website with a great selection of beautiful stock photos available for FREE, with some restrictions. I have been using them for years. Photos may have varying use criteria, so be sure and read and abide by their guidlines. Here’s a link to

Here is a cute photo of a Javelina. Also known as a Peccary or Skunk Pig.

Here is a cute photo of a resting Javelina. Also known as a Peccary or Skunk Pig. Photo is courtesy of

I was over the top excited to see these two Javelinas and wanted to learn more about them. I was able to thanks to Google! Here’s a Wikipedia article about these wild pig like creatures if you would like to learn more. Plus another photo!

While I am mainly known for working with people and there pets, I have helped people with wild animals in and out of captivity, as well as farm animals. I also provide services for people without animals. Any being, living or that has passed on. I am a spiritual communicator and reader of souls. Want more information? Call me at 619-797-0705.


Happy Valentine’s Day

Yesterday was Happy Hiking. Today is Happy Valentine’s Day. We will have to see what type of happy we are tomorrow. 😉

Sindi outside hiking on a beautiful day in Prescott, AZ.

On a rejuvenating, meditative nature walk with my nature boy, Rock. See photo below.


Rock is a Retriever in a Chihuahua body. Well... At least his nose is. ;-)

Rock is a Retriever in a Chihuahua body. Well… At least his nose is Retriever-ish. 😉

On one of our recent hikes we came across abundant paw prints in the dirt. Do you think they are coyote tracks or from a domesticated dog? Check out the photo below.

Coyote or dog tracks? What do you think?

Coyote or dog tracks? What do you think?

One of the things I like about hiking and being out in nature is seeing wildlife. As you may know, I love animals! Whether birds, lizards or whatever creature might reveal itself to me. The other day I was overjoyed to see that a cute little ladybug had landed on my car. I realized that I hadn’t seen one in quite awhile. Aren’t ladybugs supposed to bring luck? I think more than one person has told me that seeing ladybugs represents that particular symbolism. I do know that seeing this spotted creature brought me joy. A sales manager I had years ago said that luck is when preparedness meets opportunity. To me, this means being in the present moment and able to respond to what may come your way. In the case of meeting this ladybug friend, I was definitely in the present moment. I had the opportunity to experience an interaction with this being, was prepared to do so and received the energetic result of joy.

There are so many different inhabitants of the animal kingdom. Today, my friend David posted photos on my Facebook timeline of a cute little critter called a Quokka. I never saw this animal before. I didn’t consciously know they existed until David shared the photos with me. I said it looked like  a Koala Chipmunk! Haha! It was absolutely adorable. It is a marsupial apparently, but not sure if it is actually related to the cute Koala Bear or not. I guess I need to Google it and find out! So cute!

The more I learn about animals, the more I want to learn and the more I realize how much more there is to know. I absolutely love getting to work with animals and their people. If you want to learn more about the animals in your life, contact me. We can learn more together. 619-797-0705

Enjoy your evening!


Morning Nature Meditation for Two

I meditated outside this morning in the beauty of Prescott, Arizona. If you haven’t been here before, it’s a small college town with a relaxing feel. I really love the historical downtown area and the pretty outskirts with beautiful rocks, mountains and trees, trees, TREES!!!

My meditation spot this morning. How lucky am I!

My meditation spot this morning. How lucky am I! Feeling very grateful today!!

Being around greenery and more specifically, the aforementioned trees makes me so happy and at peace. Which is why I chose to meditate outside this morning. So that my loyal Chi-ROCK-Dawg, could be near me while I meditated, I set up his own meditation chair complete with his bed and his favorite chew. However, he opted for my lap instead!

La meditation pour deux!

La meditation pour deux, Prescott, Arizona.

It was so lovely with singing birds, cool breeze and all that nature has to offer. I’m looking forward to another morning meditation tomorrow, outdoors with my loyal canine companion. I will set up his own chair again. But of course I will have no objections if he chooses to cuddle with me instead.

We are planning on being here for awhile longer. We may even come back after my next event in Sedona on February 20 and 21. I will be at Sedona Pet Supply in Bashas’ Shopping Center at 140 Coffee Pot Drive offering one on one animal communication readings. If your in the area, stop by!

If you aren’t nearby and would like a long distance animal communication session, psychic reading, energy healing, pet nutrition consultation or positive reinforcement training assistance, call me at 619-797-0705. I’m here to help!

Everyday is Different

Well if I was tired of any routine, that particular fatigue is gone! Each day of my journey has been unique. Perhaps that is true about everyday of our lives. Though our routines that we grow accustomed to can provide feelings of regularity, familiarity and stability, as well as, at times perhaps, boredom.

Besides drinking water, using the restroom and walking Rock, the most routine thing in my life right now has been driving. Of course, after not having a working car for over eight months, this could be one of those, “be careful what you pray for” moments. Even though I am driving often, every single drive is different. Varied sights, temperatures and smoothness, or should I say, bumpiness of road.

You may have noticed that I didn’t mention eating or visiting Starbucks in my list of most common routines. That is because my eating schedule has been thrown off and I oddly haven’t been drinking coffee daily. I also purchased some of Starbucks packets of instant coffee that have been super convenient! I love them. I bought a package of 12 during the holidays. Each packet is a one cup serving. Just add any temperature of water, stir and you are good to go! Yum and thank you, caffeine!


