Aura Readings

Update on Services
Are you on my email mailing list? If you are, you previously learned that I am no longer doing solely animal communication and pet psychic readings. In that same newsletter I also mentioned that if I do offer them again, it will be in a different way. After several months of meditation and contemplation, I will be refocusing and working in areas where I have the most experience.
I started my energy work, healing and reading with people many years ago. It was later that I formally included animals in my practice. I have been working with animals since 2007. This year, I will be going back to my roots! In my service to people, I will help animals because the happier the person, the happier their animal friends will be. By you getting more in touch with yourself you can be more present in your life, including with your pets. Instead of just answering questions, a session with me will start with an aura reading. Your aura is the energy field around you and your body.
During an aura reading, I look at the seven main layers of your aura. Following an aura reading you can ask questions about yourself and and your life, which can include your animal friends.
Below is a drawing I made to accompany an aura reading I received a couple of weeks ago. Yes, I get them too! I received my reading at CDM Spiritual Center in Everett, Washington. It was amazing and so helpful. It reminded me how beneficial receiving this information can be. We are often so close to situations in our lives, especially things we are emotional about. It can be helpful to have a neutral, outside observer to provide insight. Plus, aura readings are really fun! I do rose/spiritual awareness and past life readings also.

An aura reading is a personalized, non-judgmental overview of what is going on with you and your life situations. This includes how you relate to the physical and survival issues, your emotions, communication, clairvoyance and more!

My intent from the beginning of when I started offering readings was to help people to get more in touch with themselves and their own information. My goal was to help humans to validate, accept and use their own abilities to communicate with animals. I believe that returning to working more predominantly with people will allow me to do what I originally intended to do. Your animal friends will still be involved! In fact, they can get aura readings too! All living things have auras!

I also still offer nutrition consulting for dogs and cats and teach meditation techniques to humans. Speaking of which, I will be starting the Meditation Club again very soon!
Thank you all for your support over the years. I hope you choose to continue to play with me, as we enjoy our mutual sharing, learning and changing. – Sindi

Felines First Rescue and Oregon Ferret Shelter

Felines First Rescue and the Oregon Ferret Shelter are two Oregon non-profit animal welfare organizations that are consistently helping animals in need. They will both be at The Filling Station Pet Supplies in Tigard, Oregon on Saturday, February 25 from 12:00 – 3:00 PM. Along with animals available for adoption, they will be available to answers questions and help educate about how to best care for your cat and ferret friends.

I will also be there offering mini-readings. I will be doing animal communication sessions and psychic readings with all proceeds going to Felines First Rescue and the Oregon Ferret Shelter. My one question readings are open donation, so you can give what you can! First come, first serve and your pets don’t have to be present to receive a reading. Just show up and let me do the rest! Readings are fun, informative and help to enhance the bond between you and your companion animals. I do readings for all animals, whether wild or tame, as well as people. In addition to those present in your life, I also communicate with souls that have passed on. Both animals and humans.

In addition to gaining insight into the behaviors and feelings of your pets, if you need a feline or ferret fix, or you are looking for a new friend to add to your life, consider visiting us on Saturday, February 25. Remember, there is no set amount for my readings. They are open donation with 100% of the proceeds benefiting these two awesome rescue groups.

If you have questions you can call The Filling Station Pet Supplies at 503-352-4269. Hope to see you on Saturday enjoying the felines, ferrets and fundraising to help those in need.

Sedona Pet Supply

The beauty of Sedona, Arizona. Red Rocks!

The beauty of Sedona, Arizona. Red Rocks!

Saturday, April 11th I will be back at Sedona Pet Supply offering an Animal Communication presentation and demonstration at 11:00 AM and animal communication sessions and psychic readings from 11:30 AM until 3:00 PM. There will also be free treats, food samples and a cat and dog adoption event with a local animal rescue.

SEDONA PET SUPPLY – 140 Coffee Pot Drive – Sedona, Arizona

Come see me and my feline friend, Ace!

