It’s hard to believe that we are here at the beginning of yet another year. I hope your 2022 is off to a good start and that you are well, your body is healthy and you have some optimistic excitement for the days ahead.
It has been two years since the emergence of COVID-19 and the global pandemic that followed. What a time this has been for us all! It seems just as we start to get more relaxed and comfortable, a new variant shows up interfering with us going further in that direction.
Despite that, one important thing that has occurred is that many people have had more time to reflect. This ultimately has given them the opportunity to get more in touch with themselves and what they truly want to create in their life. And that’s a good thing! People are quitting jobs in record numbers. Exploring new industries and types of employment. Going back to school, learning new skills, but most importantly, spending extra time honoring themselves and what is truly important to them.

I definitely have enjoyed more quiet, meditative time. Increasing the use of my learned meditation techniques, not only while actively meditating, but also throughout my day, has helped me experience deeper and more consistent calmness. Grounding, specifically, has become an even stronger presences. Helping me to relax and reassure my body during these challenging times. Grounding from the the first chakra, near the base of the spine is a way to also let go of energies we don’t want, such as anxiety, depression, fear and lonliness.
Meditation has helped me get clearer about what I want to create in my life. This includes continuing my meditation practice and doing more energy work and spiritual healing. For myself, but also sharing this with others.
In addition to focusing more fully on providing sessions to assist people with their animal friends, I also am reestablishing my first practice, which was offering sessions for humans. While readings with animals always include their humans because we impact each other so much, I also want everyone to know that I offer sessions for people with or without animals in their lives.
Aura readings, spiritual awareness readings, past life readings, as well as energy healing and asking specific questions about situations in your life, all are options during a reading. You are welcome to ask questions about your animal friends during your individual “people” reading. You may also wish to ask about work, relationships, your spiritual path, psychic experiences you have had, blocks to changing patterns or creating more of what you want. These are some examples, but you can ask questions on any topic you would like feedback and insight about.

I have always had the option of long distance readings and healings. With the onset of the pandemic and because of the variants and ongoing spikes in COVID cases, I am now offering remote sessions only. Which actually allows anyone, anywhere to receive a session, easily and conveniently. You never have to get out of your pajamas, put your shoes on or leave your home!
If you’d like to learn more or feel ready to schedule a session, feel free to call or text me at 360-601-4358 or click here to email me!