Thanks to their instant coffee packets, now Starbucks can be everywhere I go!

I’m in a hotel in Las Vegas and I feel like the guest with a million complaints! But they are all legitimate. Well… You decide!

1) My nonsmoking room smelled like smoke. The two women at the front desk gave me an option of the room next door, but it smelled more like smoke than the first one! I was tired and had already brought a load of stuff to the first room, so I opted to just buck up or you might say, go with the flow, and stay there. I wanted to get settled, feed Rock and then feed me, which I did with thin crust pizza with bell pepper and pineapple toppings from Dominoes. It tasted so good to me! I haven’t had Dominoes in a long, long time!

2) I couldn’t get the TV to turn on when I pressed the Power button on the remote. I asked the young woman at the front desk if there was a secret to turning on the TV. She said she would send maintenance over. In the interim I discovered that I needed to press Play and not Power. But of course, haha! I called the front desk to let them know in case any other guests may be similarly technologically challenged. In her defense, I think the woman I spoke to was new and not familiar with the querks of the hotel. 🙂

3) My toilet kept running really loud. Not consistently, so it would be quiet for awhile and then a rush of water would startle me, as I tried to fall asleep. Jiggling the handle did nothing to change it. The nighttime front desk man said that I could turn the water valve off. Okay. I can do that. My 133rd most favorite thing to do in a hotel: turn the toilet water valve on and off, as flushing is needed. Haha! 😉 But it was around 12:40 AM when I called him. Not sure what else he possibly could have done. He gave me a workable solution and one that I hadn’t thought of. So thank you, him! 🙂

So I guess not everything that happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas! Goodnight! Going to get some sleep in preparation of another unique day with my big little trooper. Thanks for reading this post! Have a Wild and/or Tame day!


Rock sleeps where I sleep, but he also has beds all his own. This is his current favorite. I put my shirt in it for him to cuddle on.

Animal Communication at San Diego Humane Society

Sindi and Ginger.

Sindi and Ginger communicating a la love.

On Thursday, September 18 from 6:30 – 8:00 PM, I will be doing an animal communication presentation and demonstration at the San Diego Humane Society located at 5500 Gaines St., San Diego in the Linda Vista area. Free parking is available in their lot and on the adjoining streets. If you use public transportation, it’s just a short walk from the Morena/Linda Vista trolley station.

You can RSVP for the event on the San Diego Humane Society’s website at the link below. Admission is a $12 donation to the SDHS which can be given the night of the event to support the organization’s mission to help animals in need.

meditation photoI will be sharing techniques that assist me and can assist you in all that you do, including communicating more clearly with your animal friends. Following my presentation and an interactive Q & A session, I will be doing a live demonstration. A few audience members will be invited to participate in an animal communication session and psychic reading. This class is for humans only and your companion animals do not have to be present to receive a reading.

Sindi and black cat at the San Diego Humane Society in their cat adoption gallery room.

I felt honored to spend time in the cat adoption gallery room at the San Diego Humane Society. And P.S. I LOVE black cats!!!

I believe that we are souls; spiritual beings. When the body dies, we, as spirit continue our journey. I offer energy healing, psychic reading and animal communication sessions for souls still physically present in bodies and those that have passed on.

If you have questions about my presentation or any of my services, feel free to call me at 619-797-0705 or email me at Hope to see you on Thursday at the San Diego Humane Society or another time soon!!!

Holistic Pet Care

Although the word “holistic,” is often used in place of “natural” or “organic,” it actually means whole. When partnered with the word “care,” as in “holistic care,” it means care of the whole person or whole animal.

When talking about the “whole” person or companion animal, some use the grouping of, body, mind and spirit. Since the mind, or brain, is a part of the body, I simplify it a little. I address, communicate with and help treat body and spirit or the body and the soul.

Energy healing, doggie massage and T-Touch techniques.I have seen seemingly miraculous changes occur through the use of animal communication, energy healing and reading. I can say the same for implementing new dietary approaches, food sources and supplement usage.

I am so excited to be presenting Holistic Cat Care 101 and Holistic Dog Care 101 in October of this year in San Diego. In both classes, I will share what I have learned in my many years of assisting my own pets, as well as the companion animals of others. The first hour will be jam packed with helpful information that you can start using immediately to improve the quality of your pets’ lives. Nutrition, supplements, relaxation techniques and more will be presented in the first hour. Following a half hour break, I will have a short Q & A followed by a live, public animal communication demonstration. Several participants will have the opportunity to ask me questions about their pets.

If you want your companion animal to be as happy and healthy as possible and/or you want to see a pet psychic in action, these are the classes for you!

Holistic Cat Care 101 will be all about cats and Holistic Dog Care 101 will focus on dogs. Attend one or both! A discount applies to those choosing to attend both workshops.

Both classes will be held in the Loomis Auditorium at the San Diego Humane Society’s Central Campus at 5500 Gaines St., in San Diego. Email me at for additional information and to register for either or both classes. Thanks and I hope to see you soon! -Sindi