Here is one of my new black cat friends, Ace. I met him in Sedona, Arizona at Sedona Pet Supply. Love him!

Me and Ace in Sedona, Arizona at Sedona Pet Supply. Love him!

P.S. I’ll be back in San Diego on Tuesday, April 14 at Paw Country Holistic Pet Supply from 2:00 – 6:00 PM. 5652 Lake Murray Blvd., La Mesa, CA


Animal Communication at San Diego Humane Society

Sindi and Ginger.

Sindi and Ginger communicating a la love.

On Thursday, September 18 from 6:30 – 8:00 PM, I will be doing an animal communication presentation and demonstration at the San Diego Humane Society located at 5500 Gaines St., San Diego in the Linda Vista area. Free parking is available in their lot and on the adjoining streets. If you use public transportation, it’s just a short walk from the Morena/Linda Vista trolley station.

You can RSVP for the event on the San Diego Humane Society’s website at the link below. Admission is a $12 donation to the SDHS which can be given the night of the event to support the organization’s mission to help animals in need.

meditation photoI will be sharing techniques that assist me and can assist you in all that you do, including communicating more clearly with your animal friends. Following my presentation and an interactive Q & A session, I will be doing a live demonstration. A few audience members will be invited to participate in an animal communication session and psychic reading. This class is for humans only and your companion animals do not have to be present to receive a reading.

Sindi and black cat at the San Diego Humane Society in their cat adoption gallery room.

I felt honored to spend time in the cat adoption gallery room at the San Diego Humane Society. And P.S. I LOVE black cats!!!

I believe that we are souls; spiritual beings. When the body dies, we, as spirit continue our journey. I offer energy healing, psychic reading and animal communication sessions for souls still physically present in bodies and those that have passed on.

If you have questions about my presentation or any of my services, feel free to call me at 619-797-0705 or email me at Hope to see you on Thursday at the San Diego Humane Society or another time soon!!!

Getting Controversial in North Park

Here I am giving Tim an aura healing. Radar is helping!

Psychic reader and healer giving Tim an aura healing i Old Town San Diego. Radar is helping!

This Friday, May 2 at 7:00 PM, I will be giving an Animal Communication presentation and demonstration. It will last until about 8:45 PM and is $18 per person. This particular event is for people only, so please leave your animal friends at home. Those under 18 are welcome if accompanied by a parent or adult guardian.

I have given a variety of talks over the years, including Holistic Cat Care and Holistic Dog Care. I have taught meditation classes and workshops and led guided meditation for people and people with their dogs. It seems that the most popular topic I have yet to present is Animal Communication.

My goal is to help people to discover and validate their ability to consciously communicate with their companion animals. Even physicists agree that everything is energy. We store our emotions, thoughts, experiences and dreams all as energy. Not just us humans, but all animals too. As an energy healer, I feel energy. As a clairvoyant and psychic reader I see energy. As an animal communicator I engage in telepathic communication, as well as use my psychic reading abilities to receive and relay clear messages from animals to their people. I do the same for people without animals. I use the same approach because not only is everything energy, but we are spirit. All of us with bodies are spirits; animals and humans.

As a psychic, I have also been referred to, as a Medium. This term is commonly used to describe someone that talks to the dead or can otherwise tune into, sense and/or communicate with those that have passed on. I personally am hesitant to call myself a medium because I do not “channel” other spirit, other than myself. Some mediums channel the souls that have passed or other beings. I channel myself and it is me who interacts directly with the souls that have passed, whether spirits that have been associated with human or animal bodies. I communicate for them vs. them communicating through my body. I find that having separate spaces to be more beneficial.

Energy Healer Sindi giving Wyn a non-touch aura cleansing.

Animal Communicator and Energy Healer Sindi giving Wyn a non-touch aura cleansing in San Diego.

