While we have moved forward and reopened in amazing ways since the emergence of COVID-19, we are now faced with this scary new variant. Come Monday, August 23, 2021 we will be going back to masks in Washington State, including those of us that are fully vaccinated.
I have not written a blog post since before the pandemic and emergence of COVID-19. I actually was working full time since the summer of 2019 through May of the year. It was a different experience than some, as I was not at home during my work day.
For this round of the pandemic I am in a different situation. I plan on adding to my blog more often as a way to communicate with you all, as well as document this chapter of our world wide pandemic and how it is affecting us here in the United States.
I hope you and yours, including your animal friends are well and content. Please stay safe.
If you have questions or are interested in a remote people and/or animal/pet psychic reading, call or text Sindi at 360-601-4358 or email sindi@apetpsychic.com.