I am spirit. You are spirit. Your animal and human friends and family are also spirit. We manifest through our own bodies. Souls can choose to allow other spirits to manifest, invade or be channeled through their bodies. I, however, feel best, healthiest and happiest, when it is me, myself as spirit, flowing through my body. When I experience someone else’s energy, whether they themselves have a body or are spirit without a body, I don’t feel well. Others’ energy in my body and space can make me feel tired, overwhelmed, depressed, insecure, confused, agitated, irritated, fearful, shut down and otherwise uncomfortable.

When I was 18 years old, I was blessed to learn meditative visualization techniques to assist me to consciously channel myself, flow and manifest through my own body. I learned them from CDM, a spiritual teaching center in Everett, Washington, just north of Seattle. By grounding, centering and releasing energy, I can protect and own my space, as well as let go of energies I may pick up that I don’t want to interfere with my well being.

Sindi doing a psychic reading and animal communication session at Friends of Cats in El Cajon, California.

Sindi doing a psychic reading and animal communication session at Friends of Cats in El Cajon, California.

This Friday, May 2 at 7:00 PM at the Controversial Bookstore in the North Park area of San Diego, I will be sharing these techniques with you. I will also answer questions you may have about energy, spirit, psychic phenomena, animal communication and more. If you have questions, feel free to call me at 619-797-0705 or email me at You can also call the bookstore to register and pay in advance if you like. You are also welcome to just show up and enjoy this fun, educational talk and demonstration.

Controversial Bookstore

3063 University Avenue San Diego, CA  92104
Telephone: 619-296-1560

Here is a link to the Controversial metaphysical bookstore’s calendar of events.

At the Controversial Bookstore they have metaphysical books, meditative music, healing stones and so many other varied accessories to help you on your path, whatever your beliefs.

I strongly recommend the following website for books and CDs on meditation, healing, clairvoyance, chakras, Kundalini energy and more.

Hope to see on Friday, May 2 at 7:00 PM!

Rock and Sindi’s Excellent Adventure

Sindi and her Chi dog, Rock

Rock makes everything in my life a lot more fun, including road trips!

Although we started planning for my Animal Communication presentation and demonstration months ago, my visit to Phoenix came and went last weekend. It was a full weekend with readings Saturday, Sunday and I was even able to sneak one last one in on Monday morning. My talk was a lot of fun and I felt very welcomed by the participants. The proceeds from my talk went to the animal loving non-profit animal rescue, Poverty’s Pets of Phoenix.

I enjoyed my time at the Noble Beast Natural Pet Market, where my presentation and the majority of my readings took place. The owner and staff were absolutely lovely and accommodating. When it comes to shopping, I would rather shop for my dog any day of the week. So I especially love visits to health conscious, independently owned pet supply stores, such as this beautiful one in Phoenix, Arizona located at 1005 Camelback Road. I bought a car harness for Rock that hooks to the seat belt. I liked the look of it and how it fit him and he seemed pretty excited about it too! Noble Beast has a variety of humane collars, harnesses and leashes, as well as healthy food and treats, beds and carriers and a wonderful assortment of toys. I loved the entire experience!

Rock and I met a number of great new friends. In addition to some related to the Noble Beast and my work, the lovely dog sitters, Brandi and Christian with Rise and Shine Petsitting. They were so kind and compassionate with Rock. I could tell that they truly loved him and he loved them too. What a relief that as a pet parent not have to worry about my beloved animal friend when I’m gone!

In addition to Rise and Shine Petsitting’s recommendation of checking out the beautiful Encanto Park, the owner of Noble Beast pet supply store, suggested I check out Dreamy Draw, when I asked her for a nice place to go for a hike. Although by the time Rock and I made it there on our way out of town on Monday, it was too hot to go for an actual hike, we enjoyed a nice walk and doggie potty break before hitting the road.

It took a while to get back, as I got a little turned around, as I was trying to leave town. I wondered if that was a sign that I wasn’t supposed to leave. 😉 But we eventually got on the right freeway, with the help of a kind, young man at a local 7-11 who took the time to help me. We stopped several times along the way for puppy and mommy snack and potty breaks. I also stopped in El Centro and got a new toy for Sir Rock at Ross there. If you don’t know, Ross stores have a pet section with beds, dog clothes, toys and more.

We finally made it back to San Diego around 10:00 PM. Before heading home, Rock and I drove straight to the site where I feed my feral kitty. My friend fed him while I was gone, so while he might have missed me, he didn’t miss out on his nightly feeding. Since I haven’t told you about my feral feline friend yet, I realize that that needs to be a blog post in the near future!

Well… I have an animal communication session and people and pet psychic reading to get ready for. So until next time… Hug your animal babies and have a Wild and/or Tame day!

Animal Questions and Answers

Here is Sindi at the Blessing of the Animals event in Old Town San Diego’s Historical Park back in January. She did public demonstrations on stage offering psychic readings and animal communication sessions during the event.

During a reading and animal communication session I may be asked any number of questions. However, there are certain questions I am asked more often than others. Many people simply want to know if their companion animal is happy or not. Or if there is anything additional they can do or give that will help them to be more content.

In actuality, the number one gift we can give to our companion animals is ourselves. Included in that number one spot is our time and our own happiness. Just as we worry about them, they worry about us. The calmer we are, the calmer they are. The happier we are, the happier they are.

We can be so busy with work, human children, significant others and any number of responsibilities, hardships and triumphs that may come our way. Through it all, are our pets. We can often feel we are being pulled in multiple directions with little time to even breathe, let a lone spend quality time with our companion animals on a daily basis. However, I highly recommend it! Just as meditation can make you feel better, so can time spent with your pet or any animal that crosses your path.

Animals are in the present. Spending time with them can help us to be more in the present moment. When we are in the past, we can feel depressed, apathetic, low energy. When we are in the future, we can experience anxiety, fear, stress. In the present we can experience more calmness, contentment and patience.

Our point of power is now. In the present, we can experience and access our power. Power is energy and information. The more we are in the present, the more we can experience our unique energy and be more in touch with ourselves and our own information and truths.

Our pets are here for us 24/7. Not only is receiving their love and appreciation enjoyable, but spending time with them, helps us feel better simply by helping us to be more in the present moment. It has even been scientifically proven that spending time with animals helps lower blood pressure, as well as having other measurable health benefits. Again… just like meditation!

So… give yourself permission to take more breaks with your companion animals. They will love it, and so will you. You both deserve the gift of your time.

If you would like information on how to enhance your relationship with your companion animals, contact Sindi at 360-601-4358 and If you would like to learn additional tools to help you be more in the present, contact Sindi about upcoming meditation classes and workshops.

9.21.2012 – Getting Space

Sometimes we need physical space to be well.

Today a kind person, actually a stranger, called me to tell me that she noticed my phone number was wrong on the banner of this website. I have looked a the banner many times, not noticing this obvious, and problematic typo. I am grateful to her for taking the time to let me know. It also presented the important reminder that having space is important.

What do I mean by that? As an outside observer browsing my site for the first time, she noticed a discrepancy between the phone number on the banner and where it is listed elsewhere on the site. I joked to her that that is why I need an editor to help me with my work! A second set of eyes to be a more objective observer and notice things I may not.

It is important to remember to allow for energetic space, especially in our close relationships.

When we work closely on a project or are have a close relationship and/or emotional attachment to a person or animal, we may miss something. It may be, as in this case, a typo or it may be an attempted communication that we aren’t clearing receiving.

We need space to effectively communicate. The more tightly we hold on to a person, animal, idea or something we want to create in our life, the more difficult it is to actually receive and enjoy it. The more challenging it also is to receive the information being communicated. When there is no available space in between there is nowhere for the energy and communication to go. The connection is to tight to allow for energy to flow and messages to be clearly given and received.

During a reading there is always physical space between us. This also assists to create necessary energetic space.

Someone asked me recently for tips on how to more clearly communicate with a cat in their life. This kind hearted person is very emotionally attached to the cat and concerned about her well being and welfare. I suggested she consider meditating to help her to be in the present moment and let go for clearer communication.

The form of meditation that I teach and practice helps to focus our attention into the present moment. The more in the present moment we can be, the clearer our communication. Animals are in the present moment. Our own physical bodies are in the present moment. That which we refer to as the physical reality, our home, car and workplace are all in the present moment.

The more that we have our energy and attention in the present, the more clearly we can communicate and the more effectively we can create what we want in our life.The form of meditation that I teach also helps us each to have our own space. It assists individuals to get to know themselves and their energy. In turn it helps them to recognize others’ energy.

Creating space does not mean being unloving. In fact, the more space there is, the more room for love to be experienced. It is a challenge for all of us to find our way of being close while still having space. I don’t know if there is ever an end to the learning.

You are welcome to contact me if you are interested in learning meditation techniques to assist you in your communication with animals, people and yourself. I also have an email mailing list. I send out information and keep people updated on events, classes and other happenings. If you would like to receive my newsletter and notifications, email me your name and email address and a note that you want to be added on.

Thanks for reading! Have a great day! -Sindi


8.1.2012 – SD Humane Society!

Puppies, kittens, rabbits and love galore at the San Diego Humane Society and SPCA!

I have enjoyed my experiences with the San Diego Humane Society, including providing my services at their Doggie Cafes.

Held the last Friday of every month, this dog friendly event gives leashed, well-mannered canines the opportunity to socialize along with their people.

Being appreciated is always appreciated! I am grateful for the opportunity to help people and their animal companions. I am also grateful for the kind testimonial I received from them this week. I have included it below.

Sindi Somers from Wild and Tame Wellness and Communication has been a great addition to the San Diego Humane Society and SPCA Doggie Café programs!  She has volunteered her services to provide complimentary readings for the guess at occasional Doggie Café events.  This popular addition to our Cafes has added a fun, engaging component to the evening.  Thanks, Sindi!

San Diego Humane Society and SPCA –

I’ll be sure and let you know the next time I’m there. In the mean time, if you are in need of any of my services, please email or call 619-797-0705.

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog. Happy Wednesday and welcome to a new month! Ah… August! -Sindi

7.30.2012 – San Diego Humane Society

When I first visited the San Diego Humane Society I was impressed by how the dogs and cats available for adoption were housed. Instead of jail bars, cement floors and cramped cages, the environments for the canine and feline friends were home like. Cats were provided with the important multiple levels to perch on, including the always fun cat trees. Dogs quarters had the feel of a living room. Although they aren’t overly large, they are leaps and bounds above traditional kennels. It is not as painful to see the homeless cats and dogs there, as compared to other shelters and homeless animal care organizations. I still wish they had homes, but their transitional living space is less cold and deprived seeming, which makes it easier to tolerate when walking through and viewing the lovely creatures.

The San Diego Humane Society not only has healthy dogs, cats, rabbits and other animals available for adoption, but they also host educational events for the public. I personally have enjoyed attending their workshops and have learned about canine massage, T-Touch and holistic veterinary approaches.

The last Friday of every month the San Diego Humane Society also hosts their Doggie Cafe. This monthly happening gives dogs and their people an opportunity to socialize. The Humane Society positive reinforcement trainers provide training tips and there are also prize giveaways and people and dog treats. I had the honor of being the special guest at the Doggie Cafes in June and July. I provided psychic readings and animal communications sessions to participants. I have been involved in this capacity with this beneficial non-profit animal welfare organization for a couple of years now.

Learn more about San Diego Humane Society events at the link below!

San Diego Humane Society Event Schedule

If you are interested in any of my services, feel free to contact me at 619-797-0705 or via email at For more information you can contact me at my other website at WildTameDotCom. Thanks for reading! Hope to hear